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My entries for Genuary2022
Genuary 2022
Genuary is an artificially generated month of time where we build code that makes beautiful things.
1. Draw 10,000 of something
2. Dithering
3. Space
4. The next next Fidenza
5. Destroy a square
6. Trade styles with a friend
7. Sol LeWitt Wall Drawing
8. Single curve only
9. Architecture
10. Machine learning, wrong answers only
11. No computer
12. Packing (squares, circles, any shape…)
13. 80x800
14. Something you’d never make
15. Sand
16. Color gradients gone wrong
17. 3 colors
18. VHS
19. Use text/typography
20. Make a sea of shapes
Create video with
ffmpeg -framerate 60 -i day20-%04d.png -vcodec libvpx-vp9 -b:v 10M day20.webm