piranha copied to clipboard
Model architectures cannot be executed
Defining the following architectures for LeNet and AlexNet (as used by CryptGPU) result in an error on size mismatch on layer 4 even though the architectures run in other frameworks. Do you have an idea how to fix this?
"name": "LeNet",
"dataset": "MNIST",
"batch_size": 128,
"input_size": 784,
"num_classes": 10,
"model": [
"layer": "cnn",
"input_hw": [28, 28],
"in_channels": 1,
"out_channels": 6,
"filter_hw": [5, 5],
"stride": 1,
"padding": 2
"layer": "relu",
"input_dim": 4704
"layer": "averagepool",
"input_hw": [28, 28],
"in_channels": 6,
"pool_hw": [2, 2],
"stride": 2
"layer": "cnn",
"input_hw": [14, 14],
"in_channels": 6,
"out_channels": 16,
"filter_hw": [5, 5],
"stride": 1,
"padding": 0
"layer": "relu",
"input_dim": 2240
"layer": "averagepool",
"input_hw": [10, 10],
"in_channels": 16,
"pool_hw": [2, 2],
"stride": 2
"layer": "fc",
"input_dim": 400,
"output_dim": 120
"layer": "relu",
"input_dim": 120
"layer": "fc",
"input_dim": 120,
"output_dim": 84
"layer": "relu",
"input_dim": 84
"layer": "fc",
"input_dim": 84,
"output_dim": 10
(1) CNN Layer 28 x 28 x 1
5 x 5 (Filter Size)
1 , 2 (Stride, padding)
1 (Batch Size)
28 x 28 x 6 (Output)
(2) ReLU Layer 1 x 4704
(3) Averagepool Layer 28 x 28 x 6
2 (Pooling Size)
2 (Stride)
1 (Batch Size)
(4) CNN Layer 14 x 14 x 6
5 x 5 (Filter Size)
1 , 0 (Stride, padding)
1 (Batch Size)
10 x 10 x 16 (Output)
(5) ReLU Layer 1 x 2240
(6) Averagepool Layer 10 x 10 x 16
2 (Pooling Size)
2 (Stride)
1 (Batch Size)
(7) FC Layer 400 x 120
1 (Batch Size)
(8) ReLU Layer 1 x 120
(9) FC Layer 120 x 84
1 (Batch Size)
(10) ReLU Layer 1 x 84
(11) FC Layer 84 x 10
1 (Batch Size)
-- Epoch 0 (3 iterations, log_lr = 3) --
layer 0
cnn,fw activation,min,-1.767334e+00,avg,-1.063008e-02,max,1.515381e+00
layer 1
relu,fw activation,min,0.000000e+00,avg,8.892500e-02,max,1.515381e+00
layer 2
avgpool,fw activation,min,0.000000e+00,avg,8.888982e-02,max,1.299316e+00
layer 3
cnn,fw activation,min,-1.362305e+00,avg,-5.258331e-02,max,1.286377e+00
layer 4
piranha: src/nn/../mpc/RSS.inl:545: void selectShare(const RSS<T, I>&, const RSS<T, I2>&, const RSS<U, I3>&, RSS<T, I4>&) [with piranha: src/nn/../mpc/RSS.inl:545: void selectShare(const RSS<T, I>&, const RSS<T, I2>&, const RSS<U, I3>&, RSS<T, I4>&) [with T = long unsigned int; U = unsigned char; I = thrust::detail::normal_iterator<thrust::device_ptr<long unsigned int> >; I2 = thruT = long unsigned int; U = unsigned char; I = thrust::detail::normal_iterator<thrust::device_ptr<long unsigned int> >; I2 = thrust::detail::normal_iterator<thrust::device_ptr<long unsigned int> >; I3 = thrust::detail::normal_iterator<thrust::device_ptr<unsst::detail::normal_iterator<thrust::device_ptr<long unsigned int> >; I3 = thrust::detail::normal_iterator<thrust::device_ptr<unsigned char> >; I4 = thrust::detail::normal_iterator<thrust::device_ptr<long unsigned int> >]: Assertion `x.size() == y.size() &&igned char> >; I4 = thrust::detail::normal_iterator<thrust::device_ptr<long unsigned int> >]: Assertion `x.size() == y.size() && x.size() == b.size() && x.size() == z.size() && "RSS selectShare input size mismatch"' failed.
