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Probabilistic data structures for processing continuous, unbounded streams.

Results 12 BoomFilters issues
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Hi there, have you considered adding Union function(s) so that bloom filters can be OR'd together to combine a single bloom filter?

Can a manifest file be made for this project so security scanning can take place? Thank you

In Test function, the hash will be changed: `hash.Write(data)`。 So it's concurrency security? ```go func (b *BloomFilter) Test(data []byte) bool { lower, upper := hashKernel(data, b.hash) // If any of...

The hyperloglog unit tests depend on the presence of /usr/share/dict/words (see It would be helpful to include the test data in the repo to ensure the tests work without...

Hey @tylertreat! I noticed that `NewDefaultScalableBloomFilter(0.01)` panics after exactly 31,536,466 insertions. Here is a test case: ```go func TestScalableBloomLarge(t *testing.T) { total := uint32(40000000) // 40 million f := NewDefaultScalableBloomFilter(0.01)...

Hi, Thanks for writing this useful package, I like it very much. However when I found a problem as the title said when using `InverseBloomFilter`. I edited the test code...

PartitionedBloomFilter.GobEncode collects the data from its partitions, but bytes.Buffer will grow the double capacity if nessage. So the memory of program will grow fast. Actually you can collect the length...

Hi team, i have integration for bloom filter in app, in case my app there is grouping/indexing for my bloom data. is this plugin suuport with this case ?, if...

Would be extremely useful for real-world usage