Jonathan Burkhardt
Jonathan Burkhardt
DABrydon, 1. Did you run the installer in compatibility mode? 2. The CPSCHCK file may be the license checker file, I'd have to look, so that could certainly be part...
I'm sorry to hear that you are having difficulties downloading the software. Unfortunately, anything with the github site is not impacted by our code but rather github itself. It may...
The original code relied on numerous ActiveX components. Please see for an example of a completely converted package. We went through and identified each ActiveX component after we did...
@Tatisgua - You can try running it with a different compatibility mode. Possibly WinXP, or Windows95. In the ETDOT10/dbase/ folder, do you have cpas.lic, cpas.ini, cpaschk.exe and cpaslib.dll? And does...
@Tatisgua - When you said you installed the packages, did open the under the release tab, and run the included setup.exe? There are exe files included in various folders,...
@fahdzc Unfortunately, no solution to this has yet been found. If you are interested in modeling Ion Exchange Resins, please see for a Python based approach.
@Mctrong Can you please explain what you are doing that is causing the issue? Just saving the file, or print to file? Thanks
Thank you for letting us know about this issue. We'll look into it. At present there is not a fix.
@mxdamien @HHall2 I am sorry that you are both having issues installing ETDOT. If you are only interested in AdDesignS, that has been updated to be Windows10 compatible, and does...
Unfortunately, I know very little about what the installer is doing. We have invested very little time in looking at the installer, as we were hoping to eliminate its need...