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A Chainer extension for K-FAC


A Chainer extension for training deep neural networks with Kronecker-Factored Approximate Curvature (K-FAC).

Implementation for

Kazuki Osawa, Yohei Tsuji, Yuichiro Ueno, Akira Naruse, Rio Yokota, and Satoshi Matsuoka. 
Large-Scale Distributed Second-Order Optimization Using Kronecker-Factored Approximate Curvature for Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. 
CVPR, 2019.

[paper] [poster]


  • Supported Python Versions: Python 3.6+

Clone the code from GitHub.

$ git clone chainerkfac

Change the directory and install.

$ cd chainerkfac
$ python install

This table describes the additional required libraries to install before the installation of chainerkfac.

Running environment Additional required libraries
Single GPU CuPy
Multiple GPUs CuPy with NCCL, MPI4py
Multiple GPUs for ImageNet script CuPy with NCCL, MPI4py, Pillow

See CuPy installation guide and ChainerMN installation guide for details.


MNIST (codes) / CIFAR-10 (codes)

Training with a single CPU

$ python --no_cuda

Training with a single GPU

$ python

Training with multiple GPUs (4GPUs)

$ mpirun -np 4 python --distributed

ImageNet (codes)

Training with multiple GPUs (4GPUs)

$ mpirun -np 4 python \
<path/to/train.txt> <path/to/val.txt> \
--train_root <path/to/train_root> \
--val_root  <path/to/val_root> \
--mean ./mean.npy \
--config <path/to/config_file>

Training ResNet-50 on ImageNet with large mini-batch

Mini-batch size config file Epochs Iterations Top-1 Accuracy
4,096 configs/bs4k.resnet50.128gpu.json 35 10,948 75.9 %
8,192 configs/bs8k.resnet50.256gpu.json 35 5,478 76.4 %
16,384 configs/bs16k.resnet50.512gpu.json 35 2,737 76.6 %
32,768 configs/bs32k.resnet50.1024gpu.json 45 1,760 76.9 %
65,536 configs/bs64k.resnet50.2048gpu.json 60 1,173 76.3 %
131,072 configs/bs128k.resnet50.4096gpu.json 80 782 75.0 %
  • NOTE:
    • We recommend to use 32 for --batchsize (32 samples per GPU).
    • You need to run with N GPUs when you use *{N}gpu.json config file.
    • You need to set --acc_iters when you want to run training with less number of GPUs as below:
      • Mini-batch size = {samples per GPU} x {# GPUs} x {acc_iters}
      • ex) 4096 = 32 x 8 x 16
      • ex) 131072 = 32 x 8 x 512
    • Gradients of loss and Fisher information matrix (Kronecker factors) are accumulated for --acc_iters iterations to build pseudo mini-batch size.
    • See config files.


Yohei Tsuji (@tyohei), Kazuki Osawa (@kazukiosawa), Yuichiro Ueno (@y1r) and Akira Naruse (@anaruse)