tumblr-crawler-cli icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
tumblr-crawler-cli copied to clipboard

Tumblr Download Tool with High Speed and Customization. 高性能&高定制化的Tumblr下载工具。

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Tumblr Download Tool with High Speed and Customization. preview


  • Rich command line parameters support.
  • Multi-threaded Download support.
  • File will be download completely.
  • Custom filename format.
  • Support crawler multiple sites at the same time.
  • Python2 & Python3 Compatibility.


$ git clone [email protected]:tzw0745/tumblr-crawler-cli.git
$ cd tumblr-crawler-cli
$ pip install -r requirements.txt  # -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple/
$ python tumblr-crawler.py --help

NOTICE: if you want use socks proxy for this program, you need install another package: pySocks

$ pip install pySocks


usage: tumblr-crawler.py [-h] [-p] [-v] [-d SAVE_DIR] [-f FN_FMT] [-x PROXY]
                         [-n THREAD_NUM] [--min MIN_SIZE] [--overwrite]
                         [--interval INTERVAL] [--retries RETRIES]
                         sites [sites ...]

Crawler Tumblr Photos and Videos

positional arguments:
  sites                 tumblr sites

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p, --photo           whether to download photo
  -v, --video           whether to download video
  -d SAVE_DIR, --dir SAVE_DIR
                        download file save directory
  -f FN_FMT, --format FN_FMT
                        filename format
  -x PROXY, --proxy PROXY
                        http request agent, support http/socks
  -n THREAD_NUM, --thread THREAD_NUM
                        number of download threads, default is 5
  --min MIN_SIZE        minimum size of downloaded files, default is 0k
  --overwrite           overwrite file (if it exists)
  --interval INTERVAL   http request interval, default is 0.5 (seconds)
  --retries RETRIES     http request retries, default is 3


$ python tumblr-crawler.py liamtbyrne lizclimo
  • specify the download file type:
$ python tumblr-crawler.py -p liamtbyrne  # download photos only
$ python tumblr-crawler.py --video liamtbyrne  # download videos only
  • you want put download all files to another directory:
$ python tumblr-crawler.py -d /somedir/ liamtbyrne
  • you want custom filename format:
$ python tumblr-crawler.py -f "{date:%Y-%m-%d %H.%M.%S} GMT.{post_id}.{uid}" liamtbyrne  # default
$ python tumblr-crawler.py --format {uid} liamtbyrne

first example will save file like: "2015-10-16 06.04.53 GMT.13126.5pzVb1s7wpcjo10.jpg" second example will save file like: "5pzVb1s7wpcjo10.jpg" {uid} is necessary, other optional parameter include:

  • {post_id}: id of tumblr post, like 13126;
  • {type}: video or photo;
  • {date}: datetime of tumblr post, support detailed settings;
  • {timestamp}: unix timestamp, like 1541405838.
  • you want use proxy for download files:
$ python tumblr-crawler.py --proxy liamtbyrne  # http proxy
$ python tumblr-crawler.py -x socks5h:// liamtbyrne  # socket5 proxy
  • you want set more thread to speed up the download speed:
$ python tumblr-crawler.py -n 20 liamtbyrne
  • you only want to download files larger than a certain size:
$ python tumblr-crawler.py --min 0.5m liamtbyrne  # only download files larger than 512k
$ python tumblr-crawler.py --min 100k liamtbyrne  # only download files larger than 100k

Coming Feature

  • Configure file.
  • ...

Change log

  • 2018-12-17:
    • improve image url compatibility.
  • 2018-12-05:
    • support inline photo url.
  • 2018-11-05:
    • support custom filename format.
  • 2018-10-09:
    • update command line args.
  • 2018-10-06:
    • add minimum file size support.
  • 2018-10-04:
    • asynchronous & multi-thread parse tumblr site;
    • optimize code structure;
    • modify command line parameters.
  • 2018-10-03:
    • optimize media extraction compatibility.
  • 2018-09-29:
    • Add Temporary File Support to make sure file download completely;
    • add file count hint after program completed;
    • fix args parse bug;
    • fix multi thread bug.
  • 2018-09-28:
    • First version.