x1c6-hackintosh copied to clipboard
Consistent kernel panic after sleep when connected to thunderbolt dock
On the latest EFI and latest version of macOS (12.5.1), following sleep my laptop will not wake up and will reboot to the error below. I had been dealing with this issue for a while before but it seemed to stop after an OS update to the last version of macOS, however after updating again to 12.5.1 the issue resurfaced.
Steps to reproduce:
- boot laptop
- connect caldigit TB3 dock
- Allow laptop to go to sleep or sleep manually
Kernel panic occurs 100% of the time
panic(cpu 0 caller 0xffffff801fec3a1a): Wake transition timed out after 180 seconds while calling power state change callbacks. Suspected bundle: com.apple.iokit.IOPCIFamily. Thread 0x5acf.
Failure code:: 0x00000481 00000027
Backtracing specified thread
Panicked task 0xffffff99f6034670: 246 threads: pid 0: kernel_task
Backtrace (CPU 0), panicked thread: 0xffffff99f48e6540, Frame : Return Address
0xffffffb07c80b770 : 0xffffff801f7c952b
0xffffffb07ce4bc40 : 0xffffff801f6aa642
0xffffffb07ce4bcb0 : 0xffffff801f6a83d7
0xffffffb07ce4bd00 : 0xffffff801f694aae
0xffffffb07ce4bd30 : 0xffffff8022236c78
0xffffffb07ce4bd50 : 0xffffff8022238c58
0xffffffb07ce4bdc0 : 0xffffff8022243a19
0xffffffb07ce4bde0 : 0xffffff801fe2831f
0xffffffb07ce4be50 : 0xffffff801fe280ca
0xffffffb07ce4be70 : 0xffffff801f6d2655
0xffffffb07ce4bee0 : 0xffffff801f6d3722
0xffffffb07ce4bfa0 : 0xffffff801f61f19e
Kernel Extensions in backtrace:
Process name corresponding to current thread (0xffffff99f48e6540): kernel_task
Boot args: -v chunklist-security-epoch=0 -chunklist-no-rev2-dev
Mac OS version:
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 21.6.0: Wed Aug 10 14:25:27 PDT 2022; root:xnu-8020.141.5~2/RELEASE_X86_64
Kernel UUID: D0DC2052-71F4-3DCB-B189-BEE5A59B3B42
KernelCache slide: 0x000000001f400000
KernelCache base: 0xffffff801f600000
Kernel slide: 0x000000001f410000
Kernel text base: 0xffffff801f610000
__HIB text base: 0xffffff801f500000
System model name: MacBookPro14,1 (Mac-B4831CEBD52A0C4C)
System shutdown begun: NO
Panic diags file available: YES (0x0)
Hibernation exit count: 0
System uptime in nanoseconds: 2301948247772
Last Sleep: absolute base_tsc base_nano
Uptime : 0x00000217f6cec1e3
Sleep : 0x000001e9fdef0203 0x000000073339b249 0x0000000000000000
Wake : 0x000001eb190aff3a 0x00000000f9fcbaeb 0x000001ea242cee75
Compressor Info: 0% of compressed pages limit (OK) and 0% of segments limit (OK) with 0 swapfiles and OK swap space
Zone info:
Zone map: 0xffffff805c0b7000 - 0xffffffa05c0b7000
. PGZ : 0xffffff805c0b7000 - 0xffffff805e0b8000
. VM : 0xffffff805e0b8000 - 0xffffff852a8b7000
. RO : 0xffffff852a8b7000 - 0xffffff86c40b7000
. GEN0 : 0xffffff86c40b7000 - 0xffffff8b908b7000
. GEN1 : 0xffffff8b908b7000 - 0xffffff905d0b7000
. GEN2 : 0xffffff905d0b7000 - 0xffffff95298b7000
. GEN3 : 0xffffff95298b7000 - 0xffffff99f60b7000
. DATA : 0xffffff99f60b7000 - 0xffffffa05c0b7000
Metadata: 0xffffffbdeb846000 - 0xffffffbe0b846000
Bitmaps : 0xffffffbe0b846000 - 0xffffffbe11846000
- What are your BIOS settings for Thunderbolt?
- And is this on a modded BIOS or vanilla one?
- Also, is this on a modded Thunderbolt chip or vanilla one?
- Bios settings are exactly as described in the docs for TB hotplug. (TB bios assist and support in pre boot are disabled, security level is no security.)
- Vanilla bios
- Unmodded TB chip
By any chance, do you have power nap enabled?
