
Results 86 comments of tyler36

The best I could find was https://www.drupal.org/docs/develop/standards/php/psr-4-namespaces-and-autoloading-in-drupal-8#s-namespace-resolution . VSCode does support some [file-based variables](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/userdefinedsnippets#_variables) in snippets such as: > TM_FILENAME The filename of the current document > TM_DIRECTORY The directory...

Unable to replicate on VSCode. Perhaps we can replace "IDE" with "PHPstorm" in the title and description? ## Test 1. Open DDEV project in VScode 2. Start Debug listener in...

OK, ## Test 1. Create break point 2. Turn on listener in Vscode 3. Turn on xdebug ```shell $ ddev xdebug Enabled xdebug ``` 4. Confirm breakpoint is it. Continue...

Just tried on Gitpod to remove the `OS` variable. Running `ddev xdebug` and then `ddev xdebug status` then `ddev xdebug toggle` doesn't seem cause any hangs in the Gitpod VScode...

> I propose making the images in the entire org private. It's better than deleting them outright. Then in another year we can just delete that org or delete everything...

Looking forward to testing an beta