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Results 30 comcast issues
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Hi, I tried to adapt the commands to Termux, but he doesn't recognize the commands, maybe there's some way to run it on it?

Hello! I am actually having several issues. I am currently running Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS for context. 1. The `go install` installation command isn't working for me; I needed to...

So you really need to emulate 20Mbit down/5 up, 50 down/10 up, 8mbit down 1up. Etc.

Any interest for a PR to add eBPF functionality? I was imagining a tutorial "Mediacom" Docker container baked out of a simple config file that gave it not only bad...

Have you tried to implement your code in a Windows environment? Is it possible?

Comcast, in the real world, does deep packet inspection to find HTTP packages, and injects a "you've reached your data cap" message. ![screenshot of such a message]( It would be...

The kernel sends the client an eperm when `tc` or `iptables` drops a packet. In real packet loss, the client wouldn't be made immediately aware that the packet didn't reach...

when I use this command ```shell ./comcast --device=eth0 --latency=5000 --target-proto=tcp,udp,icmp --target-addr= ``` it is useful.but if i add --target-port=9999 like ```shell ./comcast --device=eth0 --latency=5000 --target-proto=tcp,udp,icmp --target-addr= --target-port=9999 ``` it doesn’t...

root@ubuntu:~# comcast --device=eth0 --latency=250 --target-bw=1000 --packet-loss=10% sudo tc qdisc show | grep "netem" sudo tc qdisc add dev eth0 handle 10: root htb I couldn't setup the packet rules: %s...