Nope, pmset shows that its disabled
Don't know if this is helpful but here's a stacktrace from console for "Sleep Wake Failure"
Power button pressed during wake transition after 29855 ms.
Failure code:: 0x00000481 00000027
Date/Time: 2022-09-12 15:24:37.853 -0700
OS Version: ??? ??? (Build ???)
Architecture: x86_64
Report Version: 35.1
Incident Identifier: 0D2DBF9D-85C7-4867-956E-5D7E1A379AFB
Data Source: Stackshots
Shared Cache: 73669942-BD8A-3E40-951F-7FBE07B51CB8 slid base address 0x7ff80d901000, slide 0xd901000
Event: Sleep Wake Failure
Duration: 0.00s
Steps: 1
Boot args: chunklist-security-epoch=0 -chunklist-no-rev2-dev
Time Awake Since Boot: 1395s
Process: kernel_task [0]
UUID: 06A10466-36D7-3A0B-9EE7-A9053A8991A3
Path: /kernel
Version: Darwin Kernel Version 21.6.0: Mon Aug 22 20:17:10 PDT 2022; root:xnu-8020.140.49~2/RELEASE_X86_64
Architecture: x86_64
Footprint: 35.29 MB
Time Since Fork: 1403s
Num samples: 1 (1)
Thread 0x6c 1 sample (1) priority 95 (base 95)
<IO tier 0>
*1 ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 1709378) [0xffffff80003b1542] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1
Thread 0x6d Thread name "IOServiceTerminateThread" 1 sample (1) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*1 ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 8458223) [0xffffff8000a20fef] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 543470) [0xffffff8000294aee] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1
Thread 0x71 Thread name "daemon.core-analytics-events" 1 sample (1) priority 63 (base 63)
<IO tier 0>
*1 ??? (kernel + 61504) [0xffffff800021f040] 1
Thread 0x72 Thread name "thread call high #1" 1 sample (1) priority 93 (base 93)
<IO tier 0>
*1 ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 800610) [0xffffff80002d3762] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 796309) [0xffffff80002d2695] 1
*1 ??? [0] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1
Thread 0x96 Thread name "idle #1" 1 sample (1) priority 0 (base 0)
<IO tier 0>
*1 ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 653993) [0xffffff80002afaa9] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 653482) [0xffffff80002af8aa] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 1846128) [0xffffff80003d2b70] (runnable) 1
Thread 0x99 Thread name "idle #3" 1 sample (1) priority 0 (base 0)
<IO tier 0>
*1 ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 653993) [0xffffff80002afaa9] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 653482) [0xffffff80002af8aa] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 1846128) [0xffffff80003d2b70] (runnable) 1
Thread 0x9c Thread name "idle #5" 1 sample (1) priority 0 (base 0)
<IO tier 0>
*1 ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 653993) [0xffffff80002afaa9] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 653482) [0xffffff80002af8aa] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 1846128) [0xffffff80003d2b70] (runnable) 1
Thread 0x9f Thread name "idle #7" 1 sample (1) priority 0 (base 0)
<IO tier 0>
*1 ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 653993) [0xffffff80002afaa9] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 653482) [0xffffff80002af8aa] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 1846128) [0xffffff80003d2b70] (runnable) 1
Thread 0xce Thread name "thread call high #2" 1 sample (1) priority 93 (base 93)
<IO tier 0>
*1 ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 800610) [0xffffff80002d3762] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 796309) [0xffffff80002d2695] 1
*1 ??? [0] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1
Thread 0xd3 Thread name "thread call high #3" 1 sample (1) priority 93 (base 93)
<IO tier 0>
*1 ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 800610) [0xffffff80002d3762] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 796309) [0xffffff80002d2695] 1
*1 ??? [0] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1
Thread 0xe3 1 sample (1) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*1 ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
*1 Thread<WorkQueue<EndpointSecurityClient>*>::threadEntry(void*, int) + 27 (EndpointSecurity + 246987) [0xffffff8001dfb4cb] 1
*1 invocation function for block in WorkQueue<EndpointSecurityClient>::create(void (ScopedPointer<EndpointSecurityClient>&&) block_pointer) + 114 (EndpointSecurity + 246162) [0xffffff8001dfb192] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 543470) [0xffffff8000294aee] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1
Thread 0x101 1 sample (1) priority 97 (base 97)
<IO tier 0>
*1 ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
