benchmarks-attitude-smartphones copied to clipboard
C# implementation in cross platform Xamarin app
I am looking to use these set of filters and algorithms to improve the overall accuracy of my navigation app - after having read Attitude Estimation for Indoor Navigation and Augmented Reality with Smartphones. The app currently takes os calibrated acc, gyro and mag readings into madgwick and uses the attitude quaternion that is returned.
Here is a screen recording of the app in i'ts current state.
There is some inaccuracies when indoors, certain areas outside and near house walls - which I believe is caused by magnet perturbations. I have measured the µT and found these to rise or fall in this places. However given from the small discussion at - I learned that all perturbations are not reflected in the µT.
I was hoping I could try the magnetometer calibration with Barz and one of the MichelObs sensor fusion algorithms
My problem right now is I have no knowledge of matlab and also have very little math knowledge - so it is very hard to translate. It also seems difficult to use Matlab code in another languages (C# in this case) - It requires MATLAB Coder
I decided to translate the code into C#:
AttitudeFilter init consists of both pre exististing code and that found in generateAttitude.m
to set up AccRef
, MagRef
. I have not managed to get working attitude values out yet.
I was not comfortable with Matlab when I started to work on AHRS algorithms too, but today, I can confirm this language is designed for these kinds of algorithms thanks to good readability. I translated some parts of this code in Java/Android, and it took me hundreds of lines compared to 30 for Matlab.
About your thoughts on:
There is some inaccuracies when indoors, certain areas outside and near house walls - which I believe is caused by magnet perturbations. I have measured the µT and found these to rise or fall in this places. However given from the small discussion at xioTechnologies/Fusion#8 - I learned that all perturbations are not reflected in the µT. You are right. A detector on the magnitude of the magnetic field is not enough to treat all the cases. I mentioned this part in the State of the Art section of the paper you linked. However, I did not notice a huge difference when I implemented the others (due to the complexity to maintain multiple detectors with false detections).
If I can recommend something to enhance the built-in AHRS filters of iOS and Android devices, it is to control the calibration phase. I have noticed their calibration algorithm seems to be good, but as they do it "on-the-fly" (at least for Android), sometimes, data received by sensors are not well suited for their fitEllipsoid
About the comprehension of AccRef
and MagRef
, I recommend you to have a look at these three files:
createContextFromLocationAndDate.m. This function will create
based on a location and a date thanks to the world magnetic model (WMM) and a formula for the gravity respectively. -
generateAttitude.m. Magnetic and gravity vectors are defined in the ENU frame (or NED if specified). In contrast, AHRS algorithms (in fact, only some of them) are designed to work in the Earth Magnetic Field frame. That is why the rotation of
is applied to createMagRef
. At the end of the file, you will see that the inverse transform is applied to come back to the ENU frame. -
visualiseAttitudeOnSpecificDataset.m Which is a sample code to visualize quaternions or Euler angles. It can help you to understand how
functions are called.
What about the sensor input to the algorithms, gyr, acc, mag
- do they also have to be adjusted to fit correctly with the coordinate system - or is it only for the MagRef
and AccRef
Currently I noticed my context.magnetic.*
did not pass the check in generateAttitude.m so I will have to make sure I also create those correct. The quaternion value I get out of MichelObs now looks more like AHRS values and I have made sure most of the translated operations are correct after downloading matlab trial and comparing the matlab function's result with C#(Math.Net) methods.
gyr, acc, mag
are measurement vectors in the smartphone frame.
and AccRef
are the same vectors in the Local Tangent Plane frame (here, East-North-Up, ENU).
The quaternion you are looking for is the one that fits the best rotation between the smartphone frame and the ENU frame using respectively the measurements and the references vectors.
Have a look at the paragraph 2.3 of the paper.
Currently I noticed my context.magnetic.* did not pass the check in generateAttitude.m so I will have to make sure I also create those correct.
Can you provide a code snippet to understand the problem better?
I see.
Here in the Setup
method is the code that currently creates MagRef
and AccRef
Can you give me the value of geoMagRes
(at least: X,Y,Z and Declinatation) and QMagneticToTrue
I do not know what Geo.Geomagnetism.IgrfGeomagnetismCalculator
is doing, but, if it has the same behavior than wrldmagm
in Matlab, your results are in NED coordinates. You have to convert them.
