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Twitter's collection of LZO and Protocol Buffer-related Hadoop, Pig, Hive, and HBase code.
The "Hive Support" section in the root Readme.md file has a broken link. "see How to use Elephant Bird with Hive."
Has anyone tested compatibility with protobuf 3.x?
Hi, I'd like to share my results on API changes analysis for the library: https://abi-laboratory.pro/java/tracker/timeline/elephant-bird-core/ The report is generated by the https://github.com/lvc/japi-compliance-checker tool for jars found at http://central.maven.org/maven2/com/twitter/elephantbird/elephant-bird-core/ according to...
I am trying to install twitter's Elephant Bird parser and I am following the instructions on the official github page. But everytime, the build fails. 1. I used this link...
I am trying to merge multiple solr collections into single using provided tool HdfsMergeTool. But i get the bellow error: Used command : hadoop jar HdfMergeSolr.jar /work/slr_merged_1_and_2 2 /solr/collection_1 /solr/collection_2...
In my current case the ThriftUtils.getFieldType(...) is not able to successful reflect a field named signal_name out of the thrift class. Example thrift struct: > struct TSignal { > 1:...
Trying to load the json file which is having null values in it by using elephant-bird JsonLoader. sample.json `{"created_at":"Mon Aug 22 10:48:23 +0000 2016","id":767674772662607873,"id_str":"767674772662607873","text":"KPIT Image Result for https:\/\/t.co\/Nas2ZnF1zZ... https:\/\/t.co\/9TnelwtIvm","source":"\u003ca href=\"http:\/\/twitter.com\"...
Hi, In many general cases, compact protocol bytes in lzo-block file can save 10%~15% size than binary protocol bytes, but the ThriftConverter can't choose other protocol factory than TBinaryProtocol.Factory when...
Hi All, I am trying to port Elephant Bird Stable Release "2.2.3" on RHEL 7.2 ppc64le using open jdk 1.8 Got success in running ant, ant compile, ant resolve, ant...
In `com.twitter.elephantbird.mapreduce.output.LuceneIndexOutputFormat.createIndexWriter`, there is a call to the API `org.apache.lucene.index.LogByteSizeMergePolicy.setUseCompoundFile`, which was removed after version 4.0.0 of `org.apache.lucene:lucene-queryparser`. This prevents me from using any features of later versions of the...