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Scheduled monthly dependency update for August

Open pyup-bot opened this issue 1 year ago • 0 comments

Update coverage from 6.3.2 to 6.4.2.




- Updated for a small change in Python 3.11.0 beta 4: modules now start with a
line with line number 0, which is ignored.  This line cannnot be executed, so
coverage totals were thrown off.  This line is now ignored by,
but this also means that truly empty modules (like ````) have no
lines in them, rather than one phantom line.  Fixes `issue 1419`_.

- Internal debugging data added to sys.modules is now an actual module, to
avoid confusing code that examines everything in sys.modules.  Thanks,
Yilei Yang (`pull 1399`_).

.. _pull 1399:
.. _issue 1419:

.. _changes_6-4-1:



- Greatly improved performance on PyPy, and other environments that need the
pure Python trace function.  Thanks, Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick (`pull
1381`_ and `pull 1388`_).  Slightly improved performance when using the C
trace function, as most environments do.  Closes `issue 1339`_.

- The conditions for using tomllib from the standard library have been made
more precise, so that 3.11 alphas will continue to work. Closes `issue

.. _issue 1339:
.. _pull 1381:
.. _pull 1388:
.. _issue 1390:

.. _changes_64:



- A new setting, :ref:`config_run_sigterm`, controls whether a SIGTERM signal
handler is used.  In 6.3, the signal handler was always installed, to capture
data at unusual process ends.  Unfortunately, this introduced other problems
(see `issue 1310`_).  Now the signal handler is only used if you opt-in by
setting ``[run] sigterm = true``.

- Small changes to the HTML report:

- Added links to next and previous file, and more keyboard shortcuts: ``[``
 and ``]`` for next file and previous file; ``u`` for up to the index; and
 ``?`` to open/close the help panel.  Thanks, `J. M. F. Tsang
 <pull 1364_>`_.

- The timestamp and version are displayed at the top of the report.  Thanks,
 `Ammar Askar <pull 1354_>`_. Closes `issue 1351`_.

- A new debug option ``debug=sqldata`` adds more detail to ``debug=sql``,
logging all the data being written to the database.

- Previously, running ``coverage report`` (or any of the reporting commands) in
an empty directory would create a .coverage data file.  Now they do not,
fixing `issue 1328`_.

- On Python 3.11, the ``[toml]`` extra no longer installs tomli, instead using
tomllib from the standard library.  Thanks `Shantanu <pull 1359_>`_.

- In-memory CoverageData objects now properly update(), closing `issue 1323`_.

.. _issue 1310:
.. _issue 1323:
.. _issue 1328:
.. _issue 1351:
.. _pull 1354:
.. _pull 1359:
.. _pull 1364:

.. _changes_633:



- Fix: now builds successfully on CPython 3.11 (3.11.0b1) again.
Closes `issue 1367`_.  Some results for generators may have changed.

.. _issue 1367:

.. _changes_632:
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Update pytest from 7.0.1 to 7.1.2.




Bug Fixes

- `9726 <>`_: An unnecessary ``numpy`` import inside :func:`pytest.approx` was removed.

- `9820 <>`_: Fix comparison of  ``dataclasses`` with ``InitVar``.

- `9869 <>`_: Increase ``stacklevel`` for the ``NODE_CTOR_FSPATH_ARG`` deprecation to point to the
user's code, not pytest.

- `9871 <>`_: Fix a bizarre (and fortunately rare) bug where the `temp_path` fixture could raise
an internal error while attempting to get the current user's username.



Bug Fixes

- `9767 <>`_: Fixed a regression in pytest 7.1.0 where some files outside of the source tree (e.g. in the `site-packages` directory) were not picked up.



Breaking Changes

- `8838 <>`_: As per our policy, the following features have been deprecated in the 6.X series and are now

* ``pytest._fillfuncargs`` function.

* ``pytest_warning_captured`` hook - use ``pytest_warning_recorded`` instead.

* ``-k -foobar`` syntax - use ``-k 'not foobar'`` instead.

* ``-k foobar:`` syntax.