x.size() == b.size() && x.size() == z.size() && "RSS selectShare input size mismatch"' failed.
piranha: src/nn/../mpc/RSS.inl:545: void selectShare(const RSS<T, I>&, const RSS<T, I2>&, const RSS<U, I3>&, RSS<T, I4>&) [with T = long unsigned int; U = unsigned char; I = thrust::detail::normal_iterator<thrust::device_ptr<long unsigned int> >; I2 = thrust::detail::normal_iterator<thrust::device_ptr<long unsigned int> >; I3 = thrust::detail::normal_iterator<thrust::device_ptr<unsigned char> >; I4 = thrust::detail::normal_iterator<thrust::device_ptr<long unsigned int> >]: Assertion `x.size() == y.size() && x.size() == b.size() && x.size() == z.size() && "RSS selectShare input size mismatch"' failed.
^C./files/samples/localhost_runner.sh: line 6: 927560 Aborted
"name": "AlexNet_CryptGpu",
"dataset": "CIFAR-10",
"batch_size": 128,
"input_size": 3072,
"num_classes": 10,
"model": [
"layer": "cnn",
"input_hw": [32, 32],
"in_channels": 3,
"out_channels": 96,
"filter_hw": [11, 11],
"stride": 4,
"padding": 9
"layer": "relu",
"input_dim": 9600
"layer": "averagepool",
"input_hw": [10, 10],
"in_channels": 96,
"pool_hw": [3, 3],
"stride": 2
"layer": "cnn",
"input_hw": [4, 4],
"in_channels": 96,
"out_channels": 256,
"filter_hw": [5, 5],
"stride": 1,
"padding": 1
"layer": "relu",
"input_dim": 4096
"layer": "averagepool",
"input_hw": [4, 4],
"in_channels": 256,
"pool_hw": [2, 2],
"stride": 1
"layer": "cnn",
"input_hw": [3, 3],
"in_channels": 256,
"out_channels": 384,
"filter_hw": [3, 3],
"stride": 1,
"padding": 1
"layer": "relu",
"input_dim": 3456
"layer": "cnn",
"input_hw": [3, 3],
"in_channels": 384,
"out_channels": 384,
"filter_hw": [3, 3],
"stride": 1,
"padding": 1
"layer": "relu",
"input_dim": 3456
"layer": "cnn",
"input_hw": [3, 3],
"in_channels": 384,
"out_channels": 256,
"filter_hw": [3, 3],
"stride": 1,
"padding": 1
"layer": "relu",
"input_dim": 2304
"layer": "fc",
"input_dim": 2304,
"output_dim": 256
"layer": "relu",
"input_dim": 256
"layer": "fc",
"input_dim": 256,
"output_dim": 256
"layer": "relu",
"input_dim": 256
"layer": "fc",
"input_dim": 256,
"output_dim": 10
(1) CNN Layer 32 x 32 x 3
11 x 11 (Filter Size)
4 , 9 (Stride, padding)
1 (Batch Size)
10 x 10 x 96 (Output)
(2) ReLU Layer 1 x 9600
(3) Averagepool Layer 10 x 10 x 96
3 (Pooling Size)
2 (Stride)
1 (Batch Size)
(4) CNN Layer 4 x 4 x 96
5 x 5 (Filter Size)
1 , 1 (Stride, padding)
1 (Batch Size)
2 x 2 x 256 (Output)
(5) ReLU Layer 1 x 4096
(6) Averagepool Layer 4 x 4 x 256
2 (Pooling Size)
1 (Stride)
1 (Batch Size)
(7) CNN Layer 3 x 3 x 256
3 x 3 (Filter Size)
1 , 1 (Stride, padding)
1 (Batch Size)
3 x 3 x 384 (Output)
(8) ReLU Layer 1 x 3456
(9) CNN Layer 3 x 3 x 384
3 x 3 (Filter Size)
1 , 1 (Stride, padding)
1 (Batch Size)
3 x 3 x 384 (Output)
(10) ReLU Layer 1 x 3456
(11) CNN Layer 3 x 3 x 384
