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A dependency injection based application framework for Go.

Results 69 fx issues
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**Describe the bug** It appears that `fx.Invoke`'s that are in an `fx.Module` do not run until after all `fx.Invoke`'s _outside_ the module. This is not documented in `fx.Module`, and `fx.Invoke`'s...

I'm currently working on reusable modules for common infrastructure like database, MQ, ID provider, etc and these modules may also depends on other sub-modules, such as a config server. Ideally,...


Adds ShutdownCode shutdown option and ShutdownSignal type. This provides a mechanism for users of the fx.Shutdowner API to specify a shutdown code which may be used with calls to os.Exit...

`Shutdowner` is a useful mechanism for willfully exiting applications, but it can be even better. To this end, the application channel can be upgraded to carry a value of type...

With the addition of `fx.Module`, it is possible to add a `ProvideOption` that scopes a provided constructor to take the scope of a single `fx.Module`. Dig already supports this, because...


When fx is run with a very short timeout, it's possible for the timeout error message to be in a bad format "OnStart hook added by failed" where the name...

We provide a way to shutdown an app via the Shutdowner interface but, we do not provide a way to specify/change the exit code. This commit adds support for shutting...

With the new `OnStart` annotations being added in #895, some annotations actually might make sense for multiple annotations to take place for the same function. For instance, the following nested...


**Describe the bug** If I have a struct being injected as part of a group, and that struct contains an interface type with decorations, then the decorations for the interface...

Currently, passing `fx.WithLogger` to an `fx.Module` throws an error like this: ``` [Fx] ERROR Failed to start: fx.WithLogger Option should be passed to top-level App, not to fx.Module ``` This...