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Consistent kernel panic after sleep when connected to thunderbolt dock

Open erdemoney opened this issue 2 years ago • 7 comments

On the latest EFI and latest version of macOS (12.5.1), following sleep my laptop will not wake up and will reboot to the error below. I had been dealing with this issue for a while before but it seemed to stop after an OS update to the last version of macOS, however after updating again to 12.5.1 the issue resurfaced.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. boot laptop
  2. connect caldigit TB3 dock
  3. Allow laptop to go to sleep or sleep manually

Kernel panic occurs 100% of the time

panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff801fec3a1a): Wake transition timed out after 180 seconds while calling power state change callbacks. Suspected bundle: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily. Thread 0x5acf.
Failure code:: 0x00000481 00000027

Backtracing specified thread
Panicked task 0xffffff99f6034670: 246 threads: pid 0: kernel_task
Backtrace (CPU 0), panicked thread: 0xffffff99f48e6540, Frame : Return Address
0xffffffb07c80b770 : 0xffffff801f7c952b 
0xffffffb07ce4bc40 : 0xffffff801f6aa642 
0xffffffb07ce4bcb0 : 0xffffff801f6a83d7 
0xffffffb07ce4bd00 : 0xffffff801f694aae 
0xffffffb07ce4bd30 : 0xffffff8022236c78 
0xffffffb07ce4bd50 : 0xffffff8022238c58 
0xffffffb07ce4bdc0 : 0xffffff8022243a19 
0xffffffb07ce4bde0 : 0xffffff801fe2831f 
0xffffffb07ce4be50 : 0xffffff801fe280ca 
0xffffffb07ce4be70 : 0xffffff801f6d2655 
0xffffffb07ce4bee0 : 0xffffff801f6d3722 
0xffffffb07ce4bfa0 : 0xffffff801f61f19e 
      Kernel Extensions in backtrace:

Process name corresponding to current thread (0xffffff99f48e6540): kernel_task
Boot args: -v chunklist-security-epoch=0 -chunklist-no-rev2-dev

Mac OS version:

Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 21.6.0: Wed Aug 10 14:25:27 PDT 2022; root:xnu-8020.141.5~2/RELEASE_X86_64
Kernel UUID: D0DC2052-71F4-3DCB-B189-BEE5A59B3B42
KernelCache slide: 0x000000001f400000
KernelCache base:  0xffffff801f600000
Kernel slide:      0x000000001f410000
Kernel text base:  0xffffff801f610000
__HIB  text base: 0xffffff801f500000
System model name: MacBookPro14,1 (Mac-B4831CEBD52A0C4C)
System shutdown begun: NO
Panic diags file available: YES (0x0)
Hibernation exit count: 0

System uptime in nanoseconds: 2301948247772
Last Sleep:           absolute           base_tsc          base_nano
  Uptime  : 0x00000217f6cec1e3
  Sleep   : 0x000001e9fdef0203 0x000000073339b249 0x0000000000000000
  Wake    : 0x000001eb190aff3a 0x00000000f9fcbaeb 0x000001ea242cee75
Compressor Info: 0% of compressed pages limit (OK) and 0% of segments limit (OK) with 0 swapfiles and OK swap space
Zone info:
  Zone map: 0xffffff805c0b7000 - 0xffffffa05c0b7000
  . PGZ   : 0xffffff805c0b7000 - 0xffffff805e0b8000
  . VM    : 0xffffff805e0b8000 - 0xffffff852a8b7000
  . RO    : 0xffffff852a8b7000 - 0xffffff86c40b7000
  . GEN0  : 0xffffff86c40b7000 - 0xffffff8b908b7000
  . GEN1  : 0xffffff8b908b7000 - 0xffffff905d0b7000
  . GEN2  : 0xffffff905d0b7000 - 0xffffff95298b7000
  . GEN3  : 0xffffff95298b7000 - 0xffffff99f60b7000
  . DATA  : 0xffffff99f60b7000 - 0xffffffa05c0b7000
  Metadata: 0xffffffbdeb846000 - 0xffffffbe0b846000
  Bitmaps : 0xffffffbe0b846000 - 0xffffffbe11846000

erdemoney avatar Sep 07 '22 19:09 erdemoney

  • What are your BIOS settings for Thunderbolt?
  • And is this on a modded BIOS or vanilla one?
  • Also, is this on a modded Thunderbolt chip or vanilla one?

