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UCLA Radio Website
UCLA Radio
All of the code that powers uclaradio.com.
UCLA Radio is a Javascript application, powered by Node.js and utilizing the Express.js framework. We use MongoDB for our database and React on the front-end.
In addition to the visible site, we also have a RESTful API, which powers an internal panel for managers and DJs as well as our iOS and Android apps.
UCLA Radio is a completely student-run organization offering cultural content created by 100+ DJs. Let us know if you have any suggestions! All of the software here is written by students.
Getting Started
Below are the primary way we recommend for Windows and Mac users to set up the repo properly on their computer to run.
If you are wondering why you can't just clone it and be done it is because we have some extra programs that need to be
downloaded in order for to run and develop the website. These include Node, MongoDB, and Yarn mainly.
The Windows set up will require the usage of Windows Subsystem for Linux in order to make downloading and installing all of these software easy. It also helps to make the environment more similar to Mac users so it is easier to get help and work together.
Mac users will need Homebrew in order to have the command terminal be able to download and install programs as if it was a complete Linux system.
- Install Windows Subsystem for Linux. Please download Ubuntu.
- Open Ubuntu and ensure git is installed by running
git --version
. - Navigate back to the Windows c drive with
cd /mnt/c/Users
. (Note: if youls
and are worried about the denied permissions, that is normal because it simply means don't touch this or you might break something internally. Everything you need you have access to!) - Now once you are here, cd into your own user folder. Then navigate to a directory that you want to work in.
(Do not just put it in your user folder--go to your desktop or documents folder)
cd Bob/Desktop
andmkdir radio_stuff
to make a folder/directory - Run the command
git clone https://github.com/uclaradio/uclaradio.git
. While you wait for it download, give us some love by starring our repo. - Navigate to the set up script with
cd uclaradio/scripts
. Then run oursetup_ubuntu.sh
script.- Wondering what this does? Basically it installs the latest versions of Node, MongoDB, and Yarn, then uses these programs to install the packages we use and set up a local database.
- Is yarn not working? Try yarn --version and if you see 0.3# instead of 1.#.#, then run
sudo apt remove cmdtest
Rerun the setup script and see if it works now. More on this issue here - Is the setup script not running and returning an error? Try running
sudo apt-get install dos2unix
and thendos2unix setup_ubuntu.sh
(to fix WSL formatting error).
- Open up another Ubuntu window by left-clicking the icon at the bottom and clicking Ubuntu. Navigate to the uclaradio repo. (To make life easier, just copy the path from the original window!)
- Run mongo with
in one Ubuntu window. - Run
yarn dev
in the other Ubuntu window to start the server for development. - Point your browser to
:heart_eyes: - Please note that whenever you open a new ubuntu terminal you will have to navigate back to the Windows c file system.
This is done as said before by going for example
cd /mnt/c/Users/Bob/Desktop/uclaradio
. The reason for having to do this every time you open instead of simply cloning the repo into the default WSL Ubuntu root setup is because this way you can find and open the repo with file explorer. If you'd like to edit files easily using a text/code editor, this is very crucial.
- Install Homebrew.
- Install git by running
brew install git
or by installing Xcode command line tools (which includes git) withxcode-select --install
. - Clone our repo by running the command
git clone https://github.com/uclaradio/uclaradio.git
. While you wait for it download, give us some love by starring our repo. - Navigate to the
directory and run oursetup.sh
script. - Run
nodenv init
, and follow the instructions it tells you.- If you have a problem that looks like
error: unknown type name 'uint64_t' uint64_t ri_user_time;
you're going to need to rename your/usr/local/include
folder to something else. I usedusr/local/include_old
. This solution is from the following issuehttps://github.com/cython/cython/issues/2009
if you're interested in reading more about the error.
- If you have a problem that looks like
- Run mongo with
. - Run
yarn dev
to start the server for development. - Point your browser to
- Make sure all packages are installed with
. - Run
node bin/www prod
to start the server for production (will require HTTPS and listen on port 80).
Getting Started
├── LICENSE.md
├── README.md
├── app # Backend code
│ ├── app.js # The main server file
│ ├── database/ #
│ ├── routes/ #
│ └── services/ #
├── bin
│ └── www # The command to run node
├── client # Frontend code
│ ├── public/ #
│ ├── react/ # React files
│ └── views/ # Jade templates
├── defaultPasswords.json
├── package.json
├── scripts/ # Scripts to set things up
├── webpack.config.babel.js
└── yarn.lock
Requirements for new code
As a student-run organization, UCLA Radio is especially liable to technical debt. We have some goals for cleaning up our codebase in the future, but most importantly new code should:
- Have new front-end pages in React. We prefer using a front-end framework with an API to complicated templates.
- Delete files that are not used anymore. It's okay, get rid of clutter.
- Follow an organized structure. Put things in the right directories.
We accept changes from both radio web members and outside contributors. Please note both our contributing guidelines and code of conduct before making a pull request. Want to join radio? We accept applications every quarter.
All of the code here is released under the GNU AGPL 3.0 License, which basically means you can do anything you want with the code here as long as you attribute us and release what you make under the same license. If you've made something cool with our code or are interested in relicensing our code, let us know; we'd love to hear what you made!