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Problem handling reset with webserver

Open Sentinel8000 opened this issue 2 years ago • 7 comments

Currently the code itself of the wifimanager working so, if go into AP mode, and user set a wifi, try after connect without restart, this working well on expressif dev modul, but my problem is comes from same feature: webserver settings running once and fail - without restart, i need restart the esp32 after wifimanager go from AP-> to Wifi mode and receive IP.

This will be no problem, if after go into AP and set wifi name, pass will be automaticaly a restart, but currently i cant catch the event or restart the esp. Esp will restart only - in example code - if AP starting fail.

Im happy for any help or guide - how to detect exit AP/wifi settings done to init a restart to run webserver with the new received IP.

Sentinel8000 avatar Jun 09 '22 09:06 Sentinel8000

Without any logs? no clue

tablatronix avatar Jun 10 '22 17:06 tablatronix

Im not sure, log will help, because i think this is a normal working. Because wifimanager using a some kind a webserver for AP portal and i try use also too a webserver im sure not a good idea.

Curently working scenario looks so: 1., reset password, ssid - for simulate starting condition 2., ESP restart 3., wifimanager start working starting AP portal mode 4.,Entering AP portal site on phone to configure ssid and pass of the used wifi network 5.,Wifimanager save the password and making wifi reconnect without full esp board restart - this is what generate problem on my side 6.,ip received, network working well on esp but esp webserver not working, esp need restart again (maybe wont like the AP ip->new ip change without restart) 7,esp webserver working well after esp board restart

For this i have modded this section of the library code for esp board restart after saving wifi passw::

// attempt sta connection to submitted _ssid, _pass
        uint8_t res = connectWifi(_ssid, _pass, _connectonsave) == WL_CONNECTED;
        if (res || (!_connectonsave)) {
          #ifdef WM_DEBUG_LEVEL
            DEBUG_WM(F("SAVED with no connect to new AP"));
            ESP.restart();  <---
          } else {
            DEBUG_WM(F("Connect to new AP [SUCCESS]"));
            DEBUG_WM(F("Got IP Address:"));
            ESP.restart();  <---	

Also i have noticed i think a real issue - if im choose a wifi / ssid and enter bad password, however i have set

wm.setConnectTimeout(5); wm.setConnectRetries(3);

wifimanager try three times connect to a new AP, but lookslike not using setConnectTimeout parameter and we need wait more time:

20:05:20.552 -> *wm:[1] Connect Wifi, ATTEMPT # 1 of 3 20:05:20.552 -> *wm:[1] Connecting to NEW AP: DIGI-J7ch 20:05:20.694 -> *wm:[1] connectTimeout not set, ESP waitForConnectResult...

the setConnectTimeout looks working well if im entering the good pass for ssid after exit wifimanager AP portal:

20:10:51.589 -> *wm:[1] Connect Wifi, ATTEMPT # 1 of 3 20:10:51.589 -> *wm:[1] Connecting to SAVED AP: DIGI-J7ch 20:10:52.108 -> *wm:[2] 5000 ms timeout, waiting for connect...

Maybe this is because i have touched the library code, im not sure.

So the question is, there is any parameter or code, to request wifimanager library full restart ESP after choosed on AP portal a wifi network ssid and entered/saved password. Currently making a reconnect, whats not bad, but i want a full board restart.

Another question why not working all time the connectTimeout parameter.

Sentinel8000 avatar Jun 10 '22 18:06 Sentinel8000

Do you have the connect failure reasons logged?

tablatronix avatar Jun 11 '22 13:06 tablatronix

Do you have the connect failure reasons logged?

I have set esp32 logging to Debug level, restored original wifimanager library code and compiled again the code, here is the log.

This is the copy of the log after i have entered a good wifi password on AP portal and wifi manager making reconenct.

What i have noticed in log:

  • Still looks we get onnectTimeout not set message, before connect to the ,,final wifi"
  • Webserver : [ 75549][E][WebServer.cpp:635] _handleRequest(): request handler not found
  • [ 80075][E][AsyncTCP.cpp:1287] begin(): bind error: -8
  • After hardware reset button press/restart webserver starting without problem

