stripe-meteor copied to clipboard
resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT on payment clicked
I don't know why I'm getting these errors. The payment works though (I'm in test mode). I'm only asking because this is payment related, else I would not bothered as long as it worked.
This is what I see in console
Payment button clicked…tinct_id=54c691b1-1760-7355-d2f4-7c92acc53ceb&h=720&w=1280&i=1435143509158 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT…wib3B0aW9uLXN1cHBvcnRzVG9rZW5DYWxsYmFjayI6ZmFsc2UsImgiOjcyMCwidyI6MTI4MH19 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT…-supportsTokenCallback=false&h=720&w=1280&lsid=DNT&cid=DNT&i=1435143510164 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT…9wdGlvbi1zdXBwb3J0c1Rva2VuQ2FsbGJhY2siOmZhbHNlLCJoIjo3MjAsInciOjEyODB9fQ== Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT…-supportsTokenCallback=false&h=720&w=1280&lsid=DNT&cid=DNT&i=1435143513716 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
This is my eventmap
console.log('Payment button clicked');
var self = this; //get the data context/ template
var currency = 'inr';
// * 100 because this is in cents/paise; * 0.1 because only 10% advance needs to be taken
var advance = self.priceEstimate * 100 * 0.1;{
key: 'pk_test_nc8D3LA65cujo3z00LaBgr9x',
token : function (token) {
stripeToken =;;'chargeCard', stripeToken, advance, currency);
//amount: 5000, // this is equivalent to $50
amount : advance, // this is equivalent to $50
name : 'Appskart',
description: event.currentTarget //button
.parentElement //div text-right
.parentElement //li element
.childNodes[1] //h4 element (has app name)
.innerText // the app name
panelLabel : 'Pay Advance',
currency : currency
This is the relevant part of my template:
<a class="payment-button">Pay Advance</a>
is from adBlock
I ' has same problem... adBlock and uBlock filter an a specific hash generated from Meteor
disable localhost in this extension
did you find the solution
In my case. I have uBlock Origin, Privacy Badger, AdBlock. I tested all three and it was happening for uBlock Origin. But when AdBlock and Privacy Badger is on there is no error.
I noticed that it varies from machine to machine which type of adblock is causing the error. Is there any specific reason for that?