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Question - how to run queryparser
Hi, How can I run queryparser not with stack ghci ? In which way can I run it with cmd ? Receiving query file as input and file name to output ? How can we make it more generic that it is not using stack ghci. Can you kindly please provide us some examples ?
Sorry I'm not families with stack or Haskall at all.
I believe if you want to develop queryparser, you will need to use stack. However, if you want to just use queryparser in a Haskell environment, there are packages on Hackage that you can directly import. If you're looking for a downloadable binary executable, we don't have one published. However, try following along with the readme to get the demo up and running.
Hi, How can I run queryparser not with stack ghci ? In which way can I run it with cmd ? Receiving query file as input and file name to output ? How can we make it more generic that it is not using stack ghci. Can you kindly please provide us some examples ?
Sorry I'm not families with stack or Haskall at all.
This starts up the shell:
stack ghci
This sets the shell prompt right:
:set prompt "sql> "
This is how you can parse a simple statement of PrestoSQL:
sql> Database.Sql.Presto.Parser.parse "SELECT 1;"
Right (PrestoStandardSqlStatement (QueryStmt (QuerySelect (Range {start = Position {positionLine = 1, positionColumn = 0, positionOffset = 0}, end = Position {positionLine = 1, positionColumn = 8, positionOffset = 8}}) (Select {selectInfo = Range {start = Position {positionLine = 1, positionColumn = 0, positionOffset = 0}, end = Position {positionLine = 1, positionColumn = 8, positionOffset = 8}}, selectCols = SelectColumns {selectColumnsInfo = Range {start = Position {positionLine = 1, positionColumn = 7, positionOffset = 7}, end = Position {positionLine = 1, positionColumn = 8, positionOffset = 8}}, selectColumnsList = [SelectExpr (Range {start = Position {positionLine = 1, positionColumn = 7, positionOffset = 7}, end = Position {positionLine = 1, positionColumn = 8, positionOffset = 8}}) [ColumnAlias (Range {start = Position {positionLine = 1, positionColumn = 7, positionOffset = 7}, end = Position {positionLine = 1, positionColumn = 8, positionOffset = 8}}) "_col0" (ColumnAliasId 1)] (ConstantExpr (Range {start = Position {positionLine = 1, positionColumn = 7, positionOffset = 7}, end = Position {positionLine = 1, positionColumn = 8, positionOffset = 8}}) (NumericConstant (Range {start = Position {positionLine = 1, positionColumn = 7, positionOffset = 7}, end = Position {positionLine = 1, positionColumn = 8, positionOffset = 8}}) "1"))]}, selectFrom = Nothing, selectWhere = Nothing, selectTimeseries = Nothing, selectGroup = Nothing, selectHaving = Nothing, selectNamedWindow = Nothing, selectDistinct = Distinct False}))))
This is how you can use the Demo setup:
sql> import Demo
sql> demoAllAnalyses "SELECT * FROM foo"
Tables accessed:
Columns accessed by clause:
public.foo.a SELECT
public.foo.b SELECT
public.foo.c SELECT
no joins
Table lineage:
no tables modified
This depends on the content of the demo folder. There is for example a catalog setup that has some tables:
-- and construct a catalog, with tables `foo` (columns a, b, and c) and `bar` (columns x, y, and z)
catalog :: Catalog
catalog = makeDefaultingCatalog catalogMap [defaultSchema] defaultDatabase
defaultDatabase :: DatabaseName ()
defaultDatabase = DatabaseName () "defaultDatabase"
defaultSchema :: UQSchemaName ()
defaultSchema = mkNormalSchema "public" ()
foo :: (UQTableName (), SchemaMember)
foo = ( QTableName () None "foo", persistentTable [ QColumnName () None "a"
, QColumnName () None "b"
, QColumnName () None "c"
] )
bar :: (UQTableName (), SchemaMember)
bar = ( QTableName () None "bar", persistentTable [ QColumnName () None "x"
, QColumnName () None "y"
, QColumnName () None "z"
] )
catalogMap :: CatalogMap
catalogMap = HMS.singleton defaultDatabase $
HMS.fromList [ ( defaultSchema, HMS.fromList [ foo , bar ] ) ]