fs2-grpc copied to clipboard
Running as standalone or with `mill`
Hi, I'm moving a project from sbt
to mill
and did not find a way to use the codegen outside of sbt
. Is it possible to run the fs2-grpc codegen as a standalone, e.g. with protoc?
Okay, after searching maven for a while and a lot of trial and error, I seem to have gotten somewhere with
./bin/scalapbc --plugin-artifact=org.typelevel:protoc-gen-fs2-grpc:2.7.14:default,classifier=unix,ext=sh,type=jar -v3.11.1 myprotofile.proto --scala_out=flat_package,java_conversions,single_line_to_proto_string:out --fs2-grpc_out=out
I managed to use this library in mill
with the following build setup.
import contrib.scalapblib._
and extends ScalaPBModule
Add the following libraryDeps
and overwrite scalaPBAdditionalArgs
as follows:
override def scalaPBAdditionalArgs: T[Seq[String]] = T {
s"--fs2-grpc_out=${(T.dest / os.up / "compileScalaPB.dest").toIO.getCanonicalPath}",
import mill._, scalalib._
import contrib.scalapblib._
object ... extends ScalaPBModule with ... {
def scalaPBVersion = version.scalaPb
def moduleDeps = Seq(...)
def libraryDeps = Agg(
override def scalaPBIncludePath: T[Seq[PathRef]] = T {
Seq(scalaPBUnpackProto()) ++ T
.sequence(moduleDeps.collect { case m: ScalaPBModule =>
override def scalaPBAdditionalArgs: T[Seq[String]] = T {
s"--fs2-grpc_out=${(T.dest / os.up / "compileScalaPB.dest").toIO.getCanonicalPath}",
The T.dest / os.up / "compileScalaPB.dest
is a hack, but this way the generated files end up in the correct place and are tracked by mill
. The version.grpcJava
should also ideally be provided by the scalapb plugin. I'm just glad I got something working for now.
@otto-dev Little improvement over your setup. Using scalaPBSearchDeps
to include protos from dependencies and dedicated task with destination folder with generated fs2-grpc files to get rid of T.dest / os.up / "compileScalaPB.dest"
import $ivy.`com.lihaoyi::mill-contrib-scalapblib:`
import mill._
import mill.contrib.scalapblib._
import mill.scalalib._
import mill.scalalib.scalafmt._
// define your versions
object Versions {
val scala = "3.3.3"
val scalaPB = "0.11.17"
val fs2grpc = "2.7.16"
object ... extends ScalaPBModule {
def scalaVersion = Versions.scala
def scalaPBVersion = Versions.scalaPB
val fs2GrpcCodegen = s"org.typelevel:protoc-gen-fs2-grpc:${Versions.fs2grpc}"
val fs2Grpc = s"org.typelevel::fs2-grpc-runtime:${Versions.fs2grpc}"
override def scalaPBGrpc = true
override def ivyDeps = T {
// add fs2 grpc runtime to dependencies
super.ivyDeps() ++ Agg(ivy"$fs2Grpc")
// creates separate destination for generated fs2 files
def fs2GrpcOut: T[PathRef] = T.persistent {
// extend module's generated sources with fs2 generated files
override def generatedSources = T { super.generatedSources() :+ fs2GrpcOut() }
// (optional) if you need to include .protos from dependencies into scalapbc compiler's path
override def scalaPBSearchDeps = true
// setup scalapbc additional arguments
override def scalaPBAdditionalArgs = T {