tylernguyen avatar Sep 12 '22 23:09 tylernguyen

  • Bios settings are exactly as described in the docs for TB hotplug. (TB bios assist and support in pre boot are disabled, security level is no security.)
  • Vanilla bios
  • Unmodded TB chip

erdemoney avatar Sep 13 '22 00:09 erdemoney


By any chance, do you have power nap enabled?

tylernguyen avatar Sep 13 '22 00:09 tylernguyen

Nope, pmset shows that its disabled

erdemoney avatar Sep 13 '22 00:09 erdemoney

Don't know if this is helpful but here's a stacktrace from console for "Sleep Wake Failure"

Power button pressed during wake transition after 29855 ms.

Failure code:: 0x00000481 00000027

Date/Time:        2022-09-12 15:24:37.853 -0700
OS Version:       ??? ??? (Build ???)
Architecture:     x86_64
Report Version:   35.1
Incident Identifier: 0D2DBF9D-85C7-4867-956E-5D7E1A379AFB

Data Source:      Stackshots
Shared Cache:     73669942-BD8A-3E40-951F-7FBE07B51CB8 slid base address 0x7ff80d901000, slide 0xd901000

Event:            Sleep Wake Failure
Duration:         0.00s
Steps:            1

Boot args:        chunklist-security-epoch=0 -chunklist-no-rev2-dev

Time Awake Since Boot: 1395s

Process:          kernel_task [0]
UUID:             06A10466-36D7-3A0B-9EE7-A9053A8991A3
Path:             /kernel
Version:          Darwin Kernel Version 21.6.0: Mon Aug 22 20:17:10 PDT 2022; root:xnu-8020.140.49~2/RELEASE_X86_64
Architecture:     x86_64
Footprint:        35.29 MB
Time Since Fork:  1403s
Num samples:      1 (1)

  Thread 0x6c    1 sample (1)    priority 95 (base 95)
  <IO tier 0>
 *1  ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
   *1  ??? (kernel + 1709378) [0xffffff80003b1542] 1
     *1  ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
       *1  ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
         *1  ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1

  Thread 0x6d    Thread name "IOServiceTerminateThread"    1 sample (1)    priority 81 (base 81)
  <IO tier 0>
 *1  ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
   *1  ??? (kernel + 8458223) [0xffffff8000a20fef] 1
     *1  ??? (kernel + 543470) [0xffffff8000294aee] 1
       *1  ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
         *1  ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
           *1  ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1

  Thread 0x71    Thread name "daemon.core-analytics-events"    1 sample (1)    priority 63 (base 63)
  <IO tier 0>
 *1  ??? (kernel + 61504) [0xffffff800021f040] 1

  Thread 0x72    Thread name "thread call high #1"    1 sample (1)    priority 93 (base 93)
  <IO tier 0>
 *1  ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
   *1  ??? (kernel + 800610) [0xffffff80002d3762] 1
     *1  ??? (kernel + 796309) [0xffffff80002d2695] 1
       *1  ??? [0] 1
         *1  ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
           *1  ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
             *1  ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1

  Thread 0x96    Thread name "idle #1"    1 sample (1)    priority 0 (base 0)
  <IO tier 0>
 *1  ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
   *1  ??? (kernel + 653993) [0xffffff80002afaa9] 1
     *1  ??? (kernel + 653482) [0xffffff80002af8aa] 1
       *1  ??? (kernel + 1846128) [0xffffff80003d2b70] (runnable) 1

  Thread 0x99    Thread name "idle #3"    1 sample (1)    priority 0 (base 0)
  <IO tier 0>
 *1  ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
   *1  ??? (kernel + 653993) [0xffffff80002afaa9] 1
     *1  ??? (kernel + 653482) [0xffffff80002af8aa] 1
       *1  ??? (kernel + 1846128) [0xffffff80003d2b70] (runnable) 1

