node-red-contrib-blynk-websockets copied to clipboard
LCD Widget
I noticed there was an LCD Print node in the non-websockets version. How can I print to the LCD with this?
Hey tzapu,
do you have a response for us here. I am still using a combination of websockets nodes that dont have connection issues and non-webockets nodes just for LCD support. It is annoying that the LCD node disconnects regularly. Is there a way to use websockets nodes to talk to the LCD virtual pins or do we need a LCD specific node. node-red is not exactly my thing and I am a bit stuck.
hi, i need to implement the lcd node but my time is fairly limited currently.
i am not sure, but you may be able to use the current nodes to force something on the lcd, i ll try and check it for you
I seem to be able to clear the display using your websocket write node sending "clr" in the payload to the virtual pin for the LCD. Is there some documentation as to how you might pack an LCD message in the payload to print text to an x, y position?? From the Arduino library I can see how they pack a message to the LCD "p40Hello", for x=0 and y=4, but it does not work. Any clues??. "p" seems to be the command.
hi, well, i could just write, in simple mode to each of the lines using the virtual pins assigned. to have x and y values i think you will need to wait for the LCD widget. the current ones uses a different keyword vw instead of p so it would understand. or , pad with spaces to get the designered alignment for now and use vpins for y 0/1
hope it helps
cracked it.. have a look at this:
'p' + '\0' + x + '\0' + y + '\0' + "string" seems to work with your write node.