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New version
Hi to all, aarlo, after update ask me to remove -platform
So i've to remove all part of
camera: platform: aarlo
or only - platform: aarlo?
it will be camera:
hass give me error for rebooting Avvisi di configurazione Invalid config for 'binary_sensor' at configuration.yaml, line 56: required key 'platform' not provided Invalid config for 'switch' at configuration.yaml, line 62: required key 'platform' not provided Invalid config for 'alarm_control_panel' at configuration.yaml, line 31: required key 'platform' not provided
If they are empty I guess you have to remove it all.
Please help me
aarlo: host: https://my.arlo.com username: !secret arlo_username password: !secret arlo_password mqtt_host: mqtt-cluster-z1.arloxcld.com tfa_host: 'imap.gmail.com' tfa_username: !secret GV_USER tfa_password: !secret GV_PASS
- platform: aarlo away_mode_name: armed home_mode_name: home trigger_time: 30 alarm_volume: 8
- platform: aarlo
media_player: platform: aarlo
- platform: aarlo
- total_cameras
- last_capture
- recent_activity
- captured_today
- battery_level
- signal_strength
- platform: aarlo
- motion
- sound
- ding
- platform: aarlo siren: True all_sirens: True snapshot: True doorbell_silence: True siren_volume: 1 siren_duration: 10
This is basic Home Assistant config stuff and not Arlo specific. You don't need those entries they are now kept in the integration settings.
Try commenting them out. You can do one section at a time if you want. Something like this:
# host: https://my.arlo.com/
# username: !secret arlo_username
# password: !secret arlo_password
# mqtt_host: mqtt-cluster-z1.arloxcld.com
# tfa_host: 'imap.gmail.com'
# tfa_username: !secret GV_USER
# tfa_password: !secret GV_PASS
# platform: aarlo
# siren: True
# all_sirens: True
# snapshot: True
# doorbell_silence: True
# siren_volume: 1
# siren_duration: 10
You can also make sure the config is correct by checking Developer Tools -> YAML -> Check Configuration
Tanks very much now i've no errors and ONLY VIEW ARLO CAMERAS work. but i've an other problem NEVER SOLVED. When i want ARM (and DISARM) ARLO with aarlo integration, i click but nothing happens
aarlo: host: https://my.arlo.com username: !secret arlo_username password: !secret arlo_password mqtt_host: mqtt-cluster-z1.arloxcld.com tfa_host: 'imap.gmail.com' tfa_username: !secret GV_USER tfa_password: !secret GV_PASS
I'm going to need logs for that one.
See here to turn on verbose debugging and here on how to encrypt it.
It's really difficut for me because my english is really poor and translation is bad for my motherlanguage.
Can help these pictures?
aarlo change STATUS when i activate it from arlo app
i can ONLY disarm from home assistant aarlo.
i can't ARM IT!
Good to hear!
Sorry for not replying quicker but my "real" job needed attention.
don't worry twrecked you are always gentle.
I've create a boolean switch with 2 scripts (arm /disarm) and used states of panel