  Thread 0x9c    Thread name "idle #5"    1 sample (1)    priority 0 (base 0)
  <IO tier 0>
 *1  ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
   *1  ??? (kernel + 653993) [0xffffff80002afaa9] 1
     *1  ??? (kernel + 653482) [0xffffff80002af8aa] 1
       *1  ??? (kernel + 1846128) [0xffffff80003d2b70] (runnable) 1

  Thread 0x9f    Thread name "idle #7"    1 sample (1)    priority 0 (base 0)
  <IO tier 0>
 *1  ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
   *1  ??? (kernel + 653993) [0xffffff80002afaa9] 1
     *1  ??? (kernel + 653482) [0xffffff80002af8aa] 1
       *1  ??? (kernel + 1846128) [0xffffff80003d2b70] (runnable) 1

  Thread 0xce    Thread name "thread call high #2"    1 sample (1)    priority 93 (base 93)
  <IO tier 0>
 *1  ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
   *1  ??? (kernel + 800610) [0xffffff80002d3762] 1
     *1  ??? (kernel + 796309) [0xffffff80002d2695] 1
       *1  ??? [0] 1
         *1  ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
           *1  ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
             *1  ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1

  Thread 0xd3    Thread name "thread call high #3"    1 sample (1)    priority 93 (base 93)
  <IO tier 0>
 *1  ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
   *1  ??? (kernel + 800610) [0xffffff80002d3762] 1
     *1  ??? (kernel + 796309) [0xffffff80002d2695] 1
       *1  ??? [0] 1
         *1  ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
           *1  ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
             *1  ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1

  Thread 0xe3    1 sample (1)    priority 81 (base 81)
  <IO tier 0>
 *1  ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
   *1  Thread<WorkQueue<EndpointSecurityClient>*>::threadEntry(void*, int) + 27 (EndpointSecurity + 246987) [0xffffff8001dfb4cb] 1
     *1  invocation function for block in WorkQueue<EndpointSecurityClient>::create(void (ScopedPointer<EndpointSecurityClient>&&) block_pointer) + 114 (EndpointSecurity + 246162) [0xffffff8001dfb192] 1
       *1  ??? (kernel + 543470) [0xffffff8000294aee] 1
         *1  ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
           *1  ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
             *1  ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1

  Thread 0x101    1 sample (1)    priority 97 (base 97)
  <IO tier 0>
 *1  ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
   *1  SMCWatchDogTimer::watchdogThread() + 211 (AppleSMC + 62077) [0xffffff8001a7e27d] 1
     *1  ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
       *1  ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
         *1  ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1

  Thread 0x116    Thread name "IONVMeController"    1 sample (1)    priority 81 (base 81)
  <IO tier 0>
 *1  ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
   *1  ??? (kernel + 8597707) [0xffffff8000a430cb] 1
     *1  ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
       *1  ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
         *1  ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1

  Thread 0x117    1 sample (1)    priority 81 (base 81)
  <IO tier 0>
 *1  ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
   *1  ??? (kernel + 8597707) [0xffffff8000a430cb] 1
     *1  ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
       *1  ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
         *1  ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1

  Thread 0x118    Thread name "IONVMeController"    1 sample (1)    priority 81 (base 81)
  <IO tier 0>
 *1  ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
   *1  ??? (kernel + 8597707) [0xffffff8000a430cb] 1
     *1  ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
       *1  ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
         *1  ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1

  Thread 0x130    Thread name "thread call high #4"    1 sample (1)    priority 93 (base 93)
  <IO tier 0>
 *1  ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
   *1  ??? (kernel + 800610) [0xffffff80002d3762] 1
     *1  ??? (kernel + 796309) [0xffffff80002d2695] 1
       *1  ??? [0] 1
         *1  ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
           *1  ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
             *1  ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1

