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Changing keyboard layout on QT apps not impacting snap

Open tbille opened this issue 5 years ago • 1 comments

I seems that when changing the keyboard layout when a snap using QT is open doesn't update the snap's keyboard layout.

Actual behviour

Tested with keepassxc

  • open a terminal: setxkbmap gb
  • snap install keepassxc
  • Open keepassxc
  • Type qwerty in a text field following the layout of your keyboard.
  • the output is qwerty
  • in a terminal: setxkbmap fr
  • Go back on keepassxc
  • Type azerty in a text field following the layout of your keyboard.
  • the output is qwerty <- PROBLEM

Expected behaviour

  • open a terminal: setxkbmap gb
  • Open keepassxc
  • Type qwerty in a text field following the layout of your keyboard.
  • the output is qwerty
  • in a terminal: setxkbmap fr
  • Go back on keepassxc
  • Type azerty in a text field following the layout of your keyboard.
  • the output is azerty

tbille avatar Jul 31 '19 20:07 tbille