*1 SMCWatchDogTimer::watchdogThread() + 211 (AppleSMC + 62077) [0xffffff8001a7e27d] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1
Thread 0x116 Thread name "IONVMeController" 1 sample (1) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*1 ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 8597707) [0xffffff8000a430cb] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1
Thread 0x117 1 sample (1) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*1 ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 8597707) [0xffffff8000a430cb] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1
Thread 0x118 Thread name "IONVMeController" 1 sample (1) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*1 ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 8597707) [0xffffff8000a430cb] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1
Thread 0x130 Thread name "thread call high #4" 1 sample (1) priority 93 (base 93)
<IO tier 0>
*1 ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 800610) [0xffffff80002d3762] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 796309) [0xffffff80002d2695] 1
*1 ??? [0] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1
Thread 0x131 Thread name "thread call high #5" 1 sample (1) priority 93 (base 93)
<IO tier 0>
*1 ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 800610) [0xffffff80002d3762] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 796309) [0xffffff80002d2695] 1
*1 ??? [0] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1
Thread 0x132 Thread name "thread call high #6" 1 sample (1) priority 93 (base 93)
<IO tier 0>
*1 ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 800610) [0xffffff80002d3762] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 796309) [0xffffff80002d2695] 1
*1 ??? [0] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1
Thread 0x133 Thread name "thread call high #7" 1 sample (1) priority 93 (base 93)
<IO tier 0>
*1 ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 800610) [0xffffff80002d3762] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 796309) [0xffffff80002d2695] 1
*1 ??? [0] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1
Thread 0x134 Thread name "thread call high #8" 1 sample (1) priority 93 (base 93)
<IO tier 0>
*1 ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 800610) [0xffffff80002d3762] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 796309) [0xffffff80002d2695] 1
*1 ??? [0] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1
Thread 0x235 1 sample (1) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0 and passive>
*1 ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
*1 tx_flush_thread + 605 (apfs + 1273251) [0xffffff800363dda3] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 6653654) [0xffffff80008686d6] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 543686) [0xffffff8000294bc6] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1
Thread 0x23c 1 sample (1) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*1 ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 7179940) [0xffffff80008e8ea4] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 6653900) [0xffffff80008687cc] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 543470) [0xffffff8000294aee] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1
Thread 0xdc14 Thread name "thread call high #15" 1 sample (1) priority 93 (base 93)
<IO tier 0>
*1 ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 800610) [0xffffff80002d3762] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 796309) [0xffffff80002d2695] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 8611588) [0xffffff8000a46704] 1
*1 AirPort_BrcmNIC::powerCycleOffOnThreadGated(OSObject*, void*, void*, void*, void*) + 72 (AirPortBrcmNIC + 209328) [0xffffff80021cf1b0] 1
*1 AirPort_BrcmNIC::powerCycleOffOnThread(void*, void*, void*, void*) + 1887 (AirPortBrcmNIC + 211273) [0xffffff80021cf949] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 8604972) [0xffffff8000a44d2c] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 8599403) [0xffffff8000a4376b] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 543470) [0xffffff8000294aee] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1
Thread 0xdc7e Thread name "thread call high #15" 1 sample (1) priority 93 (base 93)
<IO tier 0>
*1 ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 800610) [0xffffff80002d3762] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 796309) [0xffffff80002d2695] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 8487770) [0xffffff8000a2835a] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 8488367) [0xffffff8000a285af] 1
