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My entries for Genuary2022

Genuary 2022

Genuary is an artificially generated month of time where we build code that makes beautiful things.

1. Draw 10,000 of something

10,000 squares

2. Dithering


3. Space

Constellation map

4. The next next Fidenza

5. Destroy a square


6. Trade styles with a friend

7. Sol LeWitt Wall Drawing


8. Single curve only

Gosper curve

9. Architecture

10. Machine learning, wrong answers only

11. No computer

12. Packing (squares, circles, any shape…)

Circles inside square

13. 80x800


14. Something you’d never make

15. Sand

16. Color gradients gone wrong


17. 3 colors


18. VHS


19. Use text/typography

20. Make a sea of shapes

Create video with

ffmpeg -framerate 60 -i day20-%04d.png -vcodec libvpx-vp9 -b:v 10M day20.webm


21. Combine two (or more) of your pieces from previous days to make a new piece

22. Make something that will look completely different in a year


23. Abstract vegetation

24. Create your own pseudo-random number generator and visually check the results

25. Perspective

26. Airport carpet

27. #2E294E #541388 #F1E9DA #FFD400 #D90368

i don't know

28. Self portrait

29. Isometric perspective

30. Organic looking output using only rectangular shapes


31. Negative space