
Results 64 issues of James

hi anyway to make default preview scrollable? ``` styles: {{ styleMarkdownPreviewArea: {padding: "5px 10px", overflow: "auto"} }} ```

hi, it would be best practice to have error handling in callbacks that handle exception and return the error back to the connector, especially when its not run via go...

is there any way to passing list of uid as []string{} for QueryWithVars ?

Check if resolved

hi ``` class Author has_many :books, inverse_of: 'author' has_many :history_books, inverse_of: 'author', -> { where(category: "history").order("created_at desc") } end class Book belongs_to :author end ``` maybe ``` type Author struct...


hi, i realize its potentially harmful if we do not escape potential sql injection in here mind if i add it in?

s: triage

is this due to compression? my db is quite huge... these is the output: ``` grunt db_pull --target='prd' Running "db_pull" task Pulling database from 'PRD' into Local Creating DUMP of...

i was debugging using bisect, and finally found this extension causing save, eslint format that caused it to hang. 1st save or format file works but slow. second and subsequence...

Hi, is it possible to auto assign new template id to resources imported based on template name? because the new template imported will have different id, so it will be...

Hi, is it possible to also import resources group assigned to each resources, and recreate the resources group locally if it doesnt exists?

public function createExtract($text, $length = 200,$search = '',$ellipsis = '...') { //$text = trim(preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $this->sanitize($text))); Removing preg_replace seems to work, leaving only sanitize