### Overview React Component rendering an Activity's completed progress as a blue bar ### Action Items Create a component that: - [ ] accepts a containerWidth and an Activity -...
### Overview Migrate the Auth0 login/register flow away from the default redirect-based module ### Resources/Instructions Use [regular web app](https://auth0.com/docs/quickstart/webapp/python) integration or, if possible, roll a customized version of the PKCE...
### Overview Create a wireframe diagram for the top-level host registration questions, as distinguished by category ### Resources/Instructions #### Category: Bio 7: Full name 16: Date of birth 17: Gender...
### Overview Create a REST API handling add, update, retrieval and delete operations on the response constraint resource. ### Action Items #### Add HTTP stubs to server source code *...
### Overview Create a REST API handling add, update and retrieval operations on the housing location resource. ### Action Items #### Add HTTP stubs to server source code * **Retrieve...
### Overview Create an initial setup for a Flask microservice responsible for performing matches between candidates ### Action Items 1. Create a Flask application accepting a JSON payload on a...
### Overview Develop a Python module that, given a ratings matrix and a threshold, generates a similarity graph using the Bayesian Similarity measure proposed [here](https://www3.ntu.edu.sg/home/zhangj/paper/ijcai13-guibing.pdf) and referenced in the context...
### Overview This module should receive as input the ratings matrix (or similar data structure), as well as a threshold to determine whether two neighbors are "similar", and generate a...
### Overview Develop a JSON schema that captures all necessary information for the matching engine. More specifically, develop the model(s) required for the initial processing step that will be needed...
### Overview Update the terraform resources for Home Unite Us in a fork of the Hack for LA Project Incubator repository ### Action Items - [ ] Set up resource...