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How to generate the paris.txt
I want to train the superglue on my custom dataset, I already have the picture but I have no idea about how to generate the paris.txt in "sparse-txt" folder. could someone show me the code about generate this? much appreciate!
Same question.
I noticed that one line infomation in the pairs.txt consists of
img0_name, img1_name, K0, K1, R, T, overlap
Items except overlap may come from the dataset, but how to get the overlap?
@marichka-dobko Any information how this is generated?
In the README, it just says
overlap_AB - is a value of overlap between two images of the same scene, it shows how close (in position transformation) two images are.
I have checked the MegaDepth page, they don't mention that the provide the pairs.txt file. I assume that it is created from MegaDepth data, but how exactly?