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API docs for serverless-scan is outdated
Missing and deprecated post body data on
This issue was reported back when we were shipping 20.12. Since then we've started shipping an OpenAPI spec file (starting with 21.04)
The location of the link reported above is now here:
Now that we're shipping the OpenAPI spec, it's a much more accurate reference. Nonetheless, let's revalidate that everything works as expected.
For this issue, complete the following tasks:
- [ ] Review that the current documentation for the Serverless Scan Settings endpoints (GET and POST are still accurate.
- [ ] Fully test the GET and POST endpoints - test all query params in your lab environment, and make sure you can use them.
- [ ] Add new reference information (documentation) for anything you learn about the endpoints
- [ ] Revalidate the example curl commands - update if necessary.
- [ ] Review the strings for the request body params. Create an issue in the engr repo for params that aren't clear or that don't meet our standards for doc strings. Engr will update the strings in the OpenAPI spec next release.