Daniel Smith

Results 64 issues of Daniel Smith

This library does a good job of documenting the various functionality and providing reasonable types to help guide you, so it's definitely not all that *hard* to get something working....

`Data.Set` has: ``` elemAt :: Int -> Set a -> a -- O(log n) deleteAt :: Int -> Set a -> Set a -- O(log n) ``` It would be...

Something along the lines of: ``` class (Ord m, LeftGCDMonoid m, MonoidNull m) => Lexicographic m where ``` To rule out cases where the ordering changes over the course of...

`TextualMonoid` has plenty of functionality that would be useful for non-`Char` containers, so I was thinking about ways to generalize it. It seems like the core concept is that for...

I was curious how feasible parsing from these various forms back into numbers would be, and how much interest there was in such functionality.

It would be nice to be able to convert from a number into a number+suffix ordinal, e.g `1st`, 2nd`, `3rd` etc.

Currently the example usage uses legacy v1 cabal, and does not work with packages designed around new cabal.

[Deprecation indicator](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/cabal-doctest-1.0.9) When installing with nix: ``` setupCompileFlags: -package-db=/build/setup-package.conf.d -j4 +RTS -A64M -RTS -threaded -rtsopts [1 of 1] Compiling Main ( Setup.hs, /build/Main.o ) Setup.hs:3:1: error: Could not find module...

I was looking to manipulate and serialize/deserialize IPLD objects, and I came across a few of the libraries listed here in the process. It looks like the current set of...

When doing frontend development with a vdom-based framework, it'd be very convenient if html-based maplibre markers were handled the same way elements in a list were. Due to maplibre re-mounting...

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