Oscar Molnar
Oscar Molnar
Hello! For me dbrightness works beautifully. However kbrightness always returns 0.000000% Now if I run blink, it gives me this error: setKeyboardBrightness() error I am on a 2017 MacBook pro...
Got it! Can we somehow implement the "simulating keyboard keys" part? I would love to have the keyboard flash when I get a notification for example :)
That looks awesome @Alex293 ! I've however never done macOS dev so I'm not sure how to execute it :( I opened up a new Xcode project and made a...
Works nicely! :D
If you're already using homemanager, why not use nix-darwin and let that manage both yabai and skhd for you? That might fix the path issues because you wont depend on...
I can't get skhd to do anything in my setup. I have tried everything mentioned here, and even reboots and it does not seem like skhd is doing anything. I...
Hello! I used this succesfully on visionOS and it works as is!
It's funny, because textual healing works when ligatures are enabled, and `#[` also works as a ligature. Nothing else
I can back up what @maximvl is saying. I'm coming from emacs and being able to fuzzy search open tabs (buffers) is a massive benefit! The way the project switcher...
I cant find Gmscore.apk on my device. Can anyone link me one?