jvm-profiler copied to clipboard
a bug has appeared when I use jvm-profiler with spark client mode
spark-submit \
--master yarn \
--deploy-mode client \
--executor-memory 10G \
--executor-cores 3 \
--driver-memory 5g \
--conf "spark.driver.extraJavaOptions=-javaagent:/data/leo_jie/jvm-profiler-1.0.0.jar=reporter=com.uber.profiling.reporters.InfluxDBOutputReporter,tag=influxdb,configProvider=com.uber.profiling.YamlConfigProvider,configFile=/data/leo_jie/Influxdb.yaml,metricInterval=5000,sampleInterval=5000,ioProfiling=true" \
--files /data/leo_jie/Influxdb.yaml \
--jars /data/leo_jie/jvm-profiler-1.0.0.jar \
The spark application won't exit automatically when the application finished!
Thanks for reporting the issue. We haven't tried the profiler with spark client mode yet. You are welcome to submit a fix if you are interested to solve this issue :)
hey @CCweixiao im having the same issue today with the influxdb reporter. It only happens with that reporter. I've tried console and file output and they dont have this issue.