twilio-video.js copied to clipboard
remote participants networkQualityLevel returns null
Trying to access room participants network quality for hosts debugging purposes but getting null even when room settings have been set as 2 for both local participants and remote participants
- [X] I have verified that the issue occurs with the latest twilio-video.js release and is not marked as a known issue in the
- [X] I reviewed the Common Issues and open GitHub issues and verified that this report represents a potentially new issue.
- [X] I verified that the Quickstart application works in my environment.
- [X] I am not sharing any Personally Identifiable Information (PII) or sensitive account information (API keys, credentials, etc.) when reporting this issue.
Code to reproduce the issue:
// export default function useConnectionOptions() {
const { roomType, settings } = useAppState();
// See:
// for available connection options.
const connectionOptions: ConnectOptions = {
// Bandwidth Profile, Dominant Speaker, and Network Quality
// features are only available in Small Group or Group Rooms.
// Please set "Room Type" to "Group" or "Small Group" in your
// Twilio Console:
// video: { height: 720, frameRate: 24, width: 1280 },
bandwidthProfile: {
video: {
mode: settings.bandwidthProfileMode,
dominantSpeakerPriority: settings.dominantSpeakerPriority,
trackSwitchOffMode: settings.trackSwitchOffMode,
contentPreferencesMode: settings.contentPreferencesMode,
clientTrackSwitchOffControl: settings.clientTrackSwitchOffControl,
dominantSpeaker: true,
networkQuality: { local: 2, remote: 2 },
// Comment this line if you are playing music.
maxAudioBitrate: Number(settings.maxAudioBitrate),
// VP8 simulcast enables the media server in a Small Group or Group Room
// to adapt your encoded video quality for each RemoteParticipant based on
// their individual bandwidth constraints. Simulcast should be disabled if
// you are using Peer-to-Peer or 'Go' Rooms.
preferredVideoCodecs: [{ codec: 'VP8', simulcast: roomType !== 'peer-to-peer' && roomType !== 'go' }],
//@ts-ignore - Internal use only. This property is not exposed in type definitions.
environment: process.env.REACT_APP_TWILIO_ENVIRONMENT,
// For mobile browsers, limit the maximum incoming video bitrate to 2.5 Mbps.
if (isMobile && connectionOptions?.bandwidthProfile?.video) {
connectionOptions!.bandwidthProfile!.video!.maxSubscriptionBitrate = 2500000;
if (process.env.REACT_APP_TWILIO_ENVIRONMENT === 'dev') {
//@ts-ignore - Internal use only. This property is not exposed in type definitions.
connectionOptions!.wsServer = 'wss://';
// Here we remove any 'undefined' values. The twilio-video SDK will only use defaults
// when no value is passed for an option. It will throw an error when 'undefined' is passed.
return removeUndefineds(connectionOptions);
Expected behavior:
Get the network quality level of the remote participants
Actual behavior:
Getting null for the networkQualityLevel and networkQualityStats on remote participants
Software versions:
- [X] Browser(s): Google Chrome 97.0.4692.71
- [X] Operating System: Mac OS Monterey v12.0.1
- [X] twilio-video.js: 2.18.3
- [X] Third-party libraries (e.g., Angular, React, etc.): React v16.14.0
Hi @alejo9226 , thank you for the report. I created an internal ticket to investigate further.
Hi @alejo9226 can you please try on the latest release?
I had tried using latest version @2.21.1 and connection settings were networkQuality: { local: 2, remote: 2 },
still getting null for networkQualityLevel.
@keminkasundra can you please post your connect options here and provide me a room sid?
I am facing the same problem. Remote participant always holds a null value for networkQualityLevel
. I am using a latest release 2.21.1
Any solution for this yet?
any solution for this yet??