  Thread 0x131    Thread name "thread call high #5"    1 sample (1)    priority 93 (base 93)
  <IO tier 0>
 *1  ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
   *1  ??? (kernel + 800610) [0xffffff80002d3762] 1
     *1  ??? (kernel + 796309) [0xffffff80002d2695] 1
       *1  ??? [0] 1
         *1  ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
           *1  ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
             *1  ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1

  Thread 0x132    Thread name "thread call high #6"    1 sample (1)    priority 93 (base 93)
  <IO tier 0>
 *1  ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
   *1  ??? (kernel + 800610) [0xffffff80002d3762] 1
     *1  ??? (kernel + 796309) [0xffffff80002d2695] 1
       *1  ??? [0] 1
         *1  ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
           *1  ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
             *1  ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1

  Thread 0x133    Thread name "thread call high #7"    1 sample (1)    priority 93 (base 93)
  <IO tier 0>
 *1  ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
   *1  ??? (kernel + 800610) [0xffffff80002d3762] 1
     *1  ??? (kernel + 796309) [0xffffff80002d2695] 1
       *1  ??? [0] 1
         *1  ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
           *1  ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
             *1  ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1

  Thread 0x134    Thread name "thread call high #8"    1 sample (1)    priority 93 (base 93)
  <IO tier 0>
 *1  ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
   *1  ??? (kernel + 800610) [0xffffff80002d3762] 1
     *1  ??? (kernel + 796309) [0xffffff80002d2695] 1
       *1  ??? [0] 1
         *1  ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
           *1  ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
             *1  ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1

  Thread 0x235    1 sample (1)    priority 81 (base 81)
  <IO tier 0 and passive>
 *1  ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
   *1  tx_flush_thread + 605 (apfs + 1273251) [0xffffff800363dda3] 1
     *1  ??? (kernel + 6653654) [0xffffff80008686d6] 1
       *1  ??? (kernel + 543686) [0xffffff8000294bc6] 1
         *1  ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
           *1  ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
             *1  ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1

  Thread 0x23c    1 sample (1)    priority 81 (base 81)
  <IO tier 0>
 *1  ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
   *1  ??? (kernel + 7179940) [0xffffff80008e8ea4] 1
     *1  ??? (kernel + 6653900) [0xffffff80008687cc] 1
       *1  ??? (kernel + 543470) [0xffffff8000294aee] 1
         *1  ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
           *1  ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
             *1  ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1

  Thread 0xdc14    Thread name "thread call high #15"    1 sample (1)    priority 93 (base 93)
  <IO tier 0>
 *1  ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
   *1  ??? (kernel + 800610) [0xffffff80002d3762] 1
     *1  ??? (kernel + 796309) [0xffffff80002d2695] 1
       *1  ??? (kernel + 8611588) [0xffffff8000a46704] 1
         *1  AirPort_BrcmNIC::powerCycleOffOnThreadGated(OSObject*, void*, void*, void*, void*) + 72 (AirPortBrcmNIC + 209328) [0xffffff80021cf1b0] 1
           *1  AirPort_BrcmNIC::powerCycleOffOnThread(void*, void*, void*, void*) + 1887 (AirPortBrcmNIC + 211273) [0xffffff80021cf949] 1
             *1  ??? (kernel + 8604972) [0xffffff8000a44d2c] 1
               *1  ??? (kernel + 8599403) [0xffffff8000a4376b] 1
                 *1  ??? (kernel + 543470) [0xffffff8000294aee] 1
                   *1  ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
                     *1  ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
                       *1  ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1

  Thread 0xdc7e    Thread name "thread call high #15"    1 sample (1)    priority 93 (base 93)
  <IO tier 0>
 *1  ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
   *1  ??? (kernel + 800610) [0xffffff80002d3762] 1
     *1  ??? (kernel + 796309) [0xffffff80002d2695] 1
       *1  ??? (kernel + 8487770) [0xffffff8000a2835a] 1
         *1  ??? (kernel + 8488367) [0xffffff8000a285af] 1
           *1  IOPCIDevice::setPowerState(unsigned long, IOService*) + 119 (IOPCIFamily + 59929) [0xffffff8002e43a19] 1
             *1  IOPCIBridge::setDevicePowerState(IOPCIDevice*, unsigned int, unsigned long, unsigned long) + 573 (IOPCIFamily + 15521) [0xffffff8002e38ca1] 1
               *1  IOPCIHostBridgeData::tunnelsWait(IOPCIDevice*) + 168 (IOPCIFamily + 7288) [0xffffff8002e36c78] 1
                 *1  ??? (kernel + 543470) [0xffffff8000294aee] 1
                   *1  ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
                     *1  ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
                       *1  ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1

