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Eq[Polynomial[C]] throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException for negative exponents
scala> def x: Polynomial[Int] = PolySparse(List(Term(-1642198702, -1)))
x: spire.math.Polynomial[Int]
scala> x === x
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
at scala.runtime.ScalaRunTime$.array_update(ScalaRunTime.scala:76)
at spire.math.poly.PolySparse.coeffsArray(PolySparse.scala:54)
at spire.math.PolynomialEq.eqv(Polynomial.scala:556)
at spire.math.PolynomialEq.eqv$(Polynomial.scala:555)
at spire.math.PolynomialInstances0$$anon$14.eqv(Polynomial.scala:568)
... 36 elided
I'm not sure polynomials were designed to accept negative exponents. For example, the parse
method on the companion object does not support negative exponents (see the termRe
@tixxit: can you comment on this?
They were not - I think it is probably a bug that we don't throw an exception during construction in this case and we should fix that bug.
Then we must also fix this line right here, which generates random exponents that could all be negative :) https://github.com/non/spire/blob/master/laws/src/main/scala/spire/laws/gen.scala#L100
Submitted a quick fix for that particular problem.
If polynomials aren't supposed to have negative exponents, should Term
have UInt
for exponent instead of Int
@kschwarz1116 that's a good question. I wonder if UInt
interacts poorly with specialization, and so would be boxed, which is why Int
is preferable for performance. But I'm not sure about that without looking at bytecode.