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How to record and play voice message after conference call got created if required

Open Rajesh-Thiyagarajan opened this issue 2 years ago • 1 comments

Issue Summary

Hi team

Here is my case.

  1. Create a conference call.
  2. Record and Play voice message if required
  3. Add participants to the call
  4. End conference call

Steps to Reproduce

My TwiML Response image

Create conference call api image

Add Participant image

End conference API using conference id image

Code Snippet

Create TwiMl

@PostMapping(value = "/twiml", produces = "text/xml")
	public String generateTwiml() throws URISyntaxException {

		System.out.println( "IncomingCallWebhook().generateTwiml()" );

		Conference conferenceBuilder = new Conference.Builder( CONFERENCE_ROOM_NAME )//
				.record( Conference.Record.RECORD_FROM_START )//
				.recordingStatusCallback( new URI( PUBLIC_URL + "recordCallBack" ) )//
				.recordingStatusCallbackEvents( Conference.RecordingEvent.COMPLETED )//
				.startConferenceOnEnter( true ).endConferenceOnExit( true ).statusCallback( new URI( PUBLIC_URL + "callback" ) )//
				.statusCallbackMethod( HttpMethod.POST )//
				.statusCallbackEvents( Arrays.asList( Conference.Event.START, Conference.Event.END, Conference.Event.JOIN, Conference.Event.LEAVE, Conference.Event.HOLD, Conference.Event.SPEAKER ) ).build();

		Say say = new Say.Builder( "Hi! Welcome" ).voice( Voice.WOMAN ).language( Language.EN_US ).build();

		Record record1 = new Record.Builder().timeout( 10 ).action( new URI( PUBLIC_URL + "recordVmCallback" ) ).method( HttpMethod.POST )//
				.recordingStatusCallback( new URI( PUBLIC_URL + "recordVmUrl" ) ).recordingStatusCallbackMethod( HttpMethod.POST ).recordingStatusCallbackEvents( Record.RecordingEvent.COMPLETED ).build();

		Say say2 = new Say.Builder( "I did not receive a recording" ).build();

		return new VoiceResponse.Builder().say( say )// .record( record1 ).say( say2 )// .play( play )
				.dial( new Dial.Builder().conference( conferenceBuilder ).build() ).build().toXml();

Create conference code

@PostMapping(value = "/createConference")
	public ResponseEntity<ObjectNode> createConference( @RequestBody ObjectNode objectNode ) throws URISyntaxException, InterruptedException {

		System.out.println( "IncomingCallWebhook().createConference() objectNode = " + objectNode );

		ObjectNode response = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode();

		Twilio.init( objectNode.get( "sid" ).asText(), objectNode.get( "auth" ).asText() );

		Call call = Call.creator( new PhoneNumber( objectNode.get( "to" ).asText() ), new PhoneNumber( objectNode.get( "from" ).asText() ), new URI( PUBLIC_URL + "twiml" ) )//
				.setStatusCallbackEvent( Arrays.asList( "initiated", "ringing", "answered", "completed" ) ).setStatusCallback( new URI( PUBLIC_URL + "call/callback" ) )//
				// .setRecord( true )//
				.setStatusCallbackMethod( HttpMethod.POST ).create();

		response.put( "callid", call.getSid() );

		return ResponseEntity.ok( response );


Add Participant

@PostMapping(value = "/addParticipant")
	public ResponseEntity<String> addParticipant( @RequestBody ObjectNode objectNode ) throws URISyntaxException {

		System.out.println( "IncomingCallWebhook().updateConference() objectNode = " + objectNode );

		Twilio.init( objectNode.get( "sid" ).asText(), objectNode.get( "auth" ).asText() );

		Participant participant = Participant//
				.creator( objectNode.get( "cid" ).asText(), new PhoneNumber( objectNode.get( "from" ).asText() ), new PhoneNumber( objectNode.get( "to" ).asText() ) )//
				// .setRecord( true )

		return ResponseEntity.ok( participant.toString() );


End confernce

@PostMapping(value = "/updateConference")
	public ResponseEntity<String> updateConference( @RequestBody ObjectNode objectNode ) throws URISyntaxException {

		System.out.println( "IncomingCallWebhook().updateConference() objectNode = " + objectNode );

		Twilio.init( objectNode.get( "sid" ).asText(), objectNode.get( "auth" ).asText() ); conference = objectNode.get( "cid" ).asText() ).setStatus( ).update();

		return ResponseEntity.ok( conference.toString() );


Technical details:

  • twilio-java version: 7.48.0
  • java version:amazon corretto 11

Hi Team Can some one help me to implement record and play voice message ?

Thanks is advance.

Rajesh-Thiyagarajan avatar Sep 06 '22 16:09 Rajesh-Thiyagarajan

Hi @Rajesh-Thiyagarajan, Thank you for for taking the time to report this. I would request you to go through this link, and if it doesn't provide information that you are looking for, please file a support ticket here. Thanks!

kridai avatar Sep 07 '22 18:09 kridai