  Thread 0xdc88    Thread name "thread call high #16"    1 sample (1)    priority 93 (base 93)
  <IO tier 0>
 *1  ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
   *1  ??? (kernel + 800610) [0xffffff80002d3762] 1
     *1  ??? (kernel + 796309) [0xffffff80002d2695] 1
       *1  ??? (kernel + 8487770) [0xffffff8000a2835a] 1
         *1  ??? (kernel + 8488367) [0xffffff8000a285af] 1
           *1  IOPCIDevice::setPowerState(unsigned long, IOService*) + 119 (IOPCIFamily + 59929) [0xffffff8002e43a19] 1
             *1  IOPCIBridge::setDevicePowerState(IOPCIDevice*, unsigned int, unsigned long, unsigned long) + 500 (IOPCIFamily + 15448) [0xffffff8002e38c58] 1
               *1  IOPCIHostBridgeData::tunnelsWait(IOPCIDevice*) + 168 (IOPCIFamily + 7288) [0xffffff8002e36c78] 1
                 *1  ??? (kernel + 543470) [0xffffff8000294aee] 1
                   *1  ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
                     *1  ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
                       *1  ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1

  Thread 0xdc95    Thread name "thread call high #26"    1 sample (1)    priority 93 (base 93)
  <IO tier 0>
 *1  ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
   *1  ??? (kernel + 800610) [0xffffff80002d3762] 1
     *1  ??? (kernel + 796309) [0xffffff80002d2695] 1
       *1  ??? (kernel + 8487770) [0xffffff8000a2835a] 1
         *1  ??? (kernel + 8488367) [0xffffff8000a285af] 1
           *1  IOPCIDevice::setPowerState(unsigned long, IOService*) + 119 (IOPCIFamily + 59929) [0xffffff8002e43a19] 1
             *1  IOPCIBridge::setDevicePowerState(IOPCIDevice*, unsigned int, unsigned long, unsigned long) + 711 (IOPCIFamily + 15659) [0xffffff8002e38d2b] 1
               *1  IOPCIBridge::restoreDeviceState(IOPCIDevice*, unsigned int) + 124 (IOPCIFamily + 23658) [0xffffff8002e3ac6a] 1
                 *1  IOPCIBridge::_restoreDeviceState(IOPCIDevice*, unsigned int) + 2259 (IOPCIFamily + 22189) [0xffffff8002e3a6ad] 1
                   *1  AppleThunderboltNHIType3::configHandler(unsigned int, IOPCIDevice*, unsigned int) + 289 (AppleThunderboltNHI + 125985) [0xffffff8001b75c21] 1
                     *1  AppleThunderboltIntelPCIHAL::configHandler(unsigned int, IOPCIDevice*, unsigned int) + 287 (AppleThunderboltNHI + 71523) [0xffffff8001b68763] 1
                       *1  AppleThunderboltGenericHAL::earlyWake() + 497 (AppleThunderboltNHI + 25491) [0xffffff8001b5d393] 1
                         *1  AppleThunderboltNHI::setPMState(unsigned long) + 2173 (AppleThunderboltNHI + 35463) [0xffffff8001b5fa87] 1
                           *1  AppleThunderboltNHIType3::earlyWake() + 335 (AppleThunderboltNHI + 137749) [0xffffff8001b78a15] 1
                             *1  AppleThunderboltNHIIntelPCI::earlyWake() + 230 (AppleThunderboltNHI + 11384) [0xffffff8001b59c78] 1
                               *1  AppleThunderboltNHI::earlyWake() + 207 (AppleThunderboltNHI + 37333) [0xffffff8001b601d5] 1
                                 *1  AppleThunderboltNHI::earlyWakeInternal() + 270 (AppleThunderboltNHI + 37614) [0xffffff8001b602ee] 1
                                   *1  IOThunderboltController::earlyWake() + 525 (IOThunderboltFamily + 18643) [0xffffff8002fcd8d3] 1
                                     *1  ??? (kernel + 8604972) [0xffffff8000a44d2c] 1
                                       *1  ??? (kernel + 8599403) [0xffffff8000a4376b] 1
                                         *1  ??? (kernel + 543470) [0xffffff8000294aee] 1
                                           *1  ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
                                             *1  ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
                                               *1  ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1