16:21:19.605 -> *wm:[2] processing save 16:21:21.587 -> *wm:[2] Connecting as wifi client... 16:21:21.587 -> *wm:[2] setSTAConfig static ip not set, skipping 16:21:22.582 -> *wm:[1] Connect Wifi, ATTEMPT # 1 of 3 16:21:22.582 -> *wm:[1] Connecting to NEW AP: DIGI-J7ch 16:21:22.724 -> *wm:[1] connectTimeout not set, ESP waitForConnectResult... 16:21:29.654 -> [ 73258][D][WiFiGeneric.cpp:831] _eventCallback(): Arduino Event: 4 - STA_CONNECTED 16:21:31.959 -> [ 75519][D][WiFiGeneric.cpp:831] _eventCallback(): Arduino Event: 7 - STA_GOT_IP 16:21:31.959 -> [ 75519][D][WiFiGeneric.cpp:880] _eventCallback(): STA IP:, MASK:, GW: 16:21:31.959 -> *wm:[2] Connection result: WL_CONNECTED 16:21:31.959 -> *wm:[1] Connect to new AP [SUCCESS] 16:21:31.959 -> *wm:[1] Got IP Address: 16:21:31.959 -> *wm:[1] 16:21:31.959 -> *wm:[2] shutdownConfigPortal 16:21:31.959 -> [ 75549][E][WebServer.cpp:635] _handleRequest(): request handler not found 16:21:31.959 -> *wm:[2] <- Request redirected to captive portal 16:21:32.006 -> *wm:[2] restoring usermode STA 16:21:32.006 -> [ 75566][D][WiFiGeneric.cpp:831] _eventCallback(): Arduino Event: 13 - AP_STADISCONNECTED 16:21:32.006 -> [ 75566][D][WiFiGeneric.cpp:831] _eventCallback(): Arduino Event: 11 - AP_STOP 16:21:32.006 -> [ 75571][D][WiFiGeneric.cpp:831] _eventCallback(): Arduino Event: 10 - AP_START 16:21:32.998 -> [ 76566][D][WiFiGeneric.cpp:831] _eventCallback(): Arduino Event: 11 - AP_STOP 16:21:32.998 -> *wm:[2] wifi status: WL_CONNECTED 16:21:32.998 -> *wm:[2] wifi mode: STA 16:21:32.998 -> *wm:[2] configportal closed 16:21:32.998 -> *wm:[1] config portal exiting 16:21:32.998 -> connected...local ip: 16:21:32.998 -> 16:21:32.998 -> Signal level: -56dBm 16:21:33.423 -> [ 77000][D][VS1053.cpp:156] begin(): 16:21:33.423 -> 16:21:33.423 -> [ 77000][D][VS1053.cpp:157] begin(): Reset VS1053... 16:21:33.423 -> 16:21:33.941 -> [ 77500][D][VS1053.cpp:161] begin(): End reset VS1053... 16:21:33.941 -> 16:21:34.460 -> [ 78020][D][VS1053.cpp:132] testComm(): Slow SPI,Testing VS1053 read/write registers... 16:21:34.460 -> 16:21:34.553 -> [ 78152][D][VS1053.cpp:132] testComm(): Fast SPI, Testing VS1053 read/write registers again... 16:21:34.553 -> 16:21:36.198 -> [ 79775][D][VS1053.cpp:183] begin(): endFillByte is 0 16:21:36.198 -> 16:21:36.481 -> [ 80062][D][VS1053.cpp:325] switchToMp3Mode(): Switched to mp3 mode 16:21:36.481 -> 16:21:36.481 -> [ 80062][D][VS1053.cpp:268] softReset(): Performing soft-reset 16:21:36.481 -> 16:21:36.481 -> [ 80075][E][AsyncTCP.cpp:1287] begin(): bind error: -8 16:21:36.481 -> [ 80076][W][esp32-hal-timer.c:225] timerAttachInterrupt(): EDGE timer interrupt is not supported! Setting to LEVEL... 16:21:36.529 -> [ 80080][D][ESP32_VS1053_Stream.cpp:97] connecttohost(): connecting to http://retro.dancewave.online/retrodance.mp3 16:21:36.529 -> [ 80090][D][HTTPClient.cpp:298] beginInternal(): protocol: http, host: retro.dancewave.online port: 80 url: /retrodance.mp3 16:21:36.529 -> [ 80101][D][HTTPClient.cpp:595] sendRequest(): request type: 'GET' redirCount: 0 16:21:36.529 -> 16:21:36.671 -> [ 80268][D][HTTPClient.cpp:1141] connect(): connected to retro.dancewave.online:80 16:21:36.813 -> [ 80373][D][HTTPClient.cpp:1275] handleHeaderResponse(): code: 302 16:21:36.813 -> [ 80373][D][HTTPClient.cpp:1278] handleHeaderResponse(): size: 138 16:21:36.813 -> [ 80374][D][HTTPClient.cpp:619] sendRequest(): sendRequest code=302 16:21:36.813 -> 16:21:36.813 -> [ 80380][D][HTTPClient.cpp:662] sendRequest(): following redirect (dropped to GET/HEAD): 'http://stream.dancewave.online:8080/retrodance.mp3' redirCount: 1 16:21:36.813 -> 16:21:36.813 -> [ 80394][D][HTTPClient.cpp:383] disconnect(): still data in buffer (138), clean up. 16:21:36.813 -> 16:21:36.813 -> [ 80404][D][HTTPClient.cpp:390] disconnect(): tcp keep open for reuse 16:21:36.861 -> [ 80408][D][HTTPClient.cpp:292] beginInternal(): switching host from 'retro.dancewave.online' to 'stream.dancewave.online'. disconnecting first 16:21:36.861 -> [ 80420][D][HTTPClient.cpp:392] disconnect(): tcp stop 16:21:36.861 -> [ 80426][D][HTTPClient.cpp:298] beginInternal(): protocol: http, host: stream.dancewave.online port: 8080 url: /retrodance.mp3 16:21:36.861 -> [ 80436][D][HTTPClient.cpp:595] sendRequest(): request type: 'GET' redirCount: 1 16:21:36.861 -> 16:21:36.908 -> [ 80505][D][HTTPClient.cpp:1141] connect(): connected to stream.dancewave.online:8080 16:21:37.001 -> [ 80593][D][HTTPClient.cpp:1275] handleHeaderResponse(): code: 200 16:21:37.001 -> [ 80593][D][HTTPClient.cpp:619] sendRequest(): sendRequest code=200 16:21:37.001 -> 16:21:37.001 -> [ 80594][D][ESP32_VS1053_Stream.cpp:131] connecttohost(): connection made in 493 ms 16:21:37.048 -> [ 80601][D][ESP32_VS1053_Stream.cpp:137] connecttohost(): connected to http://retro.dancewave.online/retrodance.mp3 16:21:37.048 -> [ 80612][D][ESP32_VS1053_Stream.cpp:188] connecttohost(): codec MP3 16:21:37.048 -> 16:21:37.048 -> Showstation saved: 16:21:37.048 -> Dance Wave Retro 16:21:37.048 -> 16:21:37.048 -> Showstation decoded: 16:21:37.048 -> Dance Wave Retro! 16:21:37.048 -> [ 80629][D][ESP32_VS1053_Stream.cpp:197] connecttohost(): metadata interval is 16384 16:21:37.048 -> [ 80632][D][ESP32_VS1053_Stream.cpp:199] connecttohost(): bitrate is 128 16:21:37.048 -> [ 80639][D][ESP32_VS1053_Stream.cpp:252] _handleStream(): first data bytes are seen - 4972 bytes 16:21:37.096 -> [ 80661][D][ESP32_VS1053_Stream.cpp:271] _handleStream(): 2432 bytes to decoder 16:21:37.096 -> The function decode(&results)) is deprecated and may not work as expected! Just use decode() without a parameter and IrReceiver.decodedIRData. . 16:21:37.143 -> [ 80716][D][ESP32_VS1053_Stream.cpp:271] _handleStream(): 1696 bytes to decoder 16:21:37.143 -> [ 80738][D][ESP32_VS1053_Stream.cpp:365] loop(): startmute ms: 60 16:21:37.143 -> [ 80740][D][ESP32_VS1053_Stream.cpp:271] _handleStream(): 416 bytes to decoder 16:21:37.190 -> [ 80779][D][ESP32_VS1053_Stream.cpp:271] _handleStream(): 416 bytes to decoder

Sentinel8000 avatar Jun 11 '22 14:06 Sentinel8000

hmm, yeah this all looks fine. I have never gotten the webserver to reset properly, it seems to leave something around. Not sure if its an arduino bug or esp bug.

tablatronix avatar Jun 11 '22 14:06 tablatronix

As workaround - and also this works - i have added a ESP.restart() after saving password - because so looks my project little bit weird - touching anytime the esp32 reset to get webserver.

If this issue /bug cant be handle from code side, also will be a good idea if library code giving a option/parameter to set after saving or succesfully connecting to choose - user want faster method for connecting reconnect or full esp32 restart - so can be same situations with webserver handled. restartAfterSuccesFullyConnect(true) :)

But this reset will do only, if gived ssid/passw succesfully connect - to make sure after reset will start.

Sentinel8000 avatar Jun 11 '22 15:06 Sentinel8000

I think I found the problem, and a workaround. See my comment here https://github.com/tzapu/WiFiManager/issues/1142#issuecomment-1555950494

Edit: Specifically this addresses the line [ 80075][E][AsyncTCP.cpp:1287] begin(): bind error: -8, -8 means in use.

dmlambo avatar May 20 '23 16:05 dmlambo