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TailProducer clean up
If NamedProducer and AlsoProducer kept the full type of the types they wrapped, and we made TailProducer a typeclass (trait IsTail[P]
) we could avoid having the duplication of AlsoTail and Named tail producer with:
case class NamedProducer[P, N <: Producer[P, T], T](named: N) extends Producer[P, T]
case class AlsoProducer[P, Left <: Producer[P, Any], Right <: Producer[P, T], T](ensure: Left, result: Right) extends Producer[P, T]
sealed trait IsTail[T]
object IsTail {
implicit def summer[P, K, V]: IsTail[Summer[P, K, V]] = new IsTail[Summer[P, K, V]]
implicit def sink[P, T]: IsTail[Sink[P, T]] = new IsTail[Sink[P, T]]
implicit def named[P, N, T](implicit t: IsTail[N]): IsTail[NamedProducer[P, N, T]] = ...
implicit def also[P, L, R, T](implicit r: IsTail[R]): IsTail[AlsoProducer[P, L, R, T]] = ...
then plan becomes:
trait Platform[P] {
def plan[R <: Producer[P, T], T](p: R)(implicit i: IsTail[R]): Plan[T]
Wow, this indeed makes it much simpler, but this will cause backwards incompatible, right?
It would be backwards incompatible for binary, but I am assuming most user code does not reference TailProducer so it could be source compatible.
That said, the gain may be low and not outweigh even a little backwards incompatibility.