mtcnn-java copied to clipboard
Q on initialization params proper values
Great wrapper, thank you!
I was trying out your example code, and was curious about new MtcnnService(30, 0.709, new double[] { 0.6, 0.7, 0.7 })
- Can you give zn eli5 of the three parameters? (Does scaleFactor have anything to do with stepsThreshold?)
- What sort of pre-filtering should I do on the images? Reduce to 640x480? Grayscale? Adjust contrast?
- Most importantly, which of these values should I be playing around with? I'm assuming the third param of "steps" isn't a step resize, or else it wouldn't have "0.7" twice.
I'm using it successfully on frames from a 720 HD video, but it is verrrrry slow. Can I include more libs to speed things up? (I don't think I can do CUDA on a mac laptop). Anything I can tweak in the params to speed things up, or perhaps I can downscale the images first?