You can also compare the results with
About the Gravity vector, you can safely use [0, 0, -9.81]. The real value of the local gravity vector is not necessary for this kind of application
(The date there is old because that particular package hasen't been updated with latest world magnetic model data)
About the Gravity vector, you can safely use [0, 0, -9.81]. The real value of the local gravity vector is not necessary for this kind of application
Great one less needed external package!
I have tried to pass that check with matlab trial test project that I have - It still says:
Reference vectors are not well constructed
function main
% Location and date properties properties
location = struct('latitude', 45.187778, 'longitude', 5.726945, 'altitude', 200);
date = struct('year', 2020, 'month', 05, 'day', 31);
% 'enu', 'ned'
coordinateSystem = "enu"; %ned same
% copy paste of the entire file
context = createContextFromLocationAndDate(location, date, coordinateSystem);
% Let's define MagRef and AccRef temporarly in Earth Magnetic Field frame
qMagneticToTrue = dcm2quat(rotz(context.magnetic.declination));
qTrueToMagnetic = quatinv(qMagneticToTrue);
filter.MagRef = quatrotate(qTrueToMagnetic, context.magnetic.vector);
filter.AccRef = quatrotate(qTrueToMagnetic, context.gravity.vector); % Should do nothing
filter.MagRef(abs(filter.MagRef) < 1e-12) = 0;
filter.AccRef(abs(filter.AccRef) < 1e-12) = 0;
if sum(abs(filter.MagRef) > 0) ~= 2 || sum(abs(filter.AccRef) > 0) ~= 1
error('Reference vectors are not well constructed'); % This should never happen
It is the vector MagRef that ends up being constructed wrong, as I temporarily removed the AccRef
condition - the error still happen.
About that check, I had accidentally forgot to reset the checks after having tested dcm2quat.m
After making some fixes I now get a quiet good attitude with QMichelObs. My visual objects behave almost completely as they should, and tilting up with device to go into camera view works So everything seems to work more for less, with CordinateSystem.ENU
Putting mock places to 0-2 deg north, these are continuously being shown around 20-30 deg to the right though - with QMichelObs. When I switch back to my previous Madgwick implementation the mock places are shown to the north.
I assume there still could be something wrong in the translation, or I guess the difference could be because I still use the OS calibration on the sensor data?
Putting mock places south, they end up being shown in the west with the QMichelObs translation. (And in south with my previous madwgick implementation). They are displayed correct height wise. Also the text is basically displayed correctly and rotates with the device [protrait] <-> [landscape] as it should.
About that check my MagRef still don't pass it. It assumes the value of 3, when it should be 2. I have traced it to the declination.
The declination of the matlab source code end up being -2.1241
when it's time to...
% Let's define MagRef and AccRef temporarly in Earth Magnetic Field frame
My declination is -4.19322488655381
at that point. And when the declination in the matlab source code is set to that prior to setting up MagRef - it also end up being a value of 3 in the check.
However I also noticed MagRef is not created with i'ts x-component sufficiently near 0 in my translation - even when using the matlab values as input for the method.
(The date there is old because that particular package hasen't been updated with latest world magnetic model data)
Regarding your data, it seems your WMM library is reporting values in NED coordinates, so you have to convert them to ENU (at least the vector and the declination) if you want to keep coherence through the project.
To summarize:
- The IgrfGeomagnetismCalculator returns
X: 16144.11, Y: 803.08, Z: 47975.78, declination: 2.847
- You transform nanoTesla to microTesla
X: 16.14411, Y: 0.80308, Z: 47.97578, declination: 2.847
- You transform the vector and the declination from NED to ENU
X: 0.80308, Y: 16.14411, Z: -47.97578, declination: -2.847
At this time you have yourcontext.magnetic
structure well formed:
context.magnetic.vector = [X: 0.80308, Y: 16.14411, Z: -47.97578]
context.magnetic.declination = -2.847
Then, in generateAttitude.m
qMagneticToTrue = [W: 0.9997, X: 0, Y: 0, Z: 0.0248]
qTrueToMagnetic = [W: 0.9997, X: 0, Y: 0, Z: -0.0248]
filter.MagRef = [X: 0, Y: 16.1641, Z: -47.9758]
So it seems the setup prior to using the algorithm is not the problem.