* ``pytest.collect`` module - import from ``pytest`` directly.

For more information consult
`Deprecations and Removals <>`__ in the docs.

- `9437 <>`_: Dropped support for Python 3.6, which reached `end-of-life <>`__ at 2021-12-23.


- `5192 <>`_: Fixed test output for some data types where ``-v`` would show less information.

Also, when showing diffs for sequences, ``-q`` would produce full diffs instead of the expected diff.

- `9362 <>`_: pytest now avoids specialized assert formatting when it is detected that the default ``__eq__`` is overridden in ``attrs`` or ``dataclasses``.

- `9536 <>`_: When ``-vv`` is given on command line, show skipping and xfail reasons in full instead of truncating them to fit the terminal width.

- `9644 <>`_: More information about the location of resources that led Python to raise :class:`ResourceWarning` can now
be obtained by enabling :mod:`tracemalloc`.

See :ref:`resource-warnings` for more information.

- `9678 <>`_: More types are now accepted in the ``ids`` argument to ``pytest.mark.parametrize``.
Previously only `str`, `float`, `int` and `bool` were accepted;
now `bytes`, `complex`, `re.Pattern`, `Enum` and anything with a `__name__` are also accepted.

- `9692 <>`_: :func:`pytest.approx` now raises a :class:`TypeError` when given an unordered sequence (such as :class:`set`).

Note that this implies that custom classes which only implement ``__iter__`` and ``__len__`` are no longer supported as they don't guarantee order.

Bug Fixes

- `8242 <>`_: The deprecation of raising :class:`unittest.SkipTest` to skip collection of
tests during the pytest collection phase is reverted - this is now a supported
feature again.

- `9493 <>`_: Symbolic link components are no longer resolved in conftest paths.
This means that if a conftest appears twice in collection tree, using symlinks, it will be executed twice.
For example, given

   tests/link -> tests/real

running ``pytest tests`` now imports the conftest twice, once as ``tests/real/`` and once as ``tests/link/``.
This is a fix to match a similar change made to test collection itself in pytest 6.0 (see :pull:`6523` for details).

- `9626 <>`_: Fixed count of selected tests on terminal collection summary when there were errors or skipped modules.

If there were errors or skipped modules on collection, pytest would mistakenly subtract those from the selected count.

- `9645 <>`_: Fixed regression where ``--import-mode=importlib`` used together with :envvar:`PYTHONPATH` or :confval:`pythonpath` would cause import errors in test suites.

- `9708 <>`_: :fixture:`pytester` now requests a :fixture:`monkeypatch` fixture instead of creating one internally. This solves some issues with tests that involve pytest environment variables.

- `9730 <>`_: Malformed ``pyproject.toml`` files now produce a clearer error message.
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Update pytest-mock from 3.7.0 to 3.8.2.




- Fixed ``AsyncMock`` support for Python 3.7+ in ``mocker.async_stub`` (`302`_).

.. _302:



* Fixed regression caused by an explicit ``mock`` dependency in the code (`298`_).

.. _298:



* Add ``MockerFixture.async_mock`` method. Thanks `PerchunPak`_ for the PR (`296`_).

.. _PerchunPak:
.. _296:
  • PyPI:
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  • Repo:

Update Sphinx from 4.4.0 to 5.1.1.




Bugs fixed

* 10701: Fix ValueError in the new ``deque`` based ``sphinx.ext.napolean``
iterator implementation.
* 10702: Restore compatability with third-party builders.




* 10656: Support `Docutils 0.19`_. Patch by Adam Turner.

.. _Docutils 0.19:


* 10467: Deprecated ``sphinx.util.stemmer`` in favour of ``snowballstemmer``.
Patch by Adam Turner.
* 9856: Deprecated ``sphinx.ext.napoleon.iterators``.

