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Update charter.md
Please provide the following a literature reference (or attachment) which provides a scientific definition. A scientific definition is a quantitative one, not just words "unit for the amount of XYZ."...
I work in Dart/Flutter and am involved with HL7 and FHIR, and moving into CQL. For this, I needed a UCUM package. I've built out most of the functionality here:...
This is an editorial comment regarding the section on the U.S. units of survey length equal to 1200/3937 m. NIST issued an opinion in the Federal Register (U.S. legal regulations)...
An application I am working on requires the units of measure described below – these are not currently declared in UCUM as far as I can tell, but are derived...
Related to issue [289](https://github.com/ucum-org/ucum/issues/289), the order of definitions should be applied in ucum-essence.xml as [identified by NLM's LHC group](https://lhncbc.github.io/ucum-lhc/UcumEssenceModifications.html). > Changes in the order of the unit definitions > >...
The example UCUM unit codes ( v1.5, 2020_June) define "Torr", e.g. in Row 837 of [TableOfExampleUcumCodesForElectronicMessaging.xlsx](https://github.com/ucum-org/ucum/blob/main/common-units/TableOfExampleUcumCodesForElectronicMessaging.xlsx) The currently latest `ucum-essence.xml` (version 2.1, date: 2017-11-21) lacks a definition of Torr.
*Issue migrated from trac ticket # 5800* **component:** help | **priority:** blocker #### 2022-02-11 17:36:20: [email protected] created the issue ___ > Thermo Fisher Scientific is requesting kUA /l to be...