I found I could use the most recent wmm from the api as well.
I get this MagRef = [-0.8252 22.8256 -41.3634]
, (with this location: 57.7027141, 11.916687
), both in the c# translation and in the matlab source code
So I end up with this
MagRef = [-7.2347985380361E-09, 16.1567587391275, -48.267143333836]
Notice E-09
- as it is currently required that the component should be at least 1e-12
or smaller..?
Do not worry, -7.2347985380361E-09
is ok ;)
The goal here is to verify if MagRef.x is close to 0. 1e-12
is good for Matlab operations but it seems to be too low for your C# implementation.
Do not worry, -7.2347985380361E-09 is ok ;)
When it comes to the sensordata I assume these should be given as they are. enu
and ned
only matter for the ref
vectors and for the outputted attitude?
Previously using a C# version of Madgwick I had to...
sensorVectorX = y;
sensorVectorY = -x;
sensorVectorZ = z
// ... sensor vector used in algorithm update
But I was not aware of the (2) most common coordinate system you describe. I think that operation in this circumstance resulted in a quaternion in the style of the standard os attitude - which to my understanding must be enu
It says in visualiseAttitudeOnSpecificDataset.m that the data set is in enu
. Presumably no manipulation of the raw sensor data has been made.
Looking at how the native sensor data is extracted in Xamarin.Essentials - it is there for some reason made differently in case of the accelerometer depending on the platform:
// iOS
var accelData = new AccelerometerData(field.X * -1, field.Y * -1, field.Z * -1);
// Android
var gravity = gravity = 9.81;
var data = new AccelerometerData(e.Values[0] / gravity, e.Values[1] / gravity, e.Values[2] / gravity);
Difference betweenQMichelObs.cs
and QMichelObs.m
Running one first row of sensor data as update, and second row into update I get
// w x y z
-0.207312917472391, -0.0444969475212587, 0.196754267945632, 0.957250823269538
with the translated QMichelObs.cs
. The matlab QMichelObs.m
. with the same data gives
% (w, x, y, z)
-0.2215 -0.0443 0.1978 0.9539
My progress so far
I made sure the projection in my app which uses a game coordinateesystem receives it's attitude in enu
- meaning I can swap between the c# version of Madgwick from x-io Technologies which I have used previously and the translation of QMichelObs.m.
Current observed differences between QMichelObs.cs
and Madgwick.cs
from x-io Technologies
There is instability using QMichelObs
where twisting the device around a lot in different axises - displaces my AR objects that are given north bearing, by 50-90 degrees off. It then takes time (roughly 25 seconds) for them to move back to their position. The same twisting does not cause displacement of objects when using Madgwick
Its much more stable on my iPhone11, however both the translated QMichelObs
- and my newly translated from matlab: Madgwick
- drifts right. And the app's visual objects jumps up and down a bit with the translated Madgwick - which I think is related to the beta
I have a question about the datasets. Looking in the android folder, there is calib.acc.device
, calib.gyr.device
, calib.mag.device
. Which can look like...
I don't see accelerometer-calibrated
When it comes to the sensordata I assume these should be given as they are.
only matter for theref
vectors and for the outputted attitude?
Previously using a C# version of Madgwick I had to...
sensorVectorX = y; sensorVectorY = -x; sensorVectorZ = z // ... sensor vector used in algorithm update
But I was not aware of the (2) most common coordinate system you describe. I think that operation in this circumstance resulted in a quaternion in the style of the standard os attitude - which to my understanding must be
NED is mostly used for aerial vehicles (UAVs, aircrafts, satellite...) whereas ENU is mostly used for ground vehicles/objects (robots, cars, smartphones). The reason is developers prefer to have a positive value on z-axis. Fortunately, smartphone manufacturers use the same coordinates system: ENU.