Features added

* 10444: html theme: Allow specifying multiple CSS files through the ``stylesheet``
setting in ``theme.conf`` or by setting ``html_style`` to an iterable of strings.
* 10366: std domain: Add support for emphasising placeholders in :rst:dir:`option`
directives through a new :confval:`option_emphasise_placeholders` configuration
* 10439: std domain: Use the repr of some variables when displaying warnings,
making whitespace issues easier to identify.
* 10571: quickstart: Reduce content in the generated ```` file. Patch by
Pradyun Gedam.
* 10648: LaTeX: CSS-named-alike additional :ref:`'sphinxsetup' <latexsphinxsetup>`
keys allow to configure four separate border-widths, four paddings, four
corner radii, a shadow (possibly inset), colours for border, background, shadow
for each of the code-block, topic, attention, caution, danger, error and warning
* 10655: LaTeX: Explain non-standard encoding in LatinRules.xdy
* 10599: HTML Theme: Wrap consecutive footnotes in an ``<aside>`` element when
using Docutils 0.18 or later, to allow for easier styling. This matches the
behaviour introduced in Docutils 0.19. Patch by Adam Turner.
* 10518: config: Add ``include_patterns`` as the opposite of ``exclude_patterns``.
Patch by Adam Turner.

Bugs fixed

* 10594: HTML Theme: field term colons are doubled if using Docutils 0.18+
* 10596: Build failure if Docutils version is 0.18 (not 0.18.1) due
to missing ``Node.findall()``
* 10506: LaTeX: build error if highlighting inline code role in figure caption
(refs: 10251)
* 10634: Make -P (pdb) option work better with exceptions triggered from events
* 10031: py domain: Fix spurious whitespace in unparsing various operators (``+``,
``-``, ``~``, and ``**``). Patch by Adam Turner.
* 10460: logging: Always show node source locations as absolute paths.
* HTML Search: HTML tags are displayed as a part of object name
* HTML Search: search snipets should not be folded
* HTML Search: Minor errors are emitted on fetching search snipets
* HTML Search: The markers for header links are shown in the search result
* 10520: HTML Theme: Fix use of sidebar classes in ``agogo.css_t``.
* 6679: HTML Theme: Fix inclusion of hidden toctrees in the agogo theme.
* 10566: HTML Theme: Fix enable_search_shortcuts does not work
* 8686: LaTeX: Text can fall out of code-block at end of page and leave artifact
on next page
* 10633: LaTeX: user injected ``\color`` commands in topic or admonition boxes may
cause color leaks in PDF due to upstream `framed.sty <>`_
* 10638: LaTeX: framed coloured boxes in highlighted code (e.g. highlighted
diffs using Pygments style ``'manni'``) inherit thickness of code-block frame
* 10647: LaTeX: Only one ``\label`` is generated for ``desc_signature`` node
even if it has multiple node IDs
* 10579: i18n: UnboundLocalError is raised on translating raw directive
* 9577, 10088: py domain: Fix warning for duplicate Python references when
using ``:any:`` and autodoc.
* 10548: HTML Search: fix minor summary issues.



Features added

* 10523: HTML Theme: Expose the Docutils's version info tuple as a template
variable, ``docutils_version_info``. Patch by Adam Turner.

Bugs fixed

* 10538: autodoc: Inherited class attribute having docstring is documented even
if :confval:`autodoc_inherit_docstring` is disabled
* 10509: autosummary: autosummary fails with a shared library
* 10497: py domain: Failed to resolve strings in Literal. Patch by Adam Turner.
* 10523: HTML Theme: Fix double brackets on citation references in Docutils 0.18+.
Patch by Adam Turner.
* 10534: Missing CSS for nav.contents in Docutils 0.18+. Patch by Adam Turner.



Bugs fixed

* 10498: gettext: TypeError is raised when sorting warning messages if a node
has no line number. Patch by Adam Turner.
* 10493: HTML Theme: :rst:dir:`topic` directive is rendered incorrectly with
Docutils 0.18. Patch by Adam Turner.
* 10495: IndexError is raised for a :rst:role:`kbd` role having a separator.
Patch by Adam Turner.


