Hi ALL I follow the [tutorial](https://python-sfml.org/gettingstarted.html), and after I type ``` w = sf.RenderWindow(sf.VideoMode(640, 480), "My first pySFML Window - or not ?") ``` It works, but after a while,...
We can see that `gradx_` and `grady_` value can be negative, so we can just compare the sum to 0.0, to check the cell have been calculated.
Dear all, I found a bug in checkIfShouldMerge function. See below: ``` mergedSensorReadings = S1.sensorReadings.concat(S2.sensorReadings); fit = _SENSOR_READING_UTILS.linearRegerssion(mergedSensorReadings); ``` in the first line, we shoud delete the duplicate point the...
Hi, it's a great&cheap smart car. Can you send me the detail of material your used in this project? Thanks a lot. email: [email protected]