3 x 3 (Filter Size)
1 , 1 (Stride, padding)
1 (Batch Size)
3 x 3 x 256 (Output)
(12) ReLU Layer 1 x 2304
(13) FC Layer 2304 x 256
1 (Batch Size)
(14) ReLU Layer 1 x 256
(15) FC Layer 256 x 256
1 (Batch Size)
(16) ReLU Layer 1 x 256
(17) FC Layer 256 x 10
1 (Batch Size)
Error opening training data file at files/CIFAR-10/train_data
Error opening training label file at files/CIFAR-10/train_labels
Error opening test data file at files/CIFAR-10/test_data
Error opening test label file at files/CIFAR-10/test_label
== Training (1 epochs) ==
-- Epoch 0 (3 iterations, log_lr = 3) --
layer 0
cnn,fw activation,min,0.000000e+00,avg,0.000000e+00,max,0.000000e+00
layer 1
relu,fw activation,min,0.000000e+00,avg,0.000000e+00,max,0.000000e+00
layer 2
avgpool,fw activation,min,0.000000e+00,avg,0.000000e+00,max,0.000000e+00
layer 3
cnn,fw activation,min,0.000000e+00,avg,0.000000e+00,max,0.000000e+00
layer 4
piranha: src/nn/../mpc/RSS.inl:545: void selectShare(const RSS<T, I>&, const RSS<T, I2>&, const RSS<U, I3>&, RSS<T, I4>&) [with piranha: src/nn/../mpc/RSS.inl:545: void selectShare(const RSS<T, I>&, const RSS<T, I2>&, const RSS<U, I3>&, RSS<T, I4>&) [with T = long unsigned int; U = unsigned char; I = thrust::detail::normal_iterator<thrust::device_ptr<long unsigned int> >; I2 = thruT = long unsigned int; U = unsigned char; I = thrust::detail::normal_iterator<thrust::device_ptr<long unsigned int> >; I2 = thrust::detail::normal_iterator<thrust::device_ptr<long unsigned int> >; I3 = thrust::detail::normal_iterator<thrust::device_ptr<unsst::detail::normal_iterator<thrust::device_ptr<long unsigned int> >; I3 = thrust::detail::normal_iterator<thrust::device_ptr<unsigned char> >; I4 = thrust::detail::normal_iterator<thrust::device_ptr<long unsigned int> >]: Assertion `x.size() == y.size() &&igned char> >; I4 = thrust::detail::normal_iterator<thrust::device_ptr<long unsigned int> >]: Assertion `x.size() == y.size() && x.size() == b.size() && x.size() == z.size() && "RSS selectShare input size mismatch"' failed.
x.size() == b.size() && x.size() == z.size() && "RSS selectShare input size mismatch"' failed.
piranha: src/nn/../mpc/RSS.inl:545: void selectShare(const RSS<T, I>&, const RSS<T, I2>&, const RSS<U, I3>&, RSS<T, I4>&) [with T = long unsigned int; U = unsigned char; I = thrust::detail::normal_iterator<thrust::device_ptr<long unsigned int> >; I2 = thrust::detail::normal_iterator<thrust::device_ptr<long unsigned int> >; I3 = thrust::detail::normal_iterator<thrust::device_ptr<unsigned char> >; I4 = thrust::detail::normal_iterator<thrust::device_ptr<long unsigned int> >]: Assertion `x.size() == y.size() && x.size() == b.size() && x.size() == z.size() && "RSS selectShare input size mismatch"' failed.
./files/samples/localhost_runner.sh: line 6: 946446 Aborted