Jonathan Burkhardt
Jonathan Burkhardt
@kaklise Not the prettiest code, but something like the code below should work. I didn't implement the "zip" approach that WNTR uses, but should be easy enough to do. The...
Were you trying to save network files, or just have default behaviors saved?
write_inpfile has moved. It can now be called as wntr_object, filename ). Hope that helps.
@mark-chung You can view patterns using 'get_pattern'. To just see the array of pattern multipliers you can use the following. wn.get_pattern('RS_1').multipliers If you don't put the .multipliers you can see...
@mark-chung you can run "wn.pattern_name_list" to see a list of all available pattern names. My example only pulls out the specific "RS_1". But you just need to insert the appropriate...
@mark-chung Sorry for my confusion. I thought you were just trying to access the pattern. @kaklise @dbhart Any thoughts on this? I don't recall how to access this information (or...
@WilltheCat Have you looked at the thread for issue #4 ? Also, when you say it won't let you go any further, what do you mean? Does the process stop,...
@WilltheCat Thanks for the thorough reply. I am unsure of what could be causing the issue. I am going to highlight two possible issues that may not be the issue,...
@WilltheCat That's great. Thanks for confirming that something worked.
@kdoudrick Sorry Kyle, I thought I had already replied to this, but evidently not. No, at the moment I do not have a password for these databases. We are planning...