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A Go implementation of Apache Helix (currently the participant part only).

go-helix GoDoc Build Status Coverage Status

A Go implementation of Apache Helix.

Currently the participant part only, compatible with the Apache Helix Java controller.


go get -u github.com/uber-go/go-helix

Quick Start

Init participant

participant, fatalErrChan := NewParticipant(
	"localhost:2181", // Zookeeper connect string
	"test_app", // application identifier
	"test_cluster", // helix cluster name
	"test_resource", // helix resource name
	"localhost", // participant host name
	123, // participant port

processor := NewStateModelProcessor()
processor.AddTransition("OFFLINE", "ONLINE", func(m *model.Message) (err error) {
    partitionNum, err := p.getPartitionNum(m)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    // add logic here to save the owned partition and/or perform any actions for going online
processor.AddTransition("ONLINE", "OFFLINE", func(m *model.Message) (err error) {
   partitionNum, err := p.getPartitionNum(m)
   if err != nil {
       return err
   // add logic here to remove the owned partition and/or perform any actions for going offline

participant.RegisterStateModel("OnlineOffline", processor)

err := participant.Connect() // initialization is complete if err is nil

// listen to the fatal error channel and handle the error by
// 1. recreate participant from scratch and connect, or
// 2. quit the program and restart
fatalErr := <- fatalErrChan

Use participant

Use the saved partitions to see if the partition should be handled by the participant.

Disconnect participant


Development Status: Beta

The APIs are functional. We do not expect, but there's no guarantee that no breaking changes will be made.


We encourage and support an active, healthy community of contributors — including you! Details are in the contribution guide and the code of conduct. The go-helix maintainers keep an eye on issues and pull requests, but you can also report any negative conduct to [email protected]. That email list is a private, safe space; even the go-helix maintainers don't have access, so don't hesitate to hold us to a high standard.

Released under the MIT License.