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Add support for chained joins

Open asm0dey opened this issue 5 years ago • 14 comments

Currently there is no way to call several joins in chain. (ON condition fails to work with types) It makes code much less readable because of hard-to-read variables names.

asm0dey avatar Jul 30 '19 08:07 asm0dey

I suppose the issue here is also due to the results of join being wrapped into an Option, or is there something else to investigate?

OlivierBlanvillain avatar Jul 30 '19 12:07 OlivierBlanvillain

I'm not sure, but I don't think it's related to Option because it works with intermediate vals.

asm0dey avatar Jul 30 '19 12:07 asm0dey

Its because you don't have an intermediate ds to reference in the second join. I would also like to see a fix for this.

niebloomj avatar Nov 19 '19 20:11 niebloomj

It is indeed a big problem, which prevent me from using the library as my use cases involve large number of complex joins.

achkatabeca avatar Mar 03 '20 16:03 achkatabeca

Is there a reproducer ?

cchantep avatar Sep 07 '21 14:09 cchantep

@cchantep I'm not using frameless for couple of years already, but I clearly remember that I wanted to join 4 dataframes in one chain as I can do with datasets, like

  .joinLeft(b, x)
  .innerJoin(c, y)
  .joinRight(d, z)

asm0dey avatar Sep 07 '21 15:09 asm0dey

It wasn't immediately obvious what the issue was from the comment chain but per niebloomj's comment above you need the equivalent of joinedDs1 below to get the types correct for the lhs.

Below I've got a named function joinRightChained which would allow chaining, but I also added a join().right approach which allows the same name for both right( condition) and right( intermediateDataset => condition). In either case you'd need duplicate forwarding functions but I definitely prefer the Joiner approach.

  case class Joiner[T, U](ds: TypedDataset[T], other: TypedDataset[U]) {
    def right(conditionF: TypedDataset[T] => TypedColumn[T with U, Boolean])(implicit e: TypedEncoder[(Option[T], U)]): TypedDataset[(Option[T], U)] =

    def right(condition: TypedColumn[T with U, Boolean])(implicit e: TypedEncoder[(Option[T], U)]): TypedDataset[(Option[T], U)] =

  implicit class Ops[T](ds: TypedDataset[T]) {

    def join[U](other: TypedDataset[U]): Joiner[T, U] = new Joiner[T,U](ds, other)

    def joinRightChained[U](other: TypedDataset[U])(conditionF: TypedDataset[T] => TypedColumn[T with U, Boolean])(implicit e: TypedEncoder[(Option[T], U)]): TypedDataset[(Option[T], U)] =

  test("chained") {
    def prop[
      A: TypedEncoder : Ordering,
      B: TypedEncoder : Ordering,
      C: TypedEncoder : Ordering,
      D: TypedEncoder : Ordering
    ](left: Seq[X2[A, B]], mid: Seq[X2[A, C]], right: Seq[X2[C, D]] ): Unit = {
      val leftDs = TypedDataset.create(left)
      val midDs = TypedDataset.create(mid)
      val rightDs = TypedDataset.create(right)
      /* orig
      val joinedDs1 = leftDs
        .joinRight(midDs)(leftDs.col('a) === midDs.col('a))
      val joinedDs = joinedDs1
        .joinRight(rightDs)(joinedDs1.col('_2).field('b) === rightDs.col('a))

      /* joinRightChained
        val joinedDs = leftDs
        .joinRight(midDs)(leftDs.col('a) === midDs.col('a))
        .joinRightChained(rightDs)(_.col('_2).field('b) === rightDs.col('a))
      // join right
      val joinedDs = leftDs
        .join(midDs).right(leftDs.col('a) === midDs.col('a))
        .join(rightDs).right(_.col('_2).field('b) === rightDs.col('a))


      val joinedData = joinedDs.collect().run().toVector.sorted
      assert(joinedData == Seq(
        (Some((Some(X2(1,1L)), X2(1,5L))), X2(5L, "5s")),
        (Some((Some(X2(2,2L)), X2(2,6L))), X2(6L, "6s")),
        (Some((Some(X2(3,3L)), X2(3,7L))), X2(7L, "7s"))


    prop[Int, Long, Long, String](Seq(X2(1,1L), X2(2,2L), X2(3,3L)), Seq(X2(1,5L), X2(2,6L), X2(3,7L)),
      Seq(X2(5L, "5s"), X2(6L, "6s"), X2(7L, "7s")))

chris-twiner avatar Jun 05 '23 14:06 chris-twiner

fyi - given this is purely syntactical a thrush combinator should be sufficient:

follow mouse instructions to add it as a dependency then importing mouse.all._ should allow thrush to work:

val leftDs = ...
val midDs = ...
val rightDs = ...

import mouse.all._

val joinedDs = leftDs.joinLeft(midDs)(...)
    .thrush( leftWithMid => leftWithMid.joinLeft(rightDs)(leftWithMid(`attrib == ...))
    .thrush( other joins )

unless there are other compelling reasons for doing something specific for chaining I'd recommend closing this issue.

@cchantep per the PR

chris-twiner avatar Jun 13 '23 14:06 chris-twiner

@chris-twiner so is the thing I wanna do in already doable? Multiple joins, then other pipeline operations like mapping and reducing?

I mean… sometimes I need to have 7 joins, right?

asm0dey avatar Jun 14 '23 08:06 asm0dey

@chris-twiner so is the thing I wanna do in #385 (comment) already doable? Multiple joins, then other pipeline operations like mapping and reducing?

I mean… sometimes I need to have 7 joins, right?

@asm0dey per the above comment you should be able to use a thrush to chain any call (irrespective of frameless or other library) as long as the result is what you need for the next call. Have you tried it and found it didn't work for your case ?

chris-twiner avatar Jun 14 '23 08:06 chris-twiner

Nop, I don't even know what this function is :( For me, it's just a name of a mouth infection.

asm0dey avatar Jun 14 '23 08:06 asm0dey

I've updated the above comment to be more helpful and correct. Please chat back here if it works, or perhaps even more interestingly if it doesn't ^_^

chris-twiner avatar Jun 14 '23 08:06 chris-twiner

@chris-twiner maybe a doc PR with added example

cchantep avatar Jun 14 '23 11:06 cchantep

@chris-twiner maybe a doc PR with added example

@cchantep on its way

chris-twiner avatar Jun 14 '23 14:06 chris-twiner