* 9575: autodoc: The annotation of return value should not be shown when
* 9648: autodoc: ``*args`` and ``**kwargs`` entries are duplicated when
* 8180: autodoc: Docstring metadata ignored for attributes
* 10443: epub: EPUB builder can't detect the mimetype of .webp file
* 10104: gettext: Duplicated locations are shown if 3rd party extension does
not provide correct information
* 10456: py domain: ``:meta:`` fields are displayed if docstring contains two
or more meta-field
* 9096: sphinx-build: the value of progress bar for paralle build is wrong
* 10110: sphinx-build: exit code is not changed when error is raised on
builder-finished event



Incompatible changes

* 10112: extlinks: Disable hardcoded links detector by default
* 9993, 10177: std domain: Disallow to refer an inline target via
:rst:role:`ref` role


* ``sphinx.ext.napoleon.docstring.GoogleDocstring._qualify_name()``

Features added

* 10260: Enable ``FORCE_COLOR`` and ``NO_COLOR`` for terminal colouring
* 10234: autosummary: Add "autosummary" CSS class to summary tables
* 10125: extlinks: Improve suggestion message for a reference having title
* 10112: extlinks: Add :confval:`extlinks_detect_hardcoded_links` to enable
hardcoded links detector feature
* 9494, 9456: html search: Add a config variable
:confval:`html_show_search_summary` to enable/disable the search summaries
* 9337: HTML theme, add option ``enable_search_shortcuts`` that enables :kbd:`/` as
a Quick search shortcut and :kbd:`Esc` shortcut that
removes search highlighting.
* 10107: i18n: Allow to suppress translation warnings by adding ``noqa``
comment to the tail of each translation message
* 10252: C++, support attributes on classes, unions, and enums.
* 10253: :rst:role:`pep` role now generates URLs based on `

Bugs fixed

* 9876: autodoc: Failed to document an imported class that is built from native
binary module
* 10133: autodoc: Crashed when mocked module is used for type annotation
* 10146: autodoc: :confval:`autodoc_default_options` does not support
``no-value`` option
* 9971: autodoc: TypeError is raised when the target object is annotated by
unhashable object
* 10205: extlinks: Failed to compile regexp on checking hardcoded links
* 10277: html search: Could not search short words (ex. "use")
* 9529: LaTeX: named auto numbered footnote (ex. ``[named]``) that is referred
multiple times was rendered to a question mark
* 9924: LaTeX: multi-line :rst:dir:`cpp:function` directive has big vertical
spacing in Latexpdf
* 10158: LaTeX: excessive whitespace since v4.4.0 for undocumented
variables/structure members 
* 10175: LaTeX: named footnote reference is linked to an incorrect footnote if
the name is also used in the different document
* 10269: manpage: Failed to resolve the title of :rst:role:`ref` cross references
* 10179: i18n: suppress "rST localization" warning
* 10118: imgconverter: Unnecessary availablity check is called for remote URIs
* 10181: napoleon: attributes are displayed like class attributes for google
style docstrings when :confval:`napoleon_use_ivar` is enabled
* 10122: sphinx-build: make.bat does not check the installation of sphinx-build
command before showing help
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Update sphinx-markdown-tables from 0.0.15 to 0.0.17.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?

  • PyPI:
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Update docstr-coverage from 2.1.1 to 2.2.0.

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  • Repo:

Update flake8 from 4.0.1 to 5.0.2.

The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. Got an idea?

  • PyPI:
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  • Repo:

Update pre-commit from 2.17.0 to 2.20.0.




- Expose `source` and `object-name` (positional args) of `prepare-commit-msg`
 - 2407 PR by M-Whitaker.
 - 2406 issue by M-Whitaker.

- Fix `language: ruby` installs when `--user-install` is set in gemrc.
 - 2394 PR by narpfel.
 - 2393 issue by narpfel.
- Adjust pty setup for solaris.
 - 2390 PR by gaige.
 - 2389 issue by gaige.
- Remove unused `--config` option from `gc`, `sample-config`,
`validate-config`, `validate-manifest` sub-commands.
 - 2429 PR by asottile.



