vscode-todo-list copied to clipboard
Filter in Action Comment
Hello! This tool is useful for me. Thanks for your works. I have a question that how can I filter to show some tags (ex: TODO, UNDONE) in Action Comments? And how can I collapse all tags in Action Comment? Thanks.
Hi @beautifullife, thanks for your feedback.
These features are currently not supported (but will be in the future, hopefully soon)
As a workaround, you can change the expression used to capture comments in order to capture only what you need at the moment:
(?:\/\/|\/\*|\<\!--)[ ]?(TODO|UNDONE)(?: |\:|\(([A-Za-z\/\d ]+)\)\:)[ ]?(.*?)[ ]?(?:--\>|\*\/|$)
(not tested)
This code is not working, but I can go to action comments and just type a tag that I want to focus on, and visual code shows me the right tag. Thanks anyway!
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Really will be greate if we can define which kind of TAG we can display (like BUG, TODO, FIXME...)
@mcunha98 you can modify the regex to match only the tags you need
@tzachov and how we did it ? I did searchs on google but not that I found is very specific to show where do it (change the regex)
@tzachov great extension, thanks
I have this regex working:
(?:\/\/|\/\*|\<\!--)[ ]?(TODO|UNDONE|BUG|FIXME|HACK)(?: |\:|\(([A-Za-z\/\d ]+)\)\:)[ ]?(.*?)[ ]?(?:--\>|\*\/|$)
@mcunha98 Its found in settings -> TODO List