Ian Webster

Results 100 comments of Ian Webster

hmm, is there any chance you can provide a jsfiddle as an example?

Could you please provide a code example/jsfiddle so I can help debug this? There are handful of [examples](https://typpo.github.io/spacekit/examples/) with working moons.

Hey @mgreter, This is really, really cool :) I must have missed the notification when you opened this issue back in June. I'm having fun going through your code. Thank...

Stable option ordering is not supported by the API at this time :)

Hi Scott, This behavior is supported via `puppeteerOptions`. For example: ``` const image = await GoogleChartsNode.render(drawChart, { width: 400, height: 300, puppeteerOptions: { headless: 'new' } }); ```

Maybe I'm one of the lucky ones. I normally work with `gpt-4` but sometimes want to switch to `gpt-4-32k`. I had a look at the code the other day and...

Hi @SergeySypalo, webp is actually supported, although not documented! You can call `setFormat('webp')`

Hmm, it should be supported just fine. Do you have an example? Another potential solution is to swap to [quickchart-js](https://github.com/typpo/quickchart-js/), the usage is exactly the same as chartjs-to-image but it...

Thanks for catching this. I have a fix in #190

Looks like it is unused, and therefore should be removed