- Allow multiple outputs from `language: dotnet` hooks.
 - 2332 PR by WallucePinkham.
- Add more information to `healthy()` failure.
 - 2348 PR by asottile.
- Upgrade ruby-build.
 - 2342 PR by jalessio.
- Add `pre-commit validate-config` / `pre-commit validate-manifest` and
deprecate `pre-commit-validate-config` and `pre-commit-validate-manifest`.
 - 2362 PR by asottile.

- Fix `pre-push` when pushed ref contains spaces.
 - 2345 PR by wwade.
 - 2344 issue by wwade.

- Change `pre-commit-validate-config` / `pre-commit-validate-manifest` to
`pre-commit validate-config` / `pre-commit validate-manifest`.
 - 2362 PR by asottile.



- Fix regression for `repo: local` hooks running `python<3.7`
 - 2324 PR by asottile.



- Keep `GIT_HTTP_PROXY_AUTHMETHOD` in git environ.
 - 2272 PR by VincentBerthier.
 - 2271 issue by VincentBerthier.
- Support both `cs` and `coursier` executables for coursier hooks.
 - 2293 PR by Holzhaus.
- Include more information in errors for `language_version` /
`additional_dependencies` for languages which do not support them.
 -  2315 PR by asottile.
- Have autoupdate preferentially pick tags which look like versions when
there are multiple equivalent tags.
 - 2312 PR by mblayman.
 - 2311 issue by mblayman.
- Upgrade `ruby-build`.
 - 2319 PR by jalessio.
- Add top level `default_install_hook_types` which will be installed when
`--hook-types` is not specified in `pre-commit install`.
 - 2322 PR by asottile.

- Fix typo in help message for `--from-ref` and `--to-ref`.
 - 2266 PR by leetrout.
- Prioritize binary builds for R dependencies.
 - 2277 PR by lorenzwalthert.
- Fix handling of git worktrees.
 - 2252 PR by daschuer.
- Fix handling of `$R_HOME` for R hooks.
 - 2301 PR by jeff-m-sullivan.
 - 2300 issue by jeff-m-sullivan.
- Fix a rare race condition in change stashing.
 - 2323 PR by asottile.
 - 2287 issue by ian-h-chamberlain.

- Remove python3.6 support.  Note that pre-commit still supports running hooks
written in older versions, but pre-commit itself requires python 3.7+.
 - 2215 PR by asottile.
- pre-commit has migrated from the `master` branch to `main`.
 - 2302 PR by asottile.
  • PyPI:
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  • Repo:

Update click from 8.0.4 to 8.1.3.




Released 2022-04-28

-   Use verbose form of ``typing.Callable`` for ``command`` and
 ``group``. :issue:`2255`
-   Show error when attempting to create an option with
 ``multiple=True, is_flag=True``. Use ``count`` instead.



Released 2022-03-31

-   Fix error message for readable path check that was mixed up with the
 executable check. :pr:`2236`
-   Restore parameter order for ``Path``, placing the ``executable``
 parameter at the end. It is recommended to use keyword arguments
 instead of positional arguments. :issue:`2235`



Released 2022-03-30

-   Fix an issue with decorator typing that caused type checking to
 report that a command was not callable. :issue:`2227`



Released 2022-03-28

-   Drop support for Python 3.6. :pr:`2129`
-   Remove previously deprecated code. :pr:`2130`

 -   ``Group.resultcallback`` is renamed to ``result_callback``.
 -   ``autocompletion`` parameter to ``Command`` is renamed to
 -   ``get_terminal_size`` is removed, use
     ``shutil.get_terminal_size`` instead.
 -   ``get_os_args`` is removed, use ``sys.argv[1:]`` instead.

