docker-ssh-agent-forward icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
docker-ssh-agent-forward copied to clipboard

Forward SSH agent socket into a container

Results 9 docker-ssh-agent-forward issues
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Hi, The current images work on x86-64 architectures, but not on the new arm M1 machines. It's not something we can help with a pull request, as it needs to...

podman is not support out of the box at the moment. I'll see if I can make it work on my end...

"docker run" is failing because it cannot find tini in /usr/local/bin Since tini is now included by default in docker, we can pass in the --init flag to ensure it's...

I would like to set up airflow with docker on MacBook Pro with macOS 10.14.x. I have got zpencerq/docker-airflow:1.10.2 and followed the instructions at Also, I have set up...

After installing it on my host (MacOS Sierra v. 10.12.6 (16G29)), when I fire `pinata-ssh-forward` it gives no output. After commenting out line 2 `set -eo pipefail`, I get the...

Why do the commands have a “pinata” prefix? I gather it's the name of some CLI tool that used to ship with Docker for Mac during private beta? Though I...