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Learning to Auto-Complete using RNN Language Models

Learning Python Code Suggestion with a Sparse Pointer Network

This repository contains the code used in the paper "Learning Python Code Suggestion with a Sparse Pointer Network"


Generating the Corpus

Step 1: Cloning the Repos

To recreate the corpus used in the paper, run:

python3 github-scraper/ --mode=recreate --outdir=<PATH-TO-OUTPUT-DIR> --dbfile=/FULL/PATH/TO/pycodesuggest/data/cloned_repos.dat --githubuser=<GITHUB USERNAME>

Where outdir is the path on your local machine where the repos will be cloned. Note that the dbfile path should be the full path on your machine. You may be prompted for your Github password.

To obtain a fresh corpus based on a new search of Github, using the same criteria as the paper, run:

python3 github-scraper/ --mode=new --outdir=<PATH-TO-OUTPUT-DIR> --dbfile=cloned_repos.dat --githubuser=<GITHUB USERNAME>

Note that you may interrupt the process and continue where it left off later by providing the same dbfile.

There are a number of other parameters that allow you to create your own custom corpus, specifying the programming language or search term used to query Github amongst others. Run python3 github-scraper/ -h for more information

Step 2: (OPTIONAL): Remove unnecessary files

Linux/Mac OS: Run the following command in your output directory to remove non Python files

find . -type f ! -name "*.py" -delete

Step 3: Normalisation

Run the following command to normalise all files with a .py extension by providing the output directory of step 1 as the path. The normalised files will be written to a new directory with "normalised" appended to the path.

python3 github-scraper/ --path=<PATH TO DOWNLOADED CORPUS>

Files which can't be parsed as valid Python3 will be ignored. The list of successfully processed files is written to PATH/processed.txt which also allows for the normalisation to continue if interrupted.

Step 4: Split into train/dev/test

To use the same train/dev/test split as used in the paper, copy the files train_files.txt, valid_files.txt and test_files.txt from the data directory into the downloaded corpus and normalised corpus directories.

To generate a new split, run the following command which generates the list of train files (train_files.txt), validation files (valid_files.txt) and test files (test_files.txt) in the ratio 0.5/0.2/0.3. Use the normalised path from the previous step. This will ensure that the list of files is available in both the normalised and unnormalised data sets.

python3 github-scraper/ --path=<PATH TO NORMALISED CORPUS>

Then copy the 3 generated lists to the original un-normalised path.


If you make use of this code or the Python corpus, please cite:

  author    = {Avishkar Bhoopchand and
               Tim Rockt{\"{a}}schel and
               Earl Barr and
               Sebastian Riedel},
  title     = {Learning Python Code Suggestion with a Sparse Pointer Network},
  year      = {2016},
  url       = {}