
Results 119 comments of Ming-Hsuan-Tu

update ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1567200/158740978-6c976b01-f0d6-461e-9487-195271e0f4e2.png)

yup I am going to test with coco.

@renyu-renyu Are you talking with me?

Yup. What is your opinion about FGD?

Yup. I was training widerface. but did not get good result, what about you?

what do you mean reproduced but the accuracy is not ideal? does the accuracy not match the paper?

Can you share your reproduced accuracies and the paper accuracies?

@Zzzzz1 請問在 train coco with ReviewKD 的時候,teacher net 是的 bn 是用 training mode 還是 eval mode? 從 code 上面看不出有切換到 eval mode

@Ontheway361 從 PAPER 的 Equation(3) 來看,會導致出現負號的原因是因為加了 log 嗎