*1 IOPCIDevice::setPowerState(unsigned long, IOService*) + 119 (IOPCIFamily + 59929) [0xffffff8002e43a19] 1
*1 IOPCIBridge::setDevicePowerState(IOPCIDevice*, unsigned int, unsigned long, unsigned long) + 573 (IOPCIFamily + 15521) [0xffffff8002e38ca1] 1
*1 IOPCIHostBridgeData::tunnelsWait(IOPCIDevice*) + 168 (IOPCIFamily + 7288) [0xffffff8002e36c78] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 543470) [0xffffff8000294aee] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1
Thread 0xdc88 Thread name "thread call high #16" 1 sample (1) priority 93 (base 93)
<IO tier 0>
*1 ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 800610) [0xffffff80002d3762] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 796309) [0xffffff80002d2695] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 8487770) [0xffffff8000a2835a] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 8488367) [0xffffff8000a285af] 1
*1 IOPCIDevice::setPowerState(unsigned long, IOService*) + 119 (IOPCIFamily + 59929) [0xffffff8002e43a19] 1
*1 IOPCIBridge::setDevicePowerState(IOPCIDevice*, unsigned int, unsigned long, unsigned long) + 500 (IOPCIFamily + 15448) [0xffffff8002e38c58] 1
*1 IOPCIHostBridgeData::tunnelsWait(IOPCIDevice*) + 168 (IOPCIFamily + 7288) [0xffffff8002e36c78] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 543470) [0xffffff8000294aee] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1
Thread 0xdc95 Thread name "thread call high #26" 1 sample (1) priority 93 (base 93)
<IO tier 0>
*1 ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 800610) [0xffffff80002d3762] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 796309) [0xffffff80002d2695] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 8487770) [0xffffff8000a2835a] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 8488367) [0xffffff8000a285af] 1
*1 IOPCIDevice::setPowerState(unsigned long, IOService*) + 119 (IOPCIFamily + 59929) [0xffffff8002e43a19] 1
*1 IOPCIBridge::setDevicePowerState(IOPCIDevice*, unsigned int, unsigned long, unsigned long) + 711 (IOPCIFamily + 15659) [0xffffff8002e38d2b] 1
*1 IOPCIBridge::restoreDeviceState(IOPCIDevice*, unsigned int) + 124 (IOPCIFamily + 23658) [0xffffff8002e3ac6a] 1
*1 IOPCIBridge::_restoreDeviceState(IOPCIDevice*, unsigned int) + 2259 (IOPCIFamily + 22189) [0xffffff8002e3a6ad] 1
*1 AppleThunderboltNHIType3::configHandler(unsigned int, IOPCIDevice*, unsigned int) + 289 (AppleThunderboltNHI + 125985) [0xffffff8001b75c21] 1
*1 AppleThunderboltIntelPCIHAL::configHandler(unsigned int, IOPCIDevice*, unsigned int) + 287 (AppleThunderboltNHI + 71523) [0xffffff8001b68763] 1
*1 AppleThunderboltGenericHAL::earlyWake() + 497 (AppleThunderboltNHI + 25491) [0xffffff8001b5d393] 1
*1 AppleThunderboltNHI::setPMState(unsigned long) + 2173 (AppleThunderboltNHI + 35463) [0xffffff8001b5fa87] 1
*1 AppleThunderboltNHIType3::earlyWake() + 335 (AppleThunderboltNHI + 137749) [0xffffff8001b78a15] 1
*1 AppleThunderboltNHIIntelPCI::earlyWake() + 230 (AppleThunderboltNHI + 11384) [0xffffff8001b59c78] 1
*1 AppleThunderboltNHI::earlyWake() + 207 (AppleThunderboltNHI + 37333) [0xffffff8001b601d5] 1
*1 AppleThunderboltNHI::earlyWakeInternal() + 270 (AppleThunderboltNHI + 37614) [0xffffff8001b602ee] 1
*1 IOThunderboltController::earlyWake() + 525 (IOThunderboltFamily + 18643) [0xffffff8002fcd8d3] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 8604972) [0xffffff8000a44d2c] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 8599403) [0xffffff8000a4376b] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 543470) [0xffffff8000294aee] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1
Thread 0xdc9b Thread name "thread call high #31" 1 sample (1) priority 93 (base 93)
<IO tier 0>
*1 ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 800610) [0xffffff80002d3762] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 796309) [0xffffff80002d2695] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 8487770) [0xffffff8000a2835a] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 8488367) [0xffffff8000a285af] 1
*1 IOPCIDevice::setPowerState(unsigned long, IOService*) + 119 (IOPCIFamily + 59929) [0xffffff8002e43a19] 1
*1 IOPCIBridge::setDevicePowerState(IOPCIDevice*, unsigned int, unsigned long, unsigned long) + 500 (IOPCIFamily + 15448) [0xffffff8002e38c58] 1
*1 IOPCIHostBridgeData::tunnelsWait(IOPCIDevice*) + 168 (IOPCIFamily + 7288) [0xffffff8002e36c78] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 543470) [0xffffff8000294aee] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1
Thread 0xdc9f Thread name "thread call high #35" 1 sample (1) priority 93 (base 93)
<IO tier 0>
