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Generator fails to create mock for the simplest PAT

Open mecoFarid opened this issue 1 year ago • 0 comments


Mockingbird site advertises the library as if it supports the Protocols with generic type here but in reality, it fails for simplest generic protocol.


protocol Mapper{
    associatedtype I
    associatedtype O
    func map(i: I) -> O

Generated code

private let mkbGenericStaticMockContext = Mockingbird.GenericStaticMockContext()

// MARK: - Mocked Mapper
public final class MapperMock<I, O>: Mappa.Mapper, Mockingbird.Mock {
  typealias MockingbirdSupertype = Mappa.Mapper
  public static var mockingbirdContext: Mockingbird.Context { return mkbGenericStaticMockContext.resolve(["MapperMock<I, O>", Swift.ObjectIdentifier(I.self).debugDescription, Swift.ObjectIdentifier(O.self).debugDescription]) }
  public let mockingbirdContext = Mockingbird.Context(["generator_version": "0.20.0", "module_name": "Mappa"])

  fileprivate init(sourceLocation: Mockingbird.SourceLocation) {
    self.mockingbirdContext.sourceLocation = sourceLocation
    MapperMock.mockingbirdContext.sourceLocation = sourceLocation

  // MARK: Mocked `map`(`i`: I)
  public func `map`(`i`: I) -> O {
    return self.mockingbirdContext.mocking.didInvoke(Mockingbird.SwiftInvocation(selectorName: "`map`(`i`: I) -> O", selectorType: Mockingbird.SelectorType.method, arguments: [Mockingbird.ArgumentMatcher(`i`)], returnType: Swift.ObjectIdentifier((O).self))) {
      let mkbImpl = self.mockingbirdContext.stubbing.implementation(for: $0)
      if let mkbImpl = mkbImpl as? (I) -> O { return mkbImpl(`i`) }
      if let mkbImpl = mkbImpl as? () -> O { return mkbImpl() }
      for mkbTargetBox in self.mockingbirdContext.proxy.targets(for: $0) {
        switch {
        case .super:
        case .object:
      if let mkbValue = self.mockingbirdContext.stubbing.defaultValueProvider.value.provideValue(for: (O).self) { return mkbValue }
      self.mockingbirdContext.stubbing.failTest(for: $0, at: self.mockingbirdContext.sourceLocation)

  public func `map`(`i`: @autoclosure () -> I) -> Mockingbird.Mockable<Mockingbird.FunctionDeclaration, (I) -> O, O> {
    return Mockingbird.Mockable<Mockingbird.FunctionDeclaration, (I) -> O, O>(context: self.mockingbirdContext, invocation: Mockingbird.SwiftInvocation(selectorName: "`map`(`i`: I) -> O", selectorType: Mockingbird.SelectorType.method, arguments: [Mockingbird.resolve(`i`)], returnType: Swift.ObjectIdentifier((O).self)))

public enum Mapper<I, O> {
/// Returns a concrete mock of `Mapper`.
public func mock<I, O>(_ type: Mapper<I, O>.Type, file: StaticString = #file, line: UInt = #line) -> MapperMock<I, O> {
  return MapperMock<I, O>(sourceLocation: Mockingbird.SourceLocation(file, line))


Type 'MapperMock<I, O>' does not conform to protocol 'Mapper'


  • Mockingbird version: 0.20.0
  • Xcode and Swift version: 14.0.1 and 5.7
  • Package manager: CocoaPods
  • Unit testing framework: XCTest

mecoFarid avatar Dec 13 '22 13:12 mecoFarid