Tyler Wrenn
Tyler Wrenn
@dependabot rebase
@dependabot rebase
@bradymiller This upgrade may break some things yet is strongly recommended to upgrade to due to multiple vulnerability fixes.
@bradymiller This is a sad state of affairs -- this hasn't been updated since 2014 ;-;
@sunsetsystems https://community.open-emr.org/t/wordpress-as-portal-patient/12992
Also linking this to current convo that I just saw: https://community.open-emr.org/t/how-to-connect-wordpress-with-openemr/8937/30
After having a lot of experience with WordPress, when you create a plugin, you still have to maintain that plugin as methods can break when versions of WordPress change. Since...
@bradymiller Might wanna create a news post on this on the community page since this will effect a lot of people
@bradymiller @mdsupport @sjpadgett I was thinking (since most users probably won't use a WordPress-based portal and use the regular one instead), why don't we create this as a laminas drop-in...