Madgwick algorithm is not designed for a specific vehicle/object so you can use it with both coordinate systems. However, From what I remember, the public source code of Madgwick algorithm uses NED coordinates system, and you cannot find the reference vectors because the jacobian matrix is optimized for NED. That is why you had to change the sensor output with the sensorVector
It says in visualiseAttitudeOnSpecificDataset.m that the data set is in
. Presumably no manipulation of the raw sensor data has been made.Looking at how the native sensor data is extracted in Xamarin.Essentials - it is there for some reason made differently in case of the accelerometer depending on the platform:
// iOS var accelData = new AccelerometerData(field.X * -1, field.Y * -1, field.Z * -1);
// Android var gravity = gravity = 9.81; var data = new AccelerometerData(e.Values[0] / gravity, e.Values[1] / gravity, e.Values[2] / gravity);
Yeah that is funny too, iOS considers acceleration on the z-axis as its opposite. I do the same trick than Xamarin here
Difference between
Running one first row of sensor data as update, and second row into update I get
// w x y z -0.207312917472391, -0.0444969475212587, 0.196754267945632, 0.957250823269538
with the translated
. The matlabQMichelObs.m
. with the same data gives% (w, x, y, z) -0.2215 -0.0443 0.1978 0.9539
My progress so far
I made sure the projection in my app which uses a game coordinateesystem receives it's attitude in
- meaning I can swap between the c# version of Madgwick from x-io Technologies which I have used previously and the translation of QMichelObs.m.Current observed differences between
from x-io TechnologiesThere is instability using
where twisting the device around a lot in different axises - displaces my AR objects that are given north bearing, by 50-90 degrees off. It then takes time (roughly 25 seconds) for them to move back to their position. The same twisting does not cause displacement of objects when usingMadgwick
That is not an easy part but all algorithms can be tuned with parameters to get the best of each. The "25-sec convergence" can be reduced if you trust less the gyroscope in the Kalman algorithm.
I have a question about the datasets. Looking in the android folder, there is
. Which can look like...
I don't see
Because Android does not provide an "accelerometer-calibrated" value. That is why I created a specific dataset each day for the "accelerometer calibration". But, as you can see in this table, accelerometer calibration does not have a huge impact on the output quaternion.
To have an idea of the rendering of MichelObs and a native filter, have a look here: and
First of all, sorry for being late with this response.
My free trial of matlab has ended. But I am considering getting a license - so that I can continue translating and control existing translated algorithms. Then, to be totally sure - I would have to generate multiple quaternions in matlab and save it as a text file. Then run C# version and see if the quaternions are the same.
About android there is in fact calibrated/uncalibrated accelerometer present .
But it might not have been so some years ago.
When it comes to parrying magnetic distortion, I am slightly worried with this procedure: If there has never been any valid values (yet) it can't replay those, which means a non working ahrs during this period?
About android there is in fact calibrated/uncalibrated accelerometer present .
But it might not have been so some years ago.
I just had a look on it and you are right, they "recently" added an "AccelerometerUncalibrated" field
When it comes to parrying magnetic distortion, I am slightly worried with this procedure: If there has never been any valid values (yet) it can't replay those, which means a non working ahrs during this period?
Not exactly, in fact, during this period (when the value is upper than the threshold), the new quaternion is generated only using the gyroscope and the accelerometer. The trick is here, magUpdate is set to 0, so the magnetometer weight in the prediction is 0 too.
I've tried turning off the magnetometer. In that situation there is no absolute reference - so the items in my app is shown differently depending on the initial device frame.
Also, I have looked more closely on magnetometer calibration - and I wonder, can't the sphere be constructed with WMM vector? That might lead to a completely pure magnetic measurement: ?
I've tried turning off the magnetometer. In that situation there is no absolute reference - so the items in my app is shown differently depending on the initial device frame.
That is the normal behavior ;)
Also, I have looked more closely on magnetometer calibration - and I wonder, can't the sphere be constructed with WMM vector? That might lead to a completely pure magnetic measurement: hightower70/MagCal#1 ?
The WMM for the magnetometer calibration, as far as I know, can only be used to grow or shrink the sphere. (see src/Calibration/Magnetometer/retrieveParametersFromMagnetometerCalibration.m#L21)
That is the normal behavior ;)
It is just in my case, there is slight risk that the user will be showed invalid visual UI elements during time using that time:/ (It relies on magnetometer to position them.)
The WMM for the magnetometer calibration, as far as I know, can only be used to grow or shrink the sphere
Should it not be someway that:
var distortion = messuredVector - magRef
and then
It says:
As the user moves the mobile in the specific motion, the data from the magnetometer is fit into a sphere. The center of the sphere is then subtracted from the subsequent sensor data to get the calibrated values.