-   Rely on :pep:`538` and :pep:`540` to handle selecting UTF-8 encoding
 instead of ASCII. Click's locale encoding detection is removed.
-   Single options boolean flags with ``show_default=True`` only show
 the default if it is ``True``. :issue:`1971`
-   The ``command`` and ``group`` decorators can be applied with or
 without parentheses. :issue:`1359`
-   The ``Path`` type can check whether the target is executable.
-   ``Command.show_default`` overrides ``Context.show_default``, instead
 of the other way around. :issue:`1963`
-   Parameter decorators and ``group`` handles ``cls=None`` the same as
 not passing ``cls``. ``option`` handles ``help=None`` the same as
 not passing ``help``. :issue:`1959`
-   A flag option with ``required=True`` requires that the flag is
 passed instead of choosing the implicit default value. :issue:`1978`
-   Indentation in help text passed to ``Option`` and ``Command`` is
 cleaned the same as using the ``option`` and ``command``
 decorators does. A command's ``epilog`` and ``short_help`` are also
 processed. :issue:`1985`
-   Store unprocessed ````, ``epilog`` and ``short_help``
 strings. Processing is only done when formatting help text for
 output. :issue:`2149`
-   Allow empty str input for ``prompt()`` when
 ``confirmation_prompt=True`` and ``default=""``. :issue:`2157`
-   Windows glob pattern expansion doesn't fail if a value is an invalid
 pattern. :issue:`2195`
-   It's possible to pass a list of ``params`` to ``command``. Any
 params defined with decorators are appended to the passed params.
-   ``command`` decorator is annotated as returning the correct type if
 a ``cls`` argument is used. :issue:`2211`
-   A ``Group`` with ``invoke_without_command=True`` and ``chain=False``
 will invoke its result callback with the group function's return
 value. :issue:`2124`
-   ``to_info_dict`` will not fail if a ``ParamType`` doesn't define a
 ``name``. :issue:`2168`
-   Shell completion prioritizes option values with option prefixes over
 new options. :issue:`2040`
-   Options that get an environment variable value using
 ``autoenvvar_prefix`` treat an empty value as ``None``, consistent
 with a direct ``envvar``. :issue:`2146`
  • PyPI:
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  • Homepage:

Update colorama from 0.4.4 to 0.4.5.



* Catch a racy ValueError that could occur on exit.
* Create, for Colorama contributors.
* Tweak some README unicode characters that don't render correctly on PyPI.
* Fix some tests that were failing on some operating systems.
* Add support for Python 3.9.
* Add support for PyPy3.
* Add support for pickling with the ``dill`` module.
  • PyPI:
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  • Repo:

Update cryptography from 36.0.1 to 37.0.4.




* Updated Windows, macOS, and Linux wheels to be compiled with OpenSSL 3.0.5.

.. _v37-0-3:



.. attention::

 This release was subsequently yanked from PyPI due to a regression in OpenSSL.

* Updated Windows, macOS, and Linux wheels to be compiled with OpenSSL 3.0.4.

.. _v37-0-2:



* Updated Windows, macOS, and Linux wheels to be compiled with OpenSSL 3.0.3.
* Added a constant needed for an upcoming pyOpenSSL release.

.. _v37-0-1:



* Fixed an issue where parsing an encrypted private key with the public
loader functions would hang waiting for console input on OpenSSL 3.0.x rather
than raising an error.
* Restored some legacy symbols for older ``pyOpenSSL`` users. These will be
removed again in the future, so ``pyOpenSSL`` users should still upgrade
to the latest version of that package when they upgrade ``cryptography``.

.. _v37-0-0:



