vim-quantum icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vim-quantum copied to clipboard

Could you/we add an option to use 256 color?

Open marcosps opened this issue 7 years ago • 3 comments

tmux doesn't handle too well true color schemes on VIM, but quantum is the best scheme that I found so far.

Do you have plans to add an option to toggle between true color and 256 color?


marcosps avatar Jun 05 '17 18:06 marcosps

Sure! I originally created a 256 color version of Quantum, but removed it because it was very disorganized and confusing (quantum.vim technically holds two color schemes, and both had very similar 256 color variants).

The simplest way I can re-implement a 256 version of Quantum:

  • quantum.vim containing both the quantum and quantum-black true color schemes
  • quantum-256.vim containing a singular 256 color optimized version of quantum-black

I will keep this issue open in case you or someone has a better idea or implementation.

tyrannicaltoucan avatar Jun 05 '17 22:06 tyrannicaltoucan

For me, it's perfect. I never played with vim colors before, but I can take a look on it and help you! Or, if you think you can do it, better yet :)


marcosps avatar Jun 06 '17 10:06 marcosps

:+1: for *-256color support. I'd help. Looks like good theme.

I like working in urxvt so this would be nice.

dylnmc avatar Jul 19 '17 06:07 dylnmc

Closing old bugs...

marcosps avatar Jun 19 '23 01:06 marcosps