So constructing a sphere with magRef, and subtracting all magnetometer measurements - could possibly create valid magnetometer values at all time? What I don't understand with the sphere subtracting though is the "center". Is the center half of the magRef vector...?
That is the normal behavior ;)
It is just in my case, there is slight risk that the user will be showed invalid visual UI elements during time using that time:/ (It relies on magnetometer to position them.)
True. Maybe you can provide a feedback to the user until it is not in an area without magnetic distortions. Anyway, the calibration phase (if you want to consider soft distortions and MagRef norm in your model) must be done in a space without magnetic perturbations.
The WMM for the magnetometer calibration, as far as I know, can only be used to grow or shrink the sphere
Should it not be someway that:
var distortion = messuredVector - magRef
I am not sure to understand what you are talking about. Vectors? Vectors' norm? Distortions?
and then
It says:
As the user moves the mobile in the specific motion, the data from the magnetometer is fit into a sphere. The center of the sphere is then subtracted from the subsequent sensor data to get the calibrated values.
So constructing a sphere with magRef, and subtracting all magnetometer measurements - could possibly create valid magnetometer values at all time? What I don't understand with the sphere subtracting though is the "center". Is the center half of the magRef vector...?
You do not construct a sphere with magRef (magRef is fixed by WMM given a {lat, lng, alt, time}) but with the magnetometer measurements. When you obtain your ellipsoid from the magnetometer calibration,
- if your ellipsoid is not a sphere, this is mostly due to the soft iron distortions and you can try to find a vector to make your values fit a sphere.
- if the center is not (0,0,0), this is mostly due to the hard iron distortions and you can subtract the values to obtain a centered sphere
- if the norm of your sphere is not equal to the magRef norm, you can grow or shrink your sphere to match with the expected norm Have a look at this article:
I am not sure to understand what you are talking about. Vectors? Vectors' norm? Distortions?
It's just that the wmm vector is always present in the measurement. So therefore it should be possible to know where all the distortion is coming from? If I have understood basic physics vector teachings in school, the measurement is a total of all magnetic forces involved:
var total = magRef + distortion
Also, the wmm vector is always present. And it is a sphere. So I I don't really understand why calibration can't be done against the sphere of MagRef
Thank you for the details, the calibration concepts is more understandable now.
Ok, so you cannot do that with vectors directly. Vectors are not coming from the same coordinate system (Local Tangent Plane frame [sometimes called "World frame"] for MagRef vs Device frame for Magnetometer measurements).
However, you can use this formula with vectors norms
Test directing the device north with as little surrounding magnetic disturbance as possible. I could see magRef(only that the norm of it being a bit different). When I rotated the MagRef vector in code -90 degrees (enU), I got the same values as pointing my device east.
(that was with device os's calibration)
Still, if you have an environment cleared of magnetic disturbance like how the experiments where made - won't the MagRef vector be present somewhere in the raw magnetometer sensor data?
The WMM for the magnetometer calibration, as far as I know, can only be used to grow or shrink the sphere. (see src/Calibration/Magnetometer/retrieveParametersFromMagnetometerCalibration.m#L21)
Here is an implementation I found with magnetometer calibration and wmm:
Inside the second if statement (when mag_earth_available
true) it does this:
const Vector3f expected_field = Dcmf(euler).transpose() * mag_earth_pred;
...and mag_earth_pred
is set up like:
mag_earth_pred = Dcmf(Eulerf(0, -mag_inclination_gps, mag_declination_gps)) * Vector3f(mag_strength_gps, 0, 0);
In the do_mag_calibration_quick
method. Could setting up mag_earth_available
there could just be a calculation of MagRef?
It uses wmm in more in mag_calibrate_all
method as well in the file:
for (size_t cur_mag = 0; cur_mag < MAX_MAGS; cur_mag++) {
sphere_radius[cur_mag] = mag_strength_gps;
Which I believe would same the as the shrinking of the sphere you mentioned.
The short calibration method implementation was not very applicable for me though as it requires a prequest (accuarte) heading. I think it is more meant as an on the go calibration - but it still contain some interesting wmm code.
- This above was jut a methodology to maintain and calculate a perfect "fake" magnetometer value. A start value/values with accurate magnetometer is still needed.