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A tool for refactoring code related to feature flag APIs

Results 81 piranha issues
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Until now we assumed that the user will provide the rules and some extra arguments that parameterizes the rules. For instance, we provide the stale flag name and its treated...

This feature request is applicable to all implementations, but I'm submitting it for PiranhaJS as I plan to implement this myself. PiranhaJS could be enhanced to support deep-cleaning flag imports...


Hi everyone, I've had some success using Piranha with a Java project at my previous job and I'm now starting in a new company that uses mostly Python so I'd...

New Language Support

I love this idea. Have anyone looked in to a integration with [Unleash](https://github.com/unleash/Unleash)?

New Language Support

Currently PiranhaObjC APIs are hardcoded. See [here](https://github.com/uber/piranha/blob/master/objc/src/XPFlagRefactoring/XPFlagRefactoring.cpp#L40). Introduce a configuration json file that contains an array of `methodProperties` with `methodName`, `flagType`, `returnType` and `argumentIndex`. See below. `{ "methodProperties": [ {...

help wanted
good first issue

When Piranha is run, output the summary of the run that includes the configuration under which it ran, the number of APIs considered for refactoring, the number of APIs refactored,...

piranha polyglot

Piranha transforms: ``` someConsumer.accept((x) -> { if(exp.isTreated(STALE_FLAG)){ doSomething(x); } else{ domeSomethingElse(x); } ); ``` to ``` someConsumer.accept((x) -> { doSomething(x); } ); ``` Rather it should: ``` someConsumer.accept((x) -> doSomething(x););...


Hi, As per the documentation, Pirhana support deleting unreachable dead code due to feature flag treatment aka Deep Cleaning. I followed the steps of creating a custom annotation, but after...


Considering that ruby is not statically typed and has meta-programming where it's hard to find the references of a particular flag. Just curious about the possibilities.

New Language Support

Does Piranha have support for scala with current code or can it be supported with minimalistic changes in java?

New Language Support