ep_ldapauth copied to clipboard
Property Anonymous Read Only
TypeError: Cannot read property 'anonymousReadonly' of undefined
"users": {
"ldapauth": {
"url": "ldap://domain.local:389",
"accountBase": "ou=People,dc=domain,dc=local",
"accountPattern": "(&(objectClass=*)(uid={{username}}))",
"displayNameAttribute": "cn",
"searchDN": "CN=etherpad-ldap,OU=ServiceAccounts,OU=People,DC=domain,DC=local",
"searchPWD": "caaccacacaca",
"groupSearchBase": "ou=People,dc=domain,dc=local",
"groupAttribute": "member",
"groupAttributeIsDN": true,
"searchScope": "sub",
"groupSearch": "(&(cn=admin)(objectClass=Important People))",
"anonymousReadonly": false
the json is proper for anonymousReadonly as it is the last item in the dictionary and therefore doesnt need a comma. Doesnt make sense why its throwing the error. Any ideas?
I don't see any issues with your configuration either, though (objectClass=Important People) seems a bit odd to me, I can only assume your LDAP scheme has some extended class named that.
I commented out the anonymousReadonly function and am now getting an undefined url error however I am using a valid ldap url.
[2018-03-02 12:54:13.038] [ERROR] console - TypeError: Cannot read property 'url' of undefined at Object.exports.authenticate [as hook_fn] (/etherpad/etherpad-lite/node_modules/ep_ldapauth/ep_ldapauth.js:36:35) at normalizedhook (/etherpad/etherpad-lite/src/static/js/pluginfw/hooks.js:15:27) at hookCallWrapper (/etherpad/etherpad-lite/src/static/js/pluginfw/hooks.js:21:14) at /etherpad/etherpad-lite/src/static/js/pluginfw/hooks.js:111:7 at next (/etherpad/etherpad-lite/src/static/js/pluginfw/hooks.js:46:5) at Object.exports.mapFirst (/etherpad/etherpad-lite/src/static/js/pluginfw/hooks.js:52:3) at Object.exports.aCallFirst (/etherpad/etherpad-lite/src/static/js/pluginfw/hooks.js:108:11) at authenticate (/etherpad/etherpad-lite/src/node/hooks/express/webaccess.js:45:20) at /etherpad/etherpad-lite/src/node/hooks/express/webaccess.js:83:5 at /etherpad/etherpad-lite/src/node/hooks/express/webaccess.js:15:14
I have pointed it to one DC and it is not even querying. I am getting an http 500 error. When looking at AD logs no query even shows up.
[2018-03-02 14:16:39.689] [DEBUG] ueberDB - SET - sessionstorage:sbgceszr0uG5UjCrZ8wrwqt4jEVh7f4O - {"cookie":{"path":"/","_expires":null,"originalMaxAge":null,"httpOnly":true,"secure":false}} - to database
[2018-03-02 14:16:39.693] [DEBUG] http - 500, GET /
I had this issue when building latest etherpad-lite from master, fixed when built it with release version 1.7.5.
Adding "password": "dummy_password"
to ldapauth-seciton in settings.json solved the problem for my setup.