  Thread 0xdc9b    Thread name "thread call high #31"    1 sample (1)    priority 93 (base 93)
  <IO tier 0>
 *1  ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
   *1  ??? (kernel + 800610) [0xffffff80002d3762] 1
     *1  ??? (kernel + 796309) [0xffffff80002d2695] 1
       *1  ??? (kernel + 8487770) [0xffffff8000a2835a] 1
         *1  ??? (kernel + 8488367) [0xffffff8000a285af] 1
           *1  IOPCIDevice::setPowerState(unsigned long, IOService*) + 119 (IOPCIFamily + 59929) [0xffffff8002e43a19] 1
             *1  IOPCIBridge::setDevicePowerState(IOPCIDevice*, unsigned int, unsigned long, unsigned long) + 500 (IOPCIFamily + 15448) [0xffffff8002e38c58] 1
               *1  IOPCIHostBridgeData::tunnelsWait(IOPCIDevice*) + 168 (IOPCIFamily + 7288) [0xffffff8002e36c78] 1
                 *1  ??? (kernel + 543470) [0xffffff8000294aee] 1
                   *1  ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
                     *1  ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
                       *1  ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1

  Thread 0xdc9f    Thread name "thread call high #35"    1 sample (1)    priority 93 (base 93)
  <IO tier 0>
 *1  ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
   *1  ??? (kernel + 800610) [0xffffff80002d3762] 1
     *1  ??? (kernel + 796309) [0xffffff80002d2695] 1
       *1  ??? (kernel + 8487770) [0xffffff8000a2835a] 1
         *1  ??? (kernel + 8488367) [0xffffff8000a285af] 1
           *1  IOPCIDevice::setPowerState(unsigned long, IOService*) + 119 (IOPCIFamily + 59929) [0xffffff8002e43a19] 1
             *1  IOPCIBridge::setDevicePowerState(IOPCIDevice*, unsigned int, unsigned long, unsigned long) + 573 (IOPCIFamily + 15521) [0xffffff8002e38ca1] 1
               *1  IOPCIHostBridgeData::tunnelsWait(IOPCIDevice*) + 168 (IOPCIFamily + 7288) [0xffffff8002e36c78] 1
                 *1  ??? (kernel + 543470) [0xffffff8000294aee] 1
                   *1  ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
                     *1  ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
                       *1  ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1

  Thread 0xdd49    Thread name "thread call high #19"    1 sample (1)    priority 93 (base 93)
  <IO tier 0>
 *1  ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
   *1  ??? (kernel + 800610) [0xffffff80002d3762] 1
     *1  ??? (kernel + 796309) [0xffffff80002d2695] 1
       *1  ??? (kernel + 9122344) [0xffffff8000ac3228] 1
         *1  ??? (kernel + 206932) [0xffffff8000242854] 1
           *1  ??? (kernel + 459133) [0xffffff800028017d] (running) 1

  Thread 0xdd6c    1 sample (1)    priority 81 (base 81)
  <IO tier 0>
 *1  ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
   *1  IOThunderboltConnectionManager::configurationThreadMain() + 41 (IOThunderboltFamily + 95093) [0xffffff8002fe0375] 1
     *1  IOThunderboltConnectionManager::earlyWakeScan(void*) + 970 (IOThunderboltFamily + 96540) [0xffffff8002fe091c] 1
       *1  IOThunderboltConnectionManager::rescan(void*) + 389 (IOThunderboltFamily + 99363) [0xffffff8002fe1423] 1
         *1  IOThunderboltSwitch::linkAll() + 1510 (IOThunderboltFamily + 167040) [0xffffff8002ff1c80] 1
           *1  IOThunderboltSwitchLC::updateConfiguredStateForPort(IOThunderboltPort*) + 1076 (IOThunderboltFamily + 480936) [0xffffff800303e6a8] 1
             *1  IOThunderboltSwitchLC::isPortConnected(IOThunderboltPort*, bool) + 89 (IOThunderboltFamily + 481239) [0xffffff800303e7d7] 1
               *1  IOThunderboltController::configReadDWord(unsigned long long, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int*) + 432 (IOThunderboltFamily + 26226) [0xffffff8002fcf672] 1
                 *1  IOThunderboltConfigCommand::submitSynchronous() + 100 (IOThunderboltFamily + 128968) [0xffffff8002fe87c8] 1
                   *1  ??? (kernel + 8604972) [0xffffff8000a44d2c] 1
                     *1  ??? (kernel + 8599403) [0xffffff8000a4376b] 1
                       *1  ??? (kernel + 543470) [0xffffff8000294aee] 1
                         *1  ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
                           *1  ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
                             *1  ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1

  Binary Images:
   *0xffffff8000210000 -                ???  kernel                          <06A10466-36D7-3A0B-9EE7-A9053A8991A3>  /kernel
   *0xffffff8001a6f000 - 0xffffff8001a8bfff  AppleSMC (633.120.2)            <EE1310F2-B1FA-3BF6-B86B-65F1EA049CE7>  /System/Library/Extensions/AppleSMC.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleSMC
   *0xffffff8001b57000 - 0xffffff8001b92fff  AppleThunderboltNHI (761.120.2) <365E6083-4971-3C56-872D-06B95925B017>  /System/Library/Extensions/AppleThunderboltNHI.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleThunderboltNHI
   *0xffffff8001dbf000 - 0xffffff8001e1bfff  EndpointSecurity (271.140.2)    <194F22B8-B180-37D1-9A97-2278CD1E6FC5>  /System/Library/Extensions/EndpointSecurity.kext/Contents/MacOS/EndpointSecurity
   *0xffffff800219c000 - 0xffffff8002987fff  AirPortBrcmNIC (1710.4)         <555A69D7-0419-3301-BECF-490A67FE7574>  /System/Library/Extensions/IO80211FamilyLegacy.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AirPortBrcmNIC.kext/Contents/MacOS/AirPortBrcmNIC
   *0xffffff8002e35000 - 0xffffff8002e72fff  IOPCIFamily (484.140.2)         <31170FF9-33B7-341F-865B-4E0D7872EF82>  /System/Library/Extensions/IOPCIFamily.kext/IOPCIFamily
   *0xffffff8002fc9000 - 0xffffff80030dcfff  IOThunderboltFamily (993.120.1) <99817455-AE73-3EE6-8784-EEA9FE700721>  /System/Library/Extensions/IOThunderboltFamily.kext/Contents/MacOS/IOThunderboltFamily
   *0xffffff8003507000 - 0xffffff8003698fff  apfs (1934.141.2)               <7BE1A42C-8498-3552-889B-B576BD16C310>  /System/Library/Extensions/apfs.kext/Contents/MacOS/apfs

erdemoney avatar Sep 13 '22 00:09 erdemoney


I actually have the same Thunderbolt docker and I haven't had any issues with sleep. I'm on 12.5.1

I understand you're using my EFI but could I get a copy of yours anyway? Make sure to scrub the SMBIOS before upload

tylernguyen avatar Sep 13 '22 00:09 tylernguyen

Only changes are the vanilla bios patch and the display patch for FHD non-touch. AFAIK that should be the only modifications I need. EFI.zip

erdemoney avatar Sep 13 '22 02:09 erdemoney