* Updated Windows, macOS, and Linux wheels to be compiled with OpenSSL 3.0.2.
* **BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE:** Dropped support for LibreSSL 2.9.x and 3.0.x.
The new minimum LibreSSL version is 3.1+.
* **BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE:** Removed ``signer`` and ``verifier`` methods
from the public key and private key classes. These methods were originally
deprecated in version 2.0, but had an extended deprecation timeline due
to usage. Any remaining users should transition to ``sign`` and ``verify``.
* Deprecated OpenSSL 1.1.0 support. OpenSSL 1.1.0 is no longer supported by
the OpenSSL project. The next release of ``cryptography`` will be the last
to support compiling with OpenSSL 1.1.0.
* Deprecated Python 3.6 support. Python 3.6 is no longer supported by the
Python core team. Support for Python 3.6 will be removed in a future
``cryptography`` release.
* Deprecated the current minimum supported Rust version (MSRV) of 1.41.0.
In the next release we will raise MSRV to 1.48.0. Users with the latest
``pip`` will typically get a wheel and not need Rust installed, but check
:doc:`/installation` for documentation on installing a newer ``rustc`` if
* Deprecated
:class:`~cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.algorithms.IDEA`, and
:class:`~cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.algorithms.Blowfish` because
they are legacy algorithms with extremely low usage. These will be removed
in a future version of ``cryptography``.
* Added limited support for distinguished names containing a bit string.
* We now ship ``universal2`` wheels on macOS, which contain both ``arm64``
and ``x86_64`` architectures. Users on macOS should upgrade to the latest
``pip`` to ensure they can use this wheel, although we will continue to
ship ``x86_64`` specific wheels for now to ease the transition.
* This will be the final release for which we ship ``manylinux2010`` wheels.
Going forward the minimum supported ``manylinux`` ABI for our wheels will
be ``manylinux2014``. The vast majority of users will continue to receive
``manylinux`` wheels provided they have an up to date ``pip``. For PyPy
wheels this release already requires ``manylinux2014`` for compatibility
with binaries distributed by upstream.
* Added support for multiple
:class:`~cryptography.x509.ocsp.OCSPSingleResponse` in a
* Restored support for signing certificates and other structures in
:doc:`/x509/index` with SHA3 hash algorithms.
* :class:`~cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.algorithms.TripleDES` is
disabled in FIPS mode.
* Added support for serialization of PKCS12 CA friendly names/aliases in
* Added support for 12-15 byte (96 to 120 bit) nonces to
:class:`~cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.aead.AESOCB3`. This class
previously supported only 12 byte (96 bit).
* Added support for
:class:`~cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.aead.AESSIV` when using
OpenSSL 3.0.0+.
* Added support for serializing PKCS7 structures from a list of
certificates with
* Added support for parsing :rfc:`4514` strings with
* Added :attr:`~cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.padding.PSS.AUTO` to
:class:`~cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.padding.PSS`. This can
be used to verify a signature where the salt length is not already known.
* Added :attr:`~cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.padding.PSS.DIGEST_LENGTH`
to :class:`~cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.padding.PSS`. This
constant will set the salt length to the same length as the ``PSS`` hash
* Added support for loading RSA-PSS key types with
This functionality is limited to OpenSSL 1.1.1e+ and loads the key as a
normal RSA private key, discarding the PSS constraint information.

.. _v36-0-2:



* Updated Windows, macOS, and Linux wheels to be compiled with OpenSSL 1.1.1n.

.. _v36-0-1:
  • PyPI:
  • Changelog:
  • Repo:

Update requests from 2.27.1 to 2.28.1.





- Speed optimization in `iter_content` with transition to `yield from`. (6170)


- Added support for chardet 5.0.0 (6179)
- Added support for charset-normalizer 2.1.0 (6169)




- ⚠️ Requests has officially dropped support for Python 2.7. ⚠️ (6091)
- Requests has officially dropped support for Python 3.6 (including pypy3.6). (6091)


- Wrap JSON parsing issues in Request's JSONDecodeError for payloads without
an encoding to make `json()` API consistent. (6097)
- Parse header components consistently, raising an InvalidHeader error in
all invalid cases. (6154)
- Added provisional 3.11 support with current beta build. (6155)
- Requests got a makeover and we decided to paint it black. (6095)


- Fixed bug where setting `CURL_CA_BUNDLE` to an empty string would disable
cert verification. All Requests 2.x versions before 2.28.0 are affected. (6074)
- Fixed urllib3 exception leak, wrapping `urllib3.exceptions.SSLError` with
`requests.exceptions.SSLError` for `content` and `iter_content`. (6057)
- Fixed issue where invalid Windows registry entires caused proxy resolution
to raise an exception rather than ignoring the entry. (6149)
- Fixed issue where entire payload could be included in the error message for
JSONDecodeError. (6036)
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pyup-bot avatar Aug 01 '22 19:08 pyup-bot