*1 ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 800610) [0xffffff80002d3762] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 796309) [0xffffff80002d2695] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 8487770) [0xffffff8000a2835a] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 8488367) [0xffffff8000a285af] 1
*1 IOPCIDevice::setPowerState(unsigned long, IOService*) + 119 (IOPCIFamily + 59929) [0xffffff8002e43a19] 1
*1 IOPCIBridge::setDevicePowerState(IOPCIDevice*, unsigned int, unsigned long, unsigned long) + 573 (IOPCIFamily + 15521) [0xffffff8002e38ca1] 1
*1 IOPCIHostBridgeData::tunnelsWait(IOPCIDevice*) + 168 (IOPCIFamily + 7288) [0xffffff8002e36c78] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 543470) [0xffffff8000294aee] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1
Thread 0xdd49 Thread name "thread call high #19" 1 sample (1) priority 93 (base 93)
<IO tier 0>
*1 ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 800610) [0xffffff80002d3762] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 796309) [0xffffff80002d2695] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 9122344) [0xffffff8000ac3228] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 206932) [0xffffff8000242854] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 459133) [0xffffff800028017d] (running) 1
Thread 0xdd6c 1 sample (1) priority 81 (base 81)
<IO tier 0>
*1 ??? (kernel + 61854) [0xffffff800021f19e] 1
*1 IOThunderboltConnectionManager::configurationThreadMain() + 41 (IOThunderboltFamily + 95093) [0xffffff8002fe0375] 1
*1 IOThunderboltConnectionManager::earlyWakeScan(void*) + 970 (IOThunderboltFamily + 96540) [0xffffff8002fe091c] 1
*1 IOThunderboltConnectionManager::rescan(void*) + 389 (IOThunderboltFamily + 99363) [0xffffff8002fe1423] 1
*1 IOThunderboltSwitch::linkAll() + 1510 (IOThunderboltFamily + 167040) [0xffffff8002ff1c80] 1
*1 IOThunderboltSwitchLC::updateConfiguredStateForPort(IOThunderboltPort*) + 1076 (IOThunderboltFamily + 480936) [0xffffff800303e6a8] 1
*1 IOThunderboltSwitchLC::isPortConnected(IOThunderboltPort*, bool) + 89 (IOThunderboltFamily + 481239) [0xffffff800303e7d7] 1
*1 IOThunderboltController::configReadDWord(unsigned long long, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int*) + 432 (IOThunderboltFamily + 26226) [0xffffff8002fcf672] 1
*1 IOThunderboltConfigCommand::submitSynchronous() + 100 (IOThunderboltFamily + 128968) [0xffffff8002fe87c8] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 8604972) [0xffffff8000a44d2c] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 8599403) [0xffffff8000a4376b] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 543470) [0xffffff8000294aee] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 623639) [0xffffff80002a8417] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 632450) [0xffffff80002aa682] 1
*1 ??? (kernel + 1807739) [0xffffff80003c957b] 1
Binary Images:
*0xffffff8000210000 - ??? kernel <06A10466-36D7-3A0B-9EE7-A9053A8991A3> /kernel
*0xffffff8001a6f000 - 0xffffff8001a8bfff AppleSMC (633.120.2) <EE1310F2-B1FA-3BF6-B86B-65F1EA049CE7> /System/Library/Extensions/AppleSMC.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleSMC
*0xffffff8001b57000 - 0xffffff8001b92fff AppleThunderboltNHI (761.120.2) <365E6083-4971-3C56-872D-06B95925B017> /System/Library/Extensions/AppleThunderboltNHI.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleThunderboltNHI
*0xffffff8001dbf000 - 0xffffff8001e1bfff EndpointSecurity (271.140.2) <194F22B8-B180-37D1-9A97-2278CD1E6FC5> /System/Library/Extensions/EndpointSecurity.kext/Contents/MacOS/EndpointSecurity
*0xffffff800219c000 - 0xffffff8002987fff AirPortBrcmNIC (1710.4) <555A69D7-0419-3301-BECF-490A67FE7574> /System/Library/Extensions/IO80211FamilyLegacy.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AirPortBrcmNIC.kext/Contents/MacOS/AirPortBrcmNIC
*0xffffff8002e35000 - 0xffffff8002e72fff IOPCIFamily (484.140.2) <31170FF9-33B7-341F-865B-4E0D7872EF82> /System/Library/Extensions/IOPCIFamily.kext/IOPCIFamily
*0xffffff8002fc9000 - 0xffffff80030dcfff IOThunderboltFamily (993.120.1) <99817455-AE73-3EE6-8784-EEA9FE700721> /System/Library/Extensions/IOThunderboltFamily.kext/Contents/MacOS/IOThunderboltFamily
*0xffffff8003507000 - 0xffffff8003698fff apfs (1934.141.2) <7BE1A42C-8498-3552-889B-B576BD16C310> /System/Library/Extensions/apfs.kext/Contents/MacOS/apfs
I actually have the same Thunderbolt docker and I haven't had any issues with sleep. I'm on 12.5.1
I understand you're using my EFI but could I get a copy of yours anyway? Make sure to scrub the SMBIOS before upload
Only changes are the vanilla bios patch and the display patch for FHD non-touch. AFAIK that should be the only modifications I need. EFI.zip