Flotilla copied to clipboard
Automated message queue orchestration for scaled-up benchmarking.
go get github.com/tylertreat/flotilla/flotilla-server package google.golang.org/cloud: code in directory /home/nika/go/src/google.golang.org/cloud expects import "cloud.google.com/go" package google.golang.org/cloud/pubsub: code in directory /home/nika/go/src/google.golang.org/cloud/pubsub expects import "cloud.google.com/go/pubsub"
Hi, I have read some of your research for messaging benchmark, very nice. Do you know our project OpenMessaging, I would like to invite you to look at this benchmark...
The Google Cloud API client libraries for Go are making some breaking changes: - The import paths are changing from `google.golang.org/cloud/...` to `cloud.google.com/go/...`. For example, if your code imports the...
> The latency of a message is measured as the time it's sent subtracted from the time it's received. This requires recording the clocks of both the sender and receiver....
I still need to run a cluster test using this on my beefier machine but you can start reviewing the code changes, I've done a lot of testing (using the...
Adding etcd
What do you think about using etc.d to share configuration for the messaging clusters that are spun up, so each daemon wrapper can pull down the configuration details it needs...
https://github.com/codahale/tinystat Took a look over the tinystat lib and thought I'd start the discussion on what the command line api might look like. The general idea to me is to...