
Results 77 issues of Ming-Hsuan-Tu

Does this project support multi-gpu?

I can't reproduce t 22 FPS in jetson nano. I got only 16 FPS with resnet18 backbone. any idea?

Hi, there are some of the loss weights, like https://github.com/yzd-v/FGD/blob/master/mmdet/distillation/losses/fgd.py#L27 How did you tune these loss weights? Any guideline to tune these hyper parameters?

It is not easy to deploy gate operator with some other backends, like TensorRT. So my question is can we futher improve autoalim without the dynamic gate when inference?Any ongoing...

This would fix cuda memory access error when reading the images from the disk. for example, if the desired resized resolution is 300x300, and the image being read is 1080...

I tried to train with cifar10 and set margin to 2, but got nan. learning rate is set to 0.1. Any idea?

I found out that memory leak may happen in `box_list_iou` (https://github.com/zhangxiaosong18/FreeAnchor/blob/master/maskrcnn_benchmark/modeling/rpn/free_anchor_loss.py#L108) when it processes large number of ground truth, of course the gpu memory grows up. but it never frees...

Hi, Since FPN has a equation to map rois to different levels. larger rois would be fed into deeper layers. In the code (https://github.com/unsky/FPN/blob/master/lib/rpn/proposal_target_layer.py#L164), If there are no rois can...

Hi what is the meaning of `depth_div` used in `new_ch`? https://github.com/zsef123/EfficientNets-PyTorch/blob/master/models/effnet.py#L81

Can't make the doc html ``` [autosummary] generating autosummary for: cmake_example.rst, index.rst Failed to import 'cmake_example': no module named cmake_example building